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Everything posted by jeremyrn

  1. Speed is ok when it's working but it's up and down for me. Messing up downloads... Wish there were more providers to choose from. Hate comcast too.
  2. I'm not a fan of Ann Coulter, she's got some extremist views IMO. But her article on Troy Davis shows a point of view other then the people that are just against the death penalty in general. It also clears up the misconceptions and doubts created that the people opposing the death penalty tried to place on this case. http://townhall.com/columnists/anncoulter/2011/09/21/mumias_the_word It's worth a read. Guy was guilty as can be. And for those trying to make it a race thing because he was black living in the south or the cop was white; consider that the witnesses (34 not 9) were bl
  3. I hope the dog is alright but why doesn't the concerned citizen who called help out the dog who's hung up and then contact animal control? Time a deputy can respond poor hooch would be on his last breath.
  4. I'll let him know he has a fan club next time I see him. Don't think he'll care much too much tho;) And so you know he's taken and whipped already.
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