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Caped Crusader

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Everything posted by Caped Crusader

  1. I Believe they were BLASTING the OLD Abandoned underground Rail system to allow modern day vehicles to ravel from here to there with out TRAFFIC issues. I believe the proper pronunciation is Tunnel System
  2. I just read a post JSC started in March 2019 that I have NEVER read before. Now I am SAD, as I Truly HOPE and Pray that ALL of the SCREEN Names that took the time to comment their feelings in the THREAD Below are ALL doing well today. (as they are REAL People) As the #TEAMof9 are trying to accomplish the same thing. Here is a way to START from the comfort of YOUR Computer Screen Helping OUR Very OWN AND to be BLUNTLY Honest... HELP US, HELP YOU make what you wrote in MARCH 2019 come to PASS. Here is the Post from Mar
  3. Just Landed in Paulding Go Look @ the p.com store Let me know if you APPROVE please Caped Goodnight Mrs. G
  4. Thank you TRULY for posting that. I slowed down and re-read it TWICE and Tears came to my eyes while I CHERISH and Remember what UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is here on EARTH! Thank You
  5. No Worries, close enough click the the smiley face next to the red line tons of emojis! How would you like to get your sticker? p/u at local business, snail mail or meet in county?
  6. I too, will never forget that day. Things like 9/11 really put into perspective what is TRULY important. PRAYERS for continued PEACE and Healing of our Country and World
  7. I can Read between the lines! just changed it to 5 words and 1 EMOJI People can use more if they prefer How would like to get your sticker? Pick-up at Local Business, meet @ a PC Location or SNAIL Mail? Thank You for being YOU!
  8. What a beautiful day to cut grass after walking around Paulding Meadows had an absolute blast! For those of you that I ran into or we crossed paths... It was really really good to see EVERYONE too short though! Sleep well WISH that were SPRAY TAN!!!
  9. BELOW are some pictures from YESTERDAY @ The Dianne Wright Innovation Center! Not 1 TURTLE was hurt in this project! A BIG Shout-out to the YOUNG People who helped us accomplish this service project and to the LOCAL's who live on BETHEL Church Road (I have NEVER seen such a TRASH FREE Gulley roadside!) BEFORE
  10. OMG!!! what to do!?!? That Looks DELICIOUS!! Thank you for taking the time to bring this BLAST from the PAST ALIVE! Have an AWESOME Sunday!
  11. Giving away 10 FREE STICKERS Post in this thread that you would like one for your vehicle and we will get you one. The only catch.... you have to post a picture of the sticker on your vehicle once you receive the sticker. (We will use the HONOR System) (no IDENTIFYING features of your vehicle please) NOW Here are the RULE's for when you post in this thread that you would like a FREE Welcome to Paulding.com WE OUR County Sticker. Here is the RULE 1. Post in this thread why you would like a sticker in NO LES
  12. I hate to hear that about Paulding Meadows looking forward to going in the AM as I have recently pick up a NEW Hobby that is MOST RELAXING! (not counting the stitches or SUPER GLUE!) Here is a Wise Blind OWL my second carving ever BTW
  13. currently have a nice weekend.... anyone going to the Paulding Meadows???? Good Night
  14. YOU can buy tickets for 2.00 at a PAULDING COUNTY Library they are 3.00 at the gate!
  15. I meant to tell you... Aunt Barbara's Spinach Dip is Smack Dog Diggity DELICIOUSLY AWESOME! (can you tell I it!) I actually made this may years ago. Thank You for Sharing
  16. Please Join US on Saturday Sept 7th..... 8:30 am If you can Rake Leaves... it would be a BLESSING to have your Help & Support. Cold Water is ALWAYS Welcome! The right side was CLEARED a couple of weeks ago and GOD willing we will finish the LEFT side on Saturday Sept 7th. It was AMAZING to witness the LIFE Change of a few of the young people that made the time to help on this project a couple of weeks ago. What I mean by that, after they heard the story of why we were doing what we were doing there .
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