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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. That's a good question. I wonder how much the media as well as doctors have to do with the number of people on anti depressants. Feel bad, down in the dumps? Here's a pill.....for the first two weeks you are on the top of the world, then you start gaining weight then you're depressed because you have gained weight...and on and on.... They can help you over a rough spot but they should not be considered a life line. IMO
  2. As you well know, I have another name for those $&@$&@ baskets!
  3. BTW, I have way too many officers in my family to cop bash. It's pretty crazy out there right now so it kinda makes you think
  4. Excellent point. Where are they? Has this been going on for a long time but because of social media, we are just now hearing about it?
  5. A girl friend had all her tall trees cut and then called me to ask what she should do cause she was burning up. I told her it was a little too late! Live and learn. I could tell you about putting a grill up against siding through.
  6. I didn't see a judgement call, I just saw a question asked.
  7. Pollen? You mean there's pollen around? That must be that green/yellow stuff that's all over everything outside, including my indoor/outdoor cats and encroaching into the house. My least favorite mess to clean up. Literally, you leave footsteps when you walk across the porch.
  8. Yes. The video that a bystander took, pretty much told the story.
  9. Miss Sophie, I turned it on too. No reason to sweat in the house is my justification.
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/09/us/dzhokhar-tsarnaev-verdict-boston-marathan-bombing-trial.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0 He is to be sentenced to either life in prison or death.
  11. They almost make a shadow when they blow accross the pastures. Yikes is right!
  12. Well, it's that time of year again. Pollen clouds. Pretty gruesome looking. Glad I don't have allergy issues. The ones that do are surely suffering.
  13. That illness sounds like very rough condition to go through. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  14. Fellow p.comers, these are the kind of friendships that can be forged on this site. Not everyone is looking to umm..."roast your potatoes." I'll know my friends from this site for a very long time, if not a lifetime. Sorry, but I think that's pretty cool.
  15. Ladies, just so you know, Graves is a thyroid issue. How many wonder if they have thyroid issues. If you even have a thought that your misery might be a thyroid issue, please look into it. Trust me, it's a whole lot better on the other side.
  16. Thank you my friend. Can't wait for our beach trip. Just wait till you get a load of this on the beach camp site. We are going to have a blast! Life is good huh? LOL!
  17. SAY WHAT? There's Mac & Cheese, and there's Ina's Mac & Cheese. One's famously awesome and one is Fido's butt.
  18. IKR? Pasta is like my life blood. Mac & Cheese? Not so much. Except for Ina's. LOL
  19. Mannnnn, it's going to be a busy, busy fall, (and in the Vancouver spirit) eh? LOL
  20. I could go without eating M & C , except Ina Garten's, for the rest of my life as well. I've never really liked it either, except Ina's, that stuff is way above the bar as far as I could tell. Pasta is my bread.
  21. Thanks for the response BB, guess it was a "that's just me thing". I could easily eat noodles 4 times a week. There's a place in Vancouver that was shown on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives that is on my food bucket list. The hand made process for Chinese noodles looks like something I would hurt myself with.
  22. Guess we have all grown up eating Campbell's or Lipton chicken noodle soup. I have always wished there were more noodles. So, for this end of the world need, I have come up with this: Lipton, in the ethnic isle there are Manischewitz fine egg noodles. They are identical to the Lipton noodles. Campbell's, barilla collezione, cook the heck out of them, turn off the heat, they swell up and taste exactly like the noodles in Campbell's. Now, we can all go back to settling the worlds problems.
  23. I'll be honest, as far as I'm concerned anyway, this is your site to moderate however you see fit. If I do have an issue when a cry for help either closing a thread or just a warning is requested or warranted, I just would like for someone to hear the plea and act on it. There are plenty of p.com rules, let's just try to get back to following them.
  24. I thought we lost the Mayberry reward along with the unlike feature. Do bullets really still exist?
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