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Sons Of Liberty

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Posts posted by Sons Of Liberty

  1. As for maps that show the mines of Paulding, no I am afraid the society does not have much. You would be better off searching online, Library of Congress, Georgia Archives etc.


    yeah i was afraid of that... egh... wish me luck

  2. I've only used scuba gear a couple of times when dredging. I didn't care for it.

    We never had a permit. We went on privite and leased land.

    I also went to some "common digs" in north Georgia. That was very informative. You pay a fee and can camp over the weekend if you want.

    They use big equipment and dump large scoops out for you to go through.


    cool, well if you ever wanna see the thing, or come across a used one let me know.

  3. I don't think you'd want to get in the water off Lee Road anymore. The road is off Hiram Sudie, between Bill Carruth Pkwy and Hwy 92.


    Pumkinvine is accessable in many areas. It is just full of silt and hard to get to bedrock.

    I have a 2-1/2" dredge and used to have a 4" dredge. (4" was too much work)

    I always took out any lead I found. To keep it out of our ground water.

    I had a lot of fun. Fun being the trick word here. You are not likely to get rich, in anything but fun, and education.

    I enjoy thinking about when the gold was actually formed and deposited and how the areas must have looked then.

    I agree that John Tripcony would have a wealth of info for you.


    are interested in selling your dredges???? :o


    if not would you want to go out one day and do some dredging??? i dont have any scuba gear but i would like to see how its done.


    what are the laws around here for dredges? do you have to get a permit? i know there is nothing wrong with a dredge and they actually promote fish breeding... so i cant imagine you would have too much trouble running one in the county.


    if you know of anymore areas in hiram (thats where i live) please do tell...

    i just caught gold feaver and im trying to cure it :lol:

  4. Some of the best gold I found in Paulding County was in Hiram, off Sudie Road, off Lee Road in a tiny little creek. It is now buried in the STINKY fields. Thanks Paulding County. The next best place was in Pumpinvive creek off Mt. Olivet road, which is now a subdivision. Thanks Paulding County.

    There was was, and is still, gold here. It is hard to find because all the streams here have so much silt and over burden.


    the stream in Hiram, do you mean hiram sudie rd???... does the stream still exist at all???where is the water being redirected? can you access the original stream bed anywhere???


    and on mt. olivet road, is the original stream bed accessible at some point?

  5. do you work for the museum in paulding because i want to go but every time i drive down over there its closed...


    is there any information on the old mines in the museum???


    where do you commonly find the gems here in paulding? are there any good gemfields or is everything taken out of the creek?

    iv recently got into the hobby of flashlighting rubys and saphires in the night time...

  6. Take a left on Stockmar Rd off of 61 hwy and yes there was Gold mines there and they also had an Eisenglass?? plant there. There was 2 or3 mines one was built into the back of the old Stockmar homeplace. Didn't get to go thru that one but did go thru the other one. Was creepy as they had been shut down for years. Just had a friend that lived in the homeplace and was privilidged to rome the whole mountain. Was very educational, think most of it is fenced and different people own it now


    eisenglass as in the stoves??? thats pretty neat.


    i would love to go check that out... where exactly on stockmar was it?


    do you remember any nearby streams?

    if not it wouldnt be very profitable to me since i do not own a good detector...

    either way i would love to check it out.

  7. yeah the gold museum should be interesting, i cant wait for it to open..


    i know the gold rush extended into paulding.. i know where 8 mines are in this county, probably more because iv found some that arnt marked, could be old copper mines though.

  8. Are claims registered at the courthouse here? You could look at old records...


    i dont think so... maybe... that would be a pain, i wonder what records i would have to look in???


    back in the 1800 there were 40 acre gold lots that went for sale in paulding... but i dont think you had to claim mining back then.



    i always thought claims were just deals that the property owner sold to individuals who wanted to mine.

  9. yeah i want to join the GPAA but their closest claim is in buchanan... which isnt THAT far...


    i know they pull rubys and sapphires out of that claim as well and even 2 diamonds have been reported..


    i have been hesitant to join because i can never get a straight answer from the Georgia coordinator if the buchanan claim still even exists.

  10. i quit smoking every once in a while... my throat does the same thing...


    ill cough up crap for about 4 days and then it will go away...


    i figure its just the tar thats coming up.

  11. i just figure that since paulding isnt that great of a gold spot then people wont mind giving up some locations...


    iv got a couple killer spots and i dont mind sharing. iv found as much as half an ounce with my sluice in a couple places in a day.


    i dont mind sharing because i know that every rain we have the gold gets replaced in the stream from the floods... iv been out to a place that was panned 5 times in the same exact spot before and i still found a couple grams worth

  12. i am looking for some leads in the paulding area where you know confirmed gold has been found.


    i know quite a bit of places... we can trade locations.


    PM me please.


    i need to know with each location..


    how much found.

    how wide of a creek.

    was the water good enough for sluicing?

    private property?

    if possible give directions or Lat/Long

  13. glen Richardson... and let me tell you a little about him... he can not be trusted..


    i saw him a couple months ago at marietta square supporting Rudy when Rudy was the supposed "top tier" trying to rub elbows with him...


    i will not say anything on his part for anything he has done because i know the type of game those sh*ts play... i know a lot of crooked information on him... and it will all get leaked out when the time is right...


    for now i can not tell you the anger i have towards this man... and other politicians from this county.

  14. JK is already a MAJOR in the US Army Reserve, so he has taken that oath. The sheriff's race has nothing to do with your little psychotic witch hunt.


    it was a simple question for him to answer...


    what the heck are you talking about?


    witch hunt?? wtf does that even mean?


    i dont want local sheriffs running around breaking the constitution. thats all i was trying to find out... get over it.

  15. im going to ask you the same question i asked that joey guy.


    probably going to be the question that makes or breaks your vote from me.


    Assuming you take the oath of honor when becoming a sheriff??? not sure of this....

    but regardless, as it should be the oath of every american citizen.


    will you be able to uphold your oath, to protect the constitution from all threats... foreign and domestic?

    the part i worry about is our domestic threats on the constitution...


    if there was ever a federal law to come about that is not authorized in the constitution... would you advocate your men to enforce the law... or would you be truly honorable and uphold your oath or your duty as an american?


  16. Friend Ricket, vote for you want to vote for in the primary. I encourage you to do so. But the principle remains: In a general election, voting for a no-chance 3rd party candidate is basically a 2-vote swing for the major party candidate LEAST likely to achieve even the tiniest piece of your preferred agenda. And yes, that same principle does have some application within the primary elections, too. You have to look at the big picture and the larger ramifications of these sideline candidacies, both in primaries and in generals.


    the republican party is shaking and scared sh*tless ron paul will run as a 3rd party if he doesnt win the nomination.. because he will take at least 10% of the republican vote with him...

    just 2 days ago he said he is in it for the long haul as long as we keep fighting for him.


    so... i would imagine if any other republican is elected other than ron paul the republicans are going to lose...


    70% of the people want out of the war... that shows you 70% of the people are going to vote democrat or anti-war candidates..


    10% of the republican vote is going to go to ron paul if he runs 3rd party...


    i predict hillary is going to win the way things are heading...



  17. Fair enough. I've never said you weren't entitled to an opinion. You're certainly entitled to hold out hope for anyone you want.


    As I said -- show me the first primary Ron Paul wins and I welcome the opportunity to reconsider my current outlook on the situation. If he wins a primary, then it would completely turn this race upside down and all current political thinking, including mine, would have to be revisited.


    But that's a "then" that hinges on a mighty big "if." A mighty big one. I don't see it happening.


    he may have very well won Louisiana... if they would count all the votes before march we would know... it sucks too because all the delegates formed this "pro-life/pro-family" mob except for ron paul delegates... in a way its cheating... but it is legal.


    believe me, ill be sure to let everyone know the second ron paul wins a primary or caucus... you can be sure of that.

  18. And in our pcom straw poll he's doing well, too. So what?


    When Ron Paul wins a primary, I'll be happy to revisit my current outlook. I'm telling you now that I think there is no possible way that Ron Paul will be president of the United States.


    by force maybe???? there is no way to tell right now.

    primaries are all illusions... it doesnt matter who wins a popular vote per state.

    i have higher hopes he may win then i did 6 months ago.


    ronald reagan didnt do so well in the early primaries either... but his message eventually caught on... and so i have hope that since it is the same exact message ron paul brings... things could go both ways.

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