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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. My daddy has had it also, the 2nd time was way more painful more me. I have heard people have nerve damage from it. I did have some nerve problems in my jaw for a few months after. It is crazy, this last time it started with a really bad, weird taste in my mouth, the next morning Both sides of my face had dropped. The pain was so bad, I never take anything any stronger than ibuprofin but my mom had to bring me some pain pills just to knock the pain down. I never had any problems with my ears until this last time. I just hope it doesn't happen again.

  2. It's pretty ridiculous that THAT many people wouldn't know where there TEENAGE hoodlem is at that time of night/morning!!! Paint ball gun & air horn sounds like a really good idea!!! Thank you. My husband is a very good shot- they wouldn't get out of the neighborhood w/ clean clothes on, that's for sure!!


    Who would've ever thought this would go on in NEW HOPE!!!

    Not to mention it would be so funny when that first one hits, can someone video please.

  3. Bells palsy? I have had it twice in 10 years. The last time was about 4 years ago. It was very painful & lasted almost a month. Since then I have had a lot of problems with my ears, I have had vertigo a on & off & I swear it is all related somehow. I just wanted to know if anyone else has ever had this or know anything about it.

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