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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. Any questions. That sums it up. Now if only I could do so. My spirit is welling but my felsh is weak.


    I lost a good bit of weight by just not drinking soda anymore, I've had 3 kidney stones, I never realized it was so fattening till I stopped drinkin' it.

  2. What's the benefit vs. a real appraisal?? (other than saving a few dollars)

    It's faster and as you said they save a few bucks and many value Broker opinions more than appraisals.


    I personally don't trust appraisals (all the time) appraisers are great dont' get me wrong

  3. We had to go out of the county sometimes to find comps, which is almost impossible to do, but explained that on the BPO. Sometimes, they are just not there, and if the subject property is really bad, we just valued the land it sat on and advised them of such. It's a lot easier if the house is in reasonably good condition (which almost never happens, either!) People know they are being foreclosed on and usually destroy the house.

    Well, thanks for your help

  4. I used to work for a realtor who did tons of them. Just be sure your comps are good ones and all the info is accurately typed. Sometimes, it's hard to find close-by comps if the property is in really bad shape. Above all, be honest - you are the eyes for the bank and they are depending on you. :)

    the only comp in neighborhood was a foreclosure and their instructions say don't use foreclosures as comps....lol.

  5. "consider" being the operative term, huh?



    lol, well, I'll rephrase,


    "Will provide a 4% listing if you buy with me"




    lol, well, I'll rephrase,


    "Will provide a 4% listing if you buy with me"



    words do mean things like they say...every single word

  6. Do you havbe to be a paid member to post your house ofr sake or is there a special place for people who aren't paid members YET?? I plan on becoming a paid member just haven't had the fundage yet. Help please.

    I can possibly post it for ya

  7. Congrats to you..


    We have a senior next year and we need to get with you about senior pics.

    Will you be doing them?

    welcome, question for ya, is there a way you can take a picture of a balding, overweight middle aged man and make him look good?

  8. :ph34r: :blink: :ph34r: :blink:


    I must have missed the pyschobabble stuff in what I read -_-

    well, shoot I dont' know, I dont' have a 14 year old, I shouldn't have even commented I guess, like Rosie O'donnell talkn' bout weight loss. I was 14 once though, maybe try bribing him to get good grades with X boxes or somethin'

  9. I have a 14 yo who is very bright and and is very capable of getting good grades. He "should" be entering 9th grade next school year. The problem is that he is not doing his classwork. His classwork of all things. He just doesn't do it. I don't understand. It is not like he is protesting, he just isn't doing it and if he does do it, it is sometimes not even turned in, (usual excuse, I forgot it, I left it in another class......)


    I have tried taking away his games for months, rewards (a PS2 he still doesn't have), money, being grounded from everything and the list goes on. I have talked and listened to him to death. I am getting in touch with his teachers, but they are not sure what to do. [/size](I have even spanked)


    I am at a loss. I am about ready to send him to military school if I could pay for it. I think my next step is the student counselor. I know I am very late in looking for help, but I always believed he would pull it up.


    He isn't involved in sports. He was in drama, but quit. He doesn't seem to care about his grades at all. The same with punishments and rewards. I am at a loss.


    Any positive suggestions would be welcome. Thanks in advance......


    Is his father involved with him? Sounds like a father figure is missing from the pyschobabble stuff I've read.

  10. Thanks for the info on this place....I have gotten food through drive-thru a couple of times for kids.....will think better next time.

    I stopped going there, if the employees were any slower, they'd be going backwards.


    Someone needs to find a motivation for fast food employees, it's rediculous.


    I'd like to see some kind of commission payment or somethin' to get employees to actually work, they only care about closing and leaving, customers are just a headache, you can hardly blame em the way they're paid, but some places are still rediculous.

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