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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. People put ads in paper to buy houses because there's profit in buying your house and often times it's more than the homeowners notion of "I don't care if someone makes a little on me".


    I've bought houses in that manner and if you're not desparate or extremely motivated, I'd reccommend not goin' down that road. Call a discount broker like me or any number of others.


    Best of luck to you.

  2. Good Day,

    I am Barrister Walter A. Clifford, and former Attorney to a Late citizen of your country, Late Engineer Calvin Knight herein referred to as my late client who was among the victims of the Bellview Airline-Flight 210 which crashed in Lissa (a village situated in Ogun state, Nigeria), on the 23rd of October, 2005 with his family and as such claimed many lives.

    Before now, I made several inquiries from the Embassy of your Country here in Nigeria to locate any of my late client's extended relatives for the purpose of securing Right of his Estate from the Housing Board; though I have an outstanding fee I ought to have received from Late Engineer Calvin for an assignment I carried out for him in the Law Court concerning some tenants I ejected from the Estate before he died. The Housing Board have relented to release the property to me because I couldn't present his Next of Kin for claim of the property because he Willed the Estate to his wife and twin children who were among the victims of the Air mishap; neither could I get any of his extended relatives to assist me in this matter.

    In that I am a Nigerian, and not related to the deceased rules against me standing in as his Next of Kin; hence, I had to act upon that notion by contacting you; knowing that, if I get your consent to present you to the Housing Board as the Next of Kin to the deceased, whom alone can inherit the property, we can confidently obtain this Estate inheritance which is worth over USD$8,000,000.00.

    Not only will you assist in recovering the property but we shall take possession of the inheritance since there's virtually no relative of his to whom the property will be handed over when we've secured it, as I wanted to locate one after his passing away but was unsuccessful; thus, you and I will jointly manage the property; thereafter, take equal share of the proceeds from the property, when Right of the Estate have been given to us.

    I am contacting you also to assist in receiving late Engineer Calvin's payment from the First City Monument Bank of Nigeria, fund that ought to have been disbursed to him for a contract he executed before his untimely death.

    On the 20th of September, 2006 the Bank making the payment to my late Client valued at USD$11,200,000.00 sent me a letter of imminent payment in his favor. In the letter, they requested I provide his Next of kin, since he's deceased, and given that he was enlisted among contractors due for payment.

    In addition to the aforesaid, I ask for your support and good cooperation to enable us achieve this task. Do indicate your willingness to proffer your self-assurance in this matter, as I look forward to hearing from you.


    Best Regards,

    Barrister Walter A. Clifford

  3. Welcome to all 28 of you in the past hour.. :)


    Are all these new member from today, or is TBAR just playin Ketchup ?


    The whole front page. Thar everywhar. :lol:

    Post away, newbies. Dat way you won't be newbies, no more.

    how many newbies generally come here, say newbies a month ????

  4. DO you think some in the media have "Targets" on them?

    There used to be a shock jock on DC101 in Washington, called The Greaseman. He had some stuff that would bring tears to your eyes, from laughter. He was also called on some remarks, and never has achieved the popularity again.


    Howard Stern has also been through the same, as was Jimmie the Greek, Marv Albert....


    Why just these people? I have heard Dennis Miller say just as bad. Bill Maher says offensive stuff all the time, as does Harry Belefonte. Hell, half of the "Hollywood" crowd make offensive remarks, and get away with it every day.

    I'm surprised he got fired, he's not a conservative...that would be understandable.

  5. Tommorrow is the day, I am going to lay them down. I will need the support of anyone who can help me.

    Wish me luck. :)

    Good luck, I quit 3 or 4 times for about 6 to 9 months a piece, finally I quit for good about 4 years ago.

  6. why do people crossing over 278 on dallas hwy try so hard to get in front of you one car length just to sit at the next two lights? Can people not just put on the breaks a little to get behind ya? No, they gotta get one car length ahead...people are funny.

  7. do you buy ugly house? :lol:


    nah, just kidding. welcome aboard. ^_^


    unfortunately, I have in the past, actually "ugly" didnt do em justice, Websters' needs to come up with a new word to describe some of 'em.

  8. Hey! Glad to see you joined us here! What kinda help you need? Give me a call, I'll see if I can walk you through it ;)

    well, I have many issues, one being my computer won't led me download Adobe, when I do I get a blue screen sayin' the world is coming to an end.

  9. Purchase a commerce membership to p.com. My hubby did and he's gotten tons of business. This is a great place to advertise...not to mention a great place to meet folks! :)


    Is there someone who can help me with my computer inadequacies.

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