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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. Advocare, for the product I choose to take, which is MSN Max Energy, is $40 a box. It is a 2 week supply. Each day, you have a strip of vitamins you take. The strip is divided into 4 packets. You take the first packet 30 minutes before breakfast, and make sure you eat. Don't skip any meals. That is very important. The second pack you take is 30 minutes before lunch. Eat lunch. Then you take the last two packs right after lunch. If you do this correctly, you will see results.

    Did you order this online ?

  2. I almost ordered that, but decided to go with what I knew worked, and had been looked at by a pharmacist and was given the OK on instead. Advocare is a little expensive, but it is worth it. I know I am not throwing my money away.

    How much is the Advocare and which Dr. prescribed it for you?

  3. I took Phenteramine (sp?) years ago - was closely monitored by my doctor. Had to go in once a week for blood pressure checks. I lost weight (15 lbs)on it but I gained it back because I didn't make real changes in my diet. I DID however have to make a true change for the better once I was diagnosed with diabetes II a couple of years ago. I had to quit all sugar cold turkey, no more COKES, cut way back on the carbs and was forced to eat sensibly. I lost 30 lbs in less than three months - more than I had previously lost on the diet pills. One of those blessings in disguise (diabetes). I'm healthier now than I was before I was a diabetic. :wacko:

    I have been off of Coke for 2 weeks now and I must say it has been very hard, headaches and dizziness have just about killed me but I sleep so much better.eatdrink045.gif

  4. He was outside playing and stood in an ant bed. :( He got bit on his foot and his ankle is all swollen and part of his leg. It's really tight feeling and red. He says it doesn't hurt. Is this normal?

    I know exactly what you are talking about, my son has an allergy to mosquitos, he swells it turns red and gets very hot, you can give him Benadryl, or if you have children's Zyrtec or claritin that would be even better. That is what our Ped. said to do, my son swells over ants as well.

  5. There is a asian (not being a racist just mentioning the name of the rest.) buffet over in Douglasville right next to Arbor Place mall. It is in the same parking lot as Toy's R Us. $11 for AUCE I think. Really good buffet too. Not as good as the Grand Asian Buffet (not being a racist just mentioning the name of the rest.) in Kennesaw but it is good.

    Are you sure you aren't being racist? :lol:

  6. It's hormones. Might be going to get a monthly soon.


    she never told me anything at all about periods and when it first happened, I thought I was dying of cancer!!I really didn't have a very good mom at all.

    Bless your heart, I know where you are coming from, I'm still not sure where all my kids came from :p

  7. Moses is have a beach theme. My daughter is very disappointed. We already bought a dress, but then they changed the plans. It is just a normal after school dance. :-(

    I know, we are pretty disappointed too. There was a regular dance a couple of weeks ago that everyone could go to, this whole "Beach " theme really stinks.

  8. I already do!!


    good, then I am not the only one!



    Better get prepared....life is hitting us hard and fast in this house....and I have another girl coming up behind her too!

    I think I need to go get a `script for nerve pills, I refuse to except that this will happen. :huh:

  9. You people are freaking me out! My daughter is 10 and she still loves her stuffed animals and barbies. I am already worried about when she will get her first period I never even thought about her wanting to shave her legs, OMG this is way too much stress :o

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