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Everything posted by **Bren**

  1. pfft, I give up I even called a mod names after he made very serious threats about that sort of thing and nothing. I don't care about this world crap you belong here in this one
  2. no name calling huh, lets test this shall we........... honey..............sweetie.........sugarpie
  3. such a shame, I was never a fan of his but I really hate to see this happen to anyone
  4. you i am gonna spank, I miss you and we need you so come back and I have heard rumor that PB Ritch may be closed
  5. **Bren**


    you saw my beefcake didn't you
  6. I am addicted to the beauty pagent show. My DD is the biggest tomboy and is terrified I may decide to put her in one. I just hold it over her head to make her act right (thats good parenting )
  7. **Bren**


    did you see my Beefcake I posted last night
  8. here I am, I was watching Little Miss Perfect
  9. **Bren**


    keep trying grasshopper
  10. you are soooo missing out
  11. hey now I'm too young to be menopausal
  12. just a sample http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-AbVvHUtuc&feature=related
  13. you don't want to go there
  14. that is an outright lie, we bite hard
  15. hello, I said I have video. I am willing to play for a price
  16. full leather and a pole
  17. I thought you get paid to amuse us get busy lady bullcrap I have video
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