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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. It's amazing how holiday memories hang with you for your whole life. It's worth taking seriously.
  2. Good. I really tried to get into the mowing thing but just wasn't into it today. But it was a pretty day and the bulbs are coming up. I just wish the wind would have quit. I always looked forward to my Easter basket. We were broke, but my Irish, Catholic Mother never let us down. She was big into it. Do folks still do the Easter Dress thing?
  3. I don't look on it as complaining really....so many people are caught in this trap. Seriously, how many exes of whoever do you hear referred to as "crazy" I know I hear it a lot from friends and family. I really get the impression that's it's more about getting attorneys that know how to play the courts than it is about what's right.
  4. Sooooo, what Ya have for dinner? Did you have baskets for the kids? Egg hunts? Did you get a plant for your yard?
  5. No. Never had been either. I'm just tired of the few renegades that just do their best to run people off this site.
  6. I saw it as an attack by first responding with a yawn and then by calling him a one trick pony. Your results may vary. I just don't understand why people who are not interested in the topic would post in the topic in such a way. Just don't read the topic and leave the ugliness out of it.
  7. Did I miss something? I don't see anything about Americans wanting to leave the country and live in Europe.
  8. Count your lucky stars.......THIS is what literally is knocking on my kitchen window.
  9. I don't recall Democrats being anything but supportive. And I keep my charity closer to home. That's my choice.
  10. The hate and fear from the left? What hate and fear is being promoted by the left exactly? Meanwhile the right is backing hate for the gay community as well as the Muslims. Thats all they do.
  11. No. I have no issue with the truth. I have an issue with spin. Spin that is created to turn people against one another.
  12. The daily signal is owned by the heritage foundation. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Daily_Signal
  13. Pew research center agrees that Fox lies. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/01/14/five-facts-about-fox-news/
  14. I don't think he is Muslim in his heart.......he would be raising his children as Muslim if he were. The republicans, and their do nothing congress, is the real problem. Their hate and fear of everyone that are different are what is poisoning this country. You folks are being played like a fiddle.
  15. Muslims have been in this country for hundreds of years. Fox News is providing fodder for your fear and hate. If you don't see this, I don't intend to spend my day providing proof to you when you can look it up yourself. There are pages and pages of confirmation that Fox News lies.
  16. I've heard from a few folks that swans are mean and can be aggressively mean.
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