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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. She more than likely learned from Bill and Monica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    People are so funny when they act appalled at political dialogue, they're like two snakes, pick the snake you like but if they come off as affable and

    charming and really are , they'd better have some hardcore underlings who are better snakes than the other snakes.

  2. I'm putting my house up for sale soon....I know I won't use YOU! <_<
    I wish you the best darlin', and I dont' say that in a patronizing, condescending, sarcastic way, I say it in love.
    Yeah so that gives her the right to make comments about J. Edwards son and bumper stickers. I bet her momma is real proud!!!!!!!!!! Unless she was raised by wolves.
    It's about winning and losing, politics is hardball, you think Hitlery Robem' Clinton doesn't know how to play hardball?
  3. Anybody that thinks ol' Skeletor is good looking needs their eyeballs washed off.


    She's the right's answer to Michael Moore.


    She just needs a few sandwiches and some ice cream, I'd never want to date her, but hey, I bet she likes to be on top, she probably scrathes too....she's kinda rude, after sex, she'd probably bring you a cold wash cloth, she certainly doesn't strike me as thoughtful enough to bring you a warm wash cloth, if she brought you one at all.

  4. I am neither a leftie or a righty. However, there are media type personalities on both sides of the argument that I don't like (Bill O'Reilly, and Rosie O'Donnell, to name a few), and you know what I do? I ignore them. That way, if I were the type of person to have anger problems, it would solve a lot of unneccesary stress.


    I love Rosie Odonnell.

  5. are you saying you don't like me, Joe?




    I don't think it's healthy for anyone to hate anything.


    Hating liberalism is hating an idea not a person, I would hate it if my mom thought like a liberal, believe it or not she's more conservative than I am though.


    Kinda like "hate the sin and love the sinner"...lol

  6. Or they could gain just as many customers... :)

    Personally I do not care for Coulter, even though I may agree with her politics.


    She is bit venomous and rude for my taste, but that is her schtick and it does sell books, so on that level she is successful.


    To be honest, I can't hardly watch her on tv, she's too argumentative, but her hatred for liberals I do love, I think it is healthy to have a healthy

    dislike for liberalism and she has it in spades.


    Her book...GODLESS THE CHURCH OF LIBERALISM was a good book though.

  7. I like her adam's apple


    It seems rather silly for someone hoping to do business locally to post something of this nature, considering it might lose them a great many potential customers.


    What does it profit a man if He gains the whole world and loses his own soul




    If someone is that offended, they'd be too busy hugging a tree to buy a home anyway.

  8. You cannot play patty cake with the enemy, when it comes to liberals and liberalism you have to do what Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon did, you have to squish it like a bug and win 49 out of 50 states, you have to fight fire with fire, do you think Hitlery Clinton and her machine wants to play patty cake with Republicans????? HECK NO !!! They are on a search and destroy mission and the sad truth is Ann Coulter has more cojones than all the Republicans in Washinhton put together.


    She may be rude, but I'd rather have a rude conservative than a liberal full of misguided love any day.


    You have to annialate those pieces of human debris and if it's cold hearted or mean spirited to call politicians pieces of human debris then it's melodramatic to call soldiers heroes.




    I for one am sick and tired of Republicans who try to out panzy the panzy party like with Immigration for instance.


    Whether it's illegal immigration, taxes, healthcare, Govt. spending, war or whatever, we need more Republicans who want to annialate liberals, the countrys future is dependent on it.


    We need more people like her to stop Hitlery not fewer.

  9. Oh please! I don't give a rat's ass what her political party is. <_<

    I can assure you that her cancer does NOT know what her political affiliation is.

    Have you ever seen someone die of cancer? Bone cancer spreads throughout the whole body and then even touching the skin above the bones with cancer causes enormous pain for the person with cancer.

    I think she is an awesome WOMAN for facing what is coming her way and maybe giving a little inspiration for others going through this or about to go through this.


    We should look at the person and not the choices (political, religious, sexual preferences) they have made.


    Like I said God Bless the woman, and God bless us by not letting her husband getting elected, yall are so sensitive, I wouldn't want my mom to

    be President either....take a chill pill.

  10. Let me add to what I said before about drive by dating...I actually did that a while back...well almost..I had been chatting online with this guy from Marietta for a while and he kept wanting to meet me..weeell I knew he wasn't for me but I finally agreed to meet him at Walmart on 120.. I told him..as I tell them all... that if either of us see right away that we know it won't work that we will just be honest and tell the other and go on our way...I met him on a Sat afternoon..I got there first and was waiting in the parking lot..he drove up and I thought... NOW WAY JOSE... but I asked him if he wanted to chat a few minutes, just to be polite, and he said yes...so after about five minutes I told him that I didn't think it would work so...he got back in his car and ooooooooooff I went....oh and on the way he stopped and got an energy drink...lol...good ol drive by dating.....


    That's why I always date "women" ...you may get a liar or a married woman now and then that will try to keep it a secret, but for the most part women are not the murdering tyoe.

  11. I'm not afraid of dying, I know where I am going, but the thought of leaving my children terrifies me.


    She is a brave woman, and an inspiration to others who suffer from this terrible disease.


    Yeah, God bless Elizabeth Edwards, and God bless us by making sure her husband never makes it to the White House.

  12. Wow! I don't think I could EVER be that strong knowing I only have months to live :( . I pray God could give me even 1/2 the peace she has.


    A great puff piece that NEVER would have been done for a Republican, if done for a Republican they would have surely thrown in the

    word "controversial" or somethin' to describe her husbands health care views, especially if he favored evil "competition" or some other

    evil word that didn't advocate socialism. I wish her the best but the media makes me want to puke.

  13. I am just so fed up with the Burger King in Hiram. The people who work there are not friendly, and my grand kids see the toys they are suppose to have in the kids meals, and when we go there, they NEVER have the current toys. I went off on them the other day. I was so MAD. My poor little grandson wanted one of those new toys so bad, and when they gave him a stupid Sponge Bob toy, we both were not happy!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is not the first time this has happened. It seems every time they advertise new toys, this store NEVER has any of them. I don't know if it is the management or what, but I will NOT ever go back there!!!

    :angry: :angry2:


    My advice is not putting your faith in fast food restauraunts, it's like expecting a night of mind blowing passion with Rosanne Barr.

  14. hey thanks .......i will go post some flyers out there,ya can never have too much work on...more the better....thanks again.

    Well, don't be cussin' my name if you come out there and they've decided to get off their lazy duffs and cut the grass.

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