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Everything posted by Revenoor

  1. Good thing the Paulding County School System employee insider can reply to this and show exactly from what skill level the kids are being taught. It's "here" NOT "hear" my dear. Oh, it's only a typo? How many points do you get deducted? None? Why not, perhaps hurt someone's self esteem? The teachers' union has decided that historical fact can be discounted and the children MUST be indoctrinated by means of whatever text books the AFT makes money from. We don't be teaching English here ya know, dis here be the way it is. I am so glad I moved my kids from your system.
  2. I spent my last 3 years of service as a recruiter. As that has been about 15 years ago take this info for what it's worth. Four parts of the ASVAB (Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Mathematics Knowledge) are used to determine eligibility to join the service. Each branch uses different 'minimums' for eligibility depending on their needs at the time, what ethnic group or sex the applicant is and if that person has already graduated high school or is enlisting in the Delayed Entry Program. Back then a minimum of 31 was required for the USN but at times a 50 was r
  3. obeeossliee, since you due nut no how thee engrish
  4. There are only three ways to get DD 5.1 or DTS (digital discreet surround) from any source to receiver that can decode the signal: 1. HDMI 2. Fiber Optic (small almost square outlet that shines the red laser out) usually says Optical 3. RCA jack that is labeled digital audio and is typically color coded brown. Next the source (Blue Ray in this case) must be set up in the menu to output a multi-channel format; it can not be set to PCM. The surround processor or AVR receiver that is capable of of decoding the signal should be set up so that the input from the BR is matched up with the
  5. and live with a bunch of rednecks growing cars in the yard so that your home value declines each and every day. I hated my HOA until I moved into a sub where my next door neighbor didn't mow for 6 years, yada, yada, yada
  6. I just want my cell phone to ring when someone calls and not drop out as I go up and down my stairs at home. If I wanted pictures and video I'd buy a camera and a computer. Give me coverage NOT bells and whistles. Jeese, I wonder how people actually survived when they had a rotary dial phone on a party line.
  7. Where's the Brisket? I be needing a holiday smoker project.
  8. A couple of questions to help you. What receiver do you have? Does it have two little biege/grey or black boxes in th ecable right next to your receiver? Do you have more than one receiver? Are all receivers/TVs out. Are all channels out? Second option: Call customer support number and then ask for "Customer Retention", when asked why you wish to speak with them just say you are unsatisfied and wish to speak to "Customer Retention now please". I bet you get service.
  9. How long is your trip? Our compnay employees use the park and rides BUT have good insurance because there has been a rash of stolen items (air bags, etc). If a week or more I say limo, they are reasonable, last time I use one it was $75.
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