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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. My oldest son went last night. He is such a nut. The boy is 19 & has always loved wrestling, so about a month ago he goes on ebay & buys himself (for his birthday) the heavyweight belt. This is the actual belt not the plastic thing from Walmart. He had to have this thing just to wear to the show last night. He called me all excited cuz the little kids & Dads kept coming up to him and asking to take pics holding his belt. He had really good seats behind the announcers desk, but the hi-light of his night was he yelled to Shawn Michaels & he turned & pointed at him. He was so funny this morning he said Mom Shawn Michaels knows I'm alive :wacko: He really cracks me up. He swears he is going to be a wrestler one day, all 5'6 of him :rofl: . I love him dearly but Lawd have mercy where did I go wrong?

  2. What will be the best site to get the coupons on?

    Try these- www.redplum.com




    Publix has great store brand items, I am a bit of a name brand snob because most stores generic brand kinda stinks. I bought a lot of Publix brand yesterday & it is honestly "just as good as name brand." If you need anymore help just let us know.

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