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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. I did weight watchers the year before last and lost 37lbs in a few months, Im about to start back up this week. I also do better with support and accountability with going to the meetings. Which location are you going to?

    Wed. 12:30 at Hiram athletic ass.

  2. I've seen several people post before that white vinegar works, too.

    I had this happen last year a lot with pool towels from the kids and the vinegar works great, I have also used it with my stinky boys workout clothes.

  3. hello....any history of skin cancer?



    Thankfully no.


    I received my ticket in New Hope. I was actually on my way to pick the kiddies up at school, he pulls out behind & hit his lights. I understand that we are ultimately responsible as owners, I just think it really sucks. He was a very nice officer, other than that pesky ticket. That ticket money could buy me a tank of gas B)

  4. My husband bought a used truck Feb. this year. Yesterday I get pulled over for the tint on the windows, now mind you we didn't know they were too dark, that is the way we bought the truck. Now I understand that as owner's we are responsible for this but I have 2 gripes which are as follows:


    A) Dealerships should not be allowed to sell vehicles which are not street legal!


    B) The Officer could have given me a warning! <_<

  5. Hey... I just got the phone call also. I had Taylor going for a minute telling him that Officer Fitzgerald called and I asked Taylor if he had anything to tell me. Pretty funny.

    I did the same thing to my son, he didn't fess up to anything though. I thought it was funny ^_^

  6. We have out of town guests visiting and they need access to Wi-Fi. Does anyone know of a place faily close that offers this?

    I don't know if you need a hotel or not with access, but I know McD's has it and so does Krystal in Hiram.

  7. I know someone asked for ideas for their daughters gift, what about for gifts for guys graduating? I also want to know did you have grad. parties for your child? This really has me stumped abd he is no help whatsoever. So come on everybody let that wisdom flow. :D

  8. One Of These.... :p post-1715-1208037219.gif

    w/Baked Pink Grapefruit with Brown Sugar and Steamed Yellow Squash with sliced tomoatoes!




















    gallery_1715_200_128032.jpg From West Metro Produce! ;)

    That is what we had for dinner last night, those rib eyes are great! :D


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