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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. well - I woke up :glare: - that's all have to say at the moment -

    :D thanks for the cheers though!! :D

    If you succeed, expect a outburst that you may regret, I had an outburst about 2 weeks in....kind of embarrassing.

  2. Hubby and I are looking at houses, mostly online. I hate when you find a website that has a bunch of houses, but they make you fill out all that crazy stuff in order to even view them. That, or they make you become a 'memeber' of the site. I don't want to become a member and recieve your e-mail. I also don't want you calling every week wanting to know if I'm interested in a house or need an agent. Why can't I just look in peace!?!? Okay, done. :D

    Uh, go to




    click on fmls search.....it's easy

  3. that might be looking for a little side work?


    We were given some carpet when my MIL put down hardwoods, and I'd like to have someone install it rather than renting the tools for us to do it ourselves






    Steve Duncan

    Southern Carpet


  4. That is my whole point - I have enough work to clean up after my pets why should I have to clean up after yours? I don't care if it is a dog, cat, or hamster - keep it in your property or on a leash. It is as much about the saftey of the animal as common curtiousy to your neighbors. Something that is lacking all to much these days.

    Let's just find it in our hearts to love the little animals...I'm tearing up.


    I just can't stand it anymore...I think I'll join the humane society.

  5. No but there is a close resemblance!! ;) here is a pic of me and my sisters: I'm the big one


    wow, Im tryin to think of the sexual positions most enjoyable...I can only think of one......lights out, no windows, severely annebriated, ..no, that wouldn't work either.

  6. As y'all know, I have been gone for a while, but I haven't been lazy!


    I am in the process of planning an event to benefit our Humane Society, and a major announcement is forthcoming.






    everyone has a place in the world...the Humane Society might just not be mine.

  7. I need a couple of exterior doors changed out and a deck spruced up a little to sell a house...I know carpenters (handymen) like big jobs

    but does anyone know of someone willing to look at somethin' like this ????

  8. Hi me and my husband are thinking about buying a home. We already have the home picked out. We just have to get a loan. Do ya'll have any info on home loans or know of a good loan officer?

    Auburn Mortgage

    John Wetmore


  9. Anthony is such a joke. :rolleyes: A very unattractive one at that.


    Well, I'm for anyone that helps defeat the black pantsuit communist.


    I have no problem with fat middle aged women wearin' black because they're fat, it's

    just the hildebeast and the idea of her as President I have a problem with....even if she trimmed

    down her fat a@@.

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