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Quality Service Tire

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Everything posted by Quality Service Tire

  1. Hope there weren't any injuries....please drive way to fast on 61 anyway with the school being right there.
  2. Where abouts is Dabbs Bridge Rd? My daughter doesn't ususally get home until 4:30 I hope it doesn't get to bad.
  3. Prayers being said this minute for him as I just had heart surgery also.
  4. Another case of home alone. I hope these children are all right. Prayers being said.
  5. There sure have been alot of strange calls lately----the county is getting out of hand...Hope this is nothing more than just words
  6. Jeff and Danny were on their way home from the shop so they are going over there to see if they can give him a hand with anything he needs. If nothing else to try to calm him down... Good luck....sorry but that EMT is a jerk....I will pm you and let you know when they get there. I hope he is okay....I hope the EMT is okay to (once Danny gets his hands on him)
  7. Hope they can get there in time. I believe there is a certain time limit on reattaching limbs and etc. Prayers being said for him.
  8. Sorry I know this doesn't belong here but OHHHHH I want one!!!!! She is soooooo.......fluffy!!!
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