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Sons Of Liberty

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Posts posted by Sons Of Liberty

  1. local government is the most important type of politics to be involved with. with all the heat from the presidential elections we really shouldnt have all that much to disagree with on federal levels, the constitution lays it out pretty clear...

    but in local government, these are where the disagreements should fly.


    i typically dont like to elect bankers or anyone tied to a bank. not that there is anything wrong with bankers, i just dont vote that way.


    background is important... i dont look at experiance as much as i do character and ideas.

    you can usually always tell an honest man by his character.


    thats pretty much it for me.

  2. I want to know what you would do for the drugs in the county?


    i also want to know this... and i would like you to assure me you would not take bribes and you would crack down on bribe corruption.


    its not that there are no drugs in paulding.

    we've had 1 meth bust that i know of... ONE...

    i know there is meth here...

    i also know what influences corruptness, and i would need your word that you would never be bought out before you get my vote

  3. i have to admit ron paul's supporters are kinda vicious... i will tell you why.


    a lot of young people love ron paul because he preaches what the government officials dont say like they used to.

    like in reagan's day preaching that government isnt the solution to our problems...

    or like how Eisenhower warned us of the military industrial complex...

    or back in the founding father's days, warned us of entangling alliances and sound monetary policy.


    the old america really sparks the imagination of kids who never got to see that america.


    the kids of today are being brought up in a post 9/11 society where "terrorism" is thrown at their faces daily...

    a lot of people who are just now being able to vote have lived half their lives through this era.





    information is finally starting to come out and people are waking up and asking questions like...


    ...If congress voted for a resolution to find osama bin laden and take out terrorist groups, why did we go to war with Iraq?


    ...Why did we go into Iraq over United Nations' resolutions?


    ...Why are we profiteering in the middle east?


    ...Why did we remove a dictator that had nothing to do with the attacks on September 11th?


    the more you look into it, the more you see that this story goes back nearly 50 years ago... but only now are people beginning to wake up and see whats going on.



    People are starting to look at the IRS and federal reserve and wake up to the legality of these two agencies, and the unconstitutional role they play.


    People are waking up to the liberties being lost and the unconstitutional bills that are going through our house and senate.




    politicians have really strayed away from the old america. the america that embraced revolution and personal liberties and obeyed the supreme law of the land... the constitution.


    these kids that like ron paul ARE NOT political... most think all politics are business as usual and tell currupt lies and get involved in scandals.


    a lot of the things that are happening right now are the exact same things that happened in Nazi Germany before tyranny with fascism fell in place.

    the ron paul supporters that people call crazy or wackos are just trying their best to open peoples eyes... they come off strange because everyone else outside the "ron paul realm" views ron paul as just another politician with wacky die hard supporters... but its more than that, it is an entire movement that has struck the whole nation... a movement no different than MLK or Gandhi or our own american revolution.


    whether ron paul wins or loses it doesnt matter, the movement has been started and it is huge.


    the more people look into it, the more people realize the whole "ron paul revolution" is not a campaign slogan...




    i found out about ron paul and the ideas of freedom like most, through watching various documentaries that are on the Internet that you cant get on TV... television is now considered the "old media" and the Internet is considered the "new media"




    the movies that inspired me and i will now share them with you.(all free to watch)












  4. Thanks for confirming my earlier point.


    I prefer to base my analysis on objective economic indicators.


    what, you dont think everyone could benifit from economic freedom?


    whenever the government has gotten involved in economic devolpment in the past it has always failed, government is always counterproductive in the role as spending needs change which causes tremendous results down the road.


    you cant base things off a set calculated rule... the market changes and so does human nature... praxeology must be used in anything outside of natural sciences relating especially to economic conditions. opportunity costs must not be ignored either.

  5. Your delusional and have been easily decieved. With every dollar the fed chairman injects into the economy it makes the dollar in your pocket worth less. Basic ecnomics. From the words of a past Bob Dillon song, "A hard rain is gonna fall". We certainly have some hard economic times ahead. Remember the hyper inflation of 1927 Germany?


    would half a trillion spending bill be considered hyper inflation? also... where is all this money going to come from when we have to pay off china... america cant pay off a 7 trillion dollar bill. what are we going to hyper inflate the currency then? what the hell will happen when we print 7 trillion dollars out of thin air? this is just rediculous.


  6. You truly have no concept of recent economic history...


    We are entering a period of slow growth and belt tightening (directly from the Fed chairman this week);

    yes there is some inflation, but slow growth by defintion is not recession...


    We have had 48 quarters of tremendous prosperity, this is a natural market correction.


    the fed chairmen, Mr. ben bernanke is an absolute moron and needs to study austrian economics... he is going to inflate the currency so high til all our savings are robbed from our childrens children


    it may not happen soon, but it will happen... you can only inflate the value of the dollar so much... there is only so much money you can print out of thin air and the dollar will collapse in on itself.



    "In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. ... This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard." Alan Greenspan, before he was the former chairmen of the fed

  7. A vote for Paul is a vote to save the country? A vote for anyone else is a vote for the destruction of America?


    Can anyone else here see why I find some of the Ron Paulian hoo-hah chorus to be absolutely insufferable?


    it kinda is though, we are entering a perminant recession... its perminant because the fed has lowered interest rates too much... inflation has gone too high... the founders warned us of this, now its happened, we have to change our monetary system and quick.


    also, we are about to fail militarily and enter a sort of police state with all our liberties being lost and the injustice racism the american government has made part of its campaign in the last 8 or so years. we should have never meddled in these countries 60 years ago, we should have listened to our founding fathers about our role of government in the world.


    ron paul is the only one talking about inflation, monetary problems, the fed, unconstitutional taxes.

    ron paul is the only one speaking out against our failed foreign policy, to stop meddling in other people business around the world, stop policing the nations of the world.


    america is on the verge of no return


    i think martin luther said it best...

  8. 1) There's no way he can win, and I refuse to waste my vote like that.


    how can you throw your vote away? you should vote on the person who you believe will do the job right, not who you think everyone else will vote for... that right there is a waste of your vote, your voice, and your country. the media has branded "top tier" candidates, thats called watering down your vote and if you buy into it your not voting for who you want to vote for, your voting for a couple of guys the media has set up as "electable"


    2) If I *were* going to choose to waste my vote in a protest, it wouldn't be for this guy.


    thats good being your own opinion and all


    3) Electability matters. Ron Paul doesn't have it, isn't getting it, and no cadre of Ron Paul signwavers or drumbeaters is going to give it to him.


    who are you to say?


    he has more military support than any other candidate

    has more african american and arab support than any other republican candidate

    he raise twice as much as any other republican candidate last quarter.

    he has done suprisingly well in all states considering the mass media black out on him.

    blame the media not his message, 70% of republicans do not even know who ron paul is.


    4) Even though I support some of the things he says, I think he is dead wrong on Iraq. We were not tricked or lied to in going to war in Iraq. We acted on the best available information that the world had to offer


    ron paul has never said we were tricked or lied to? what are you talking about???

    this goes back almost 60 years... not just 8 years...

    it started with us overthrowing a very beloved leader in the middle east back int he 60's.

    we installed the shaw puppet government which terrorised its citizens.

    we were bombing holy land through foreign aid to the suadi's. 10 years prior to 9/11


    his issue isnt the war... it is foreign policy... we have a foreign policy that goes against everything the founders warned us of... he believes in non-intervention, and he definatly believe in civil liberties.


    we wernt attacked on 9/11 because we are free and prosperous... we were attacked because we had been attacking them for 10 years prior to 9/11. you cant believe everything the people in washington tell you... but dont listen to me... listen to the guy who everyone was against.




    the american people arnt to blame, the terrorists arnt to blame, our failed foreign policy is to blame. and if you or no one else can accept that, we will continue to have war and more of our men will die and so will others.






    5) On a personal level, he totally weirds me out. Even when I think he says something that makes sense, he makes my skin crawl.


    dont worry, i get the same feeling when i see the ghoulliani



    6) I don't think Ron Paul can beat the democrat candidates. Even to the degree I agree with his positions, I see him as an easy target for the left to destroy.


    ehhhhh... are you kidding me? he is the only one who can... even hitlery herself says ron paul is the only candidate she is threatened to go up against in the general election.



    listen and listen close because this is why the republicans are going to lose.


    70% of the people in america disagree with the war.

    the republican party has shrunk from the war issue and the hijacking of the republican party by the neocons.


    its simple math... the majority of america will never elect a pro-war candidate.

    and every primary so far even backs this up as a democrat has gotten more votes every time.




    in this whole little post you wrote... you didnt give any mention of why you dont like him... the only policy you even brought up was the war issue and you failed to give reason why we need to stay in iraq and consider a nuclear first strike on iran...


    so please give your positions again why you do not like ron pauls policy... and an educated definition why

  9. "It doesnt matter how many votes are counted, but who counts the votes"


    im not a big conspiracy guy... i do trust the voting machines as of right now for the presidential election.


    but i do know their is a court case where a computer programmer confessed he wrote programs for these machines that will flop the vote 51% to 49%.. the final results have to be very close to each other though for it to work or else the programmer said "people would catch on"


    the only problem with this is that we dont know which voting machines they are on, and even if we did, the companies wont let anyone view their source code.


    that right their though, is indeed fact, not conspiracy. i forget the court case but you can easily find it on youtube


    oh yeah but the main point of my post is to finish your quotes because you forgot to write that Joseph Stalin said that.

  10. listen mshoward... on the issues of facts... you have failed to show a document that has ron pauls signature, you have failed to show a video clip of ron paul being racist, you have failed to give any audio....


    i gave you pictures of ron paul with African americans... ron paul is even considering a black guy as his running mate... the NAACP defended ron paul on this for crying out loud.


    this isn't a matter of opinion this is FACT.




    i challenge you, not as enemies, but as fellow american to at least listen to the man before jumping the gun... i dont have anything against any candidate because when it comes down to it, all anyone has are ideologies. the neocons, and democrats have a globalist ideology, and ron paul's ideology is just traditional ol' republican talk... way less government, dismantling special intrest government programs... that sort of thing


    everything ron paul stands for is what the republican party used to stand for.


    that doesnt make him crazy, it just makes him traditional.



    i dont want to argue anyone here because my main goal in life is to spread liberty and peace, just as the good doctor paul says so himself.


    bring up real hard facts about why ron paul would be a bad president other than smears and lies...


    attack his policy if you can... do you even know his policy???


    dont attack him on a personal level... what about ron pauls policy is it you dont like???

  11. Make all the excuses you want, all the facts are there with Ron Paul's name on them.


    (and you obviously did not bother to read the links because the second one is about the CNN interview...)


    I guess you really are "SOL"...



    yes iv seen the reports too, it is a news letter no different then that little "coffee shop news"(cant remember the name of it) slip that floats around Pauling county...


    it didn't have "his" signature or "his" name stating he wrote those things...

    "the ron paul political report" was the name of the newsletter that came out every single week and he had nothing to do with him as their were other publishers and writers for it.


    an NAACP President that has known ron paul for years and good friends with him came out and said after these smears "Ron Paul Is Not A Racist. If you scare the folks that have the money, they're going to attack you and they're going to take it out of context,


    the ACLU has asked Dr Paul specifically to help defend liberty in our country...


    Ron Paul's policies do not discriminate against anyone. in fact he is the only candidate against the war on drugs which disproportional affects African americans.






    In the many decades Ron Paul has been on the planet no one can ever recall him every saying anything racist. Not one instance. There are no witnesses there is no audio there is no text ... nothing!


    have you ever heard of propaganda? it really makes you look bad because you parrot the MSM. its called a SMEAR CAMPAIGN, ron paul is getting more African american votes and more African american donors so naturally the MSM outlets are going to try and smear him.

    this has tried to surface time and time again but you cant call ron paul a racist.

    their is no truth behind it. you can smear him all you want with false information and skewed evidence but it will not make it true... even if he was racist im pretty sure he is the type of man that wouldnt deny it on national television.


    i have noticed something about you that i think you need to get help for, every view point you make comes from the biased MSM... yup... really need to get that checked out.

  12. The Ron Paul campaign is over after his newsletters were exposed last week :


    Ron Paul - Angry White Man


    Ron Paul's Racist Rhetoric


    Ron Paul Bigotry Revolution


    ron paul has gotten more african american votes than any other republican candidates


    stop spewing your bigotry hate with false disproven information...


    ron paul didnt write those news letters, its already been disproven a thousand times


    watch this if you have any sense, this video is a cnn video regarding those links.


  13. you can catch it without killing it by using a mouse trap that can be bought at walmart.


    its made out of plastic and its clear brown.... the mouse can get in but not out... i have caught 5 mice with them and i think they work better than the death traps because they cannot get by without setting off the trap.

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