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Posts posted by LPPT

  1. There have been a 100 threads started about this very lawsuit but strangely nothing after a major ruling. I have said the entire time we are only hearing one side of the story which looks like it may be true.



    I am trying to figure out why so many are trying to goad Surepip into blasting David Austin about this.


    They need to talk to their lawyer about this event.

    Give it up already!

    • Like 1
  2. So... when can a jury hear the case and award a jackpot payout to The Morrison's?

    I'm sure any judgement will be appealed for another 5 or six years.


    There is no jack pot, the house needs a lot of maintenance and repair done to it from the continued blasting close to it. Also the legal fees have hampered them in trying to do what smaller repairs they could have done to the property.


    Their suit was based on principal not a on a payday, if it had been a pay day they would have quit a long time ago when it was made clear to them that it would cost them a million dollars to have this suit heard and were expected to pay their attorney up front.

    The lawyers will now get the jackpot.

    • Like 1
  3. I will agree it seems the itemized bill should have been included along with some other documents.


    It also appears that those with the most amount of money can only win in court.


    And the age old saying is that you can't fight city hall is prevailing.


    I do like that she is running for office and is in effect an end run to clean up the county government.


    Either way I hope she does get elected and fires the lawyer firm that has been fighting them. I would like to see her clean up the county government also....


    Could make Paulding county a interesting item in the papers if she gets elected.


    She will have no ability what so ever to fire the county attorneys if she is elected. A legislator votes the will of the people of their district at the state level.

    If she is good, which I know she is, she will listen to the people of her district and vote the way they want her to vote for their benefit, not the benefit of special interest groups when there is a conflict between the 2.

    • Like 1
  4. Both Thad and Mellisa have stated on here that their lawsuit has no bearing on her running so why would it affect their campaign? Obviously it does. I totally agree with you that they are very wise not to use this against David. Very, very smart move on their part.


    I asked the question why this was not reported 2 days ago on here by the staff.


    Because this is the first time we have seen it and when I ask the Morrison's they stated they had not seen it yet and did not want to remark on it until they went over it with their attorney.

    I was one of the first people informed about it, and I don't know how to interpret it beyond what I have been told, and that was that the case itself can now be tried in court.

    They continue to try and keep the issues separate against a bombardment of phone calls and emails of people reminding them of the injustice of the case.


    The Morrison's will always do what is best for Paulding when they can and have continued to do so at every opportunity while this case is going on.


    On a personal note I was very surprised that there was not a postponement of this until after the election, I smell more political strategy in the air.

  5. Would you like to discuss the politics of this situation?

    Lets let the readers know exactly what is going on......


    There seems to have been a strategy, some people were counting on the Morrison's to beat the drum non-stop against David Austin about this law suit.

    There was a huge wrench thrown in the works when Melissa decided to run for representative.


    The Morrison's have been called and talked to over and over by people constantly bringing the law suit up, while the Morrison's have worked very hard to keep the issue separate from the campaign.


    They have disappointed a lot of people that were counting on them to rail against David Austin about this lawsuit.

    It speaks volumes about David and the Morrison's character that they have not allowed themselves to be manipulated in this way.


    I can see that some are still very hopefully that they can push the Morrison's buttons and get them to start railing against David or to come out publicly and support his opponent.


    Good luck folks, Melissa has a lot more class than you give her credit for.


    So does this mean that the county county gets away with everything, and the Morrison's are out property and money?

    No it doesn't, it means the case can be heard.

  6. Greetings from the Kitchen!

    Tonight Rodney’s is offering exciting specials! First, our fresh 10 ounce Rib Eye steak accompanied by a half dozen butterfly shrimp!


    Second, we are offering our FRENCH DIP Sandwich with a twist. All this week, while it lasts, we are making our FENCH DIP Sandwich with sliced PRIME RIB meat! If you love out Prime Rib, you will love this sandwich. Served with fries and au jus for only $5.99 while they last.


    Last but not least, our RIB EYE Steaks are on sale tonight! Take $1.00 off our 10 ounce and $2.00 off the 16 Ounce Steak!


    Don’t settle for fast food. Eat HOMEMADE at Rodney’s!


    Definitely coming to see you guys around 6:30 tonight!

  7. This was my issue when I looked into the lottery.

    The lottery is not run by the state, it is run by a company that the state contracts with.

    These people are the real winners of the lottery when it comes to the pay off.

    They make huge salaries and bonuses, much of the funding from the lottery goes into marketing, you have the billboards, and marketing material in the stores.


    I looked into how it worked when we first started hearing about the cutbacks.


    What I found out was we had made a pack with the devil, the companies money comes off the top first, so no matter how short the lottery comes up in funding there will never be so much as a single 1% more going into the education fund.


    Young people do earn the money by being required to maintain good grades to receive it. It benefits Georgia by producing an educated work force and influences companies looking to relocate.


    The pre-k often comes right back into the state coffers by allowing families to be 2 income earners and have a taxable income,and in general be able to contribute to the economy rather than be a drain.


    I never play the lottery so it has benefited my children and not been a drain on my personal income. Do I believe that it introduces the joy of gambling to many that otherwise wouldn't seek some backroom card game to fill a need, yeah I believe that.


    A friend of mine had a saying about vices being the only joys of a poor man's life.

  8. Greetings from the kitchen!


    We at Rodney’s are really excited about the 4th of July! Rodney will be serving slabs of ribs right off the grill in the front of the restaurant starting at noon on the 4th. We will have Baby Backs and St Louis Ribs available by the slab.


    Call 770-445-5900 today to reserve your slabs of ribs, and then come pick out slabs you like right off the grill. Slabs are $15.99 each for your choice of either Baby Backs or St Louis cut Spare Ribs.


    We will be open regular hours tomorrow. We open at 8am for country breakfast, and our meat and two lunch starts at 11am and runs until 9pm. Ribs will available beginning at noon.


    Let Rodney’s do your cooking for the holiday!




    I will be by to get a slab this afternoon. I don't like fooling with ribs so this works great for me.

    I remember how fast you sold out at the Paulding cooks for charity event so I know my family will love them!

  9. Killing the Hope would be a terrible mistake. With that said, and coming from a guy who's about as anti-Heath as you can get, the statement he made about poor people buying the educations of wealthier people is rather accurate. Poor folks play the lottery much more regularly than the more affluent. Personally, I see no wrong with that as playing the lottery is a completely voluntary act. His theory is in the right place; his conclusion isn't.





    Mrnn it resonated with me also, I understood his point. If you take the lottery and benefits away tomorrow these parents will still place their vices above the kids.

    Every kid that takes advantage and rises above it is worth everything sacrificed by those that know better.

    Educating our society has made America great. Our example has made other nations great when they imitate it, people come from all over the world to educate themselves in the greatest universities on the planet. They take the knowledge back to their own countries and improve the quality of life for their people. We can't do any less here.


    We no longer accept in this country that class is something one is born with,no birthrights in America you have an opportunity to earn your way. Some people have issue with an educated society, they don't have an advantage that allows them to manipulate a majority. Some long for the good old days when you could manipulate the ignorant and forget them until the next election.

  10. PSST The tax liens are for 2006 and 2007,This was before the recession, And before she filed for bankruptcy.

    Do know that she borrowed money to campaign in 2010 (according to campaign disclosure) And since has been found in contempt of court for not paying her part of attorneys fee's, And is presently awaiting a decision as how the contempt charge will be handled.


    Borrowing money to run a campaign IS IRRESPONSIBLE, If you owe back taxes.


    She owes what to me is a scary amount of money, that is why I can't understand the amount of time, energy, and money being invested in something that pays so little.

    I would think if she were going to invest this much she would at least see a sizable return for the effort. If she doesn't get enough campaign donations to cover this loan to her campaign she is on the hook for it to come out of business or her personal funds.


    I don't understand how she has money to loan a campaign, yet not pay xerox and the attorneys. I just does not make sense to me, this is a huge risk.

    I am sure xerox has an issue with it also. I would think the judge will ask the same thing, if you had money to loan your campaign why didn't you pay xerox.

  11. It appears that GALEO is involved in her campaign A recent campaign fund raiser indicates that one of the 100 founding friends of this organization was very prominent in this fund raiser




    I wonder of Paulette considers this a conservative organization, Heck I wonder if Bill Heath considers this a conservative organization?


    That was an eye opener.


    2012-06-21 GALEO Action Alert Email: Pres. Obama Announcement last week and call our U.S. Senators to support D GALEO Action Alert Email: Pres. Obama Announcement last week and call our U.S. Senators to support DREAM Act GALEO Advocacy Newsletter: Action

  12. Most business owners would not have allowed themselves to get into that kind of debt, especially with the IRS.


    Why hasn't her property and bank accounts been seized? It would have already happened to the average Joe. Does being a State Representative give you extra wiggle room with the IRS?


    The IRS doesn't really want your property, they prefer you set up a payment plan, which I am sure she has done.

    The biggest problem is xerox, they want their money. I don't think her position gives her wiggle room, usually lawyers do that and it is expensive to get them to do it.

    Then you end up going further in debt from the lawyers fees.


    It just seems like a mountain of debt to climb, and seems the job does not pay enough to help her out much.

    It could be she simply likes serving, she did serve on the school board and now this.

  13. I think I know the answer to your question. It's a part-time job. They are in session 40 days a year. That works out to a little over $433 per day + $173 per dium = $606 per day.


    I'm looking for a Fridays only part-time job. I would really like to get $15 per hour = $120 per day and I would be foolish to expect any benefits to be included.


    I do not think the state government ever intended for this position to be full-time.


    That makes sense, but can you work at another job during the 40 days? I have no idea how many hours a day they work during that time. This is not the first time I have wondered how people manage their full time job and the duties of the office.

  14. I have to say I am very disappointed with a few people making remarks about Mrs. Braddock's appearance. That is a very low blow and should not even be part of the discussion.


    She has had a few very disappointing years. I know a lot of us were doing well, many figured that if things kept going the way they were that they could pay the taxes next year, then the recession hit. Many people had to change course.


    Many people had to file bankruptcy. Which generally went through according to your assets.



    I know a lot of people had to return to working for someone else to pay the bills.


    Paulette has had a tough year, her bankruptcy didn't go well, xerox is asking over 800,000 for the equipment. The government has tax liens against her. Quite honestly I would not be able to sleep at night for worrying.


    I am having a lot of trouble trying to figure out why someone that owes this much money would loan their campaign over 30.000 dollars to be re-elected to a job that pays a little over 17.000 a year. Bless her little pea picken heart she is going to have to be re-elected many many times to pay off this huge debt she has.


    I am pretty sure that folks that like her voting record will assist her in paying back the money she borrowed from her bankrupted company.

    She may have difficulty in paying back xerox and the federal government.

    By my calculations she will have to serve a little over 52 years to pay what she owes xerox and the government on back taxes at a little over the 17.000 salary as a Representative.


    All I can say is if I was that far in debt I would be looking for another job that paid better.

    • Like 1
  15. HB-87 goes a long way in dealing with your position. That's why I support it and I am happy that Paulette supported it. If you do not bellieve that allowing so many illegals to remain in Georgia with no check on it then please have a look at this article.



    It is not just a matter of sinking the GOP it is a matter of changing our form of government. They come here for the very thing they are killing.



    My issue was not about candidates supporting it, as much as I saw bureaucracy and spending all over it, when the power to stop it has been in our hands from day one. It is not illegal for the public to profile them and ask that LE come check their credentials, it is a feel good look we are doing something.


    If the American people really wanted them gone they would have already been gone.


    I might be inclined to vote with someone that called a spade a spade, but that is not how it's done.


    There is no choice but to vote for this bill, your constituents will claim that you don't want to do anything about immigration. Just tell your constituents to the police on every Hispanic you see. We already have the laws in place to take it from there.

  16. I disagree LPPT. Last count there were over 450,000 illegals in Georgia. I have seen a number of carloads of Hispanics in the last month. Are they illegal? I have no way of knowing that. If they are illegal they should already have been sent home. HB-87 was patterned after Arizona's Law. The Supreme Court will be ruling on that one soon. Some of the GA Law has been put on hold but I expect it to move forward after the court ruling. I disagree strongly with Melissa on this issue as well as some others. They happen to be important issues for me when voting for a Representative.


    My issue with it is responsibility if them being on the street or working in the kitchens of restaurants puts them under suspicion of illegal activity, being here illegally, why aren't people calling the cops?


    If you see someone breaking in your neighbors house you are going to call, why not call when surrounded by hundreds of Mexican when you are surrounded by them in Walmart on Saturday?


    We are adding layers of bureaucracy to solve this, I don't believe we need it. If we want them gone then we call the cops on them, no papers, back to Mexico you go.


    Being illegal here no big deal nobody really cares, if they did they would be gone, run out by the thousands calling the cops to come arrest them.

  17. This is the biggest bunch of bull hockey I have read in a long time.

    I couldn't get halfway through the bill after I read the level bureaucracy it was going to add to the system, you know those people we adopt for life when we hire them.

    There is nothing unconstitutional about requiring that the parents of any child provide proof of citizenship before getting social services, enrolling in school or getting a drivers license. Talk about closing the barn door after the fact. The majority of illegals are gone along with the rest of the jobs.

    All I see is a bunch of venders to jails, and software rubbing their greedy little hands over this bill.


    I smell lobbyist farts all over this bill, how can people be so damn naive?


    This is not a smaller government bill for those that have issue with it.


    I have not seen a car load of Hispanics in the last 6 months.

    As far as I can tell their draining of social services was the issue, hello they are gone!


    On top of that it becomes vengeful when you want to hurt children for what our own government allowed.

    Lets jail the politicians that didn't enforce the law not the millions that our government turned a blind eye to.


    There is no choice but to grant amnesty and to toughen the law from here on out.

    • Like 2
  18. The big difference is most of those buildings that are built with extra space actually had the money to do it.... Not a smart use of money and not at all what was needed, it was what was wanted. Big difference. They could have built a much cheaper, less grand facility and saved a LOT of money and functioned just as well as what they have. But hey, at least we have the wow factor now, that's something isn't it.... :wacko:


    Our population is well over 147,000 and still growing even in this economy, we are obligated as a county to meet the needs of all these people, especially judiciously. You are not allowed to let people rot in jail because you only have one or 2 courtrooms, We had not even started into a recession when many of the new government buildings were started.


    I don't like a lot of things about the recession, but people trying to hang local politicians for things beyond their control are not right.


    I was not fond of Mr. Shearin towards the end of his term but I will admit I benefited greatly from the growth he created.

  19. :good:


    Here are my observations and this is NOTHING to do against Mr. Austin, I do not know him.



    In the last few years this is what our county has:


    More Crime You might want to ask Mr.Gulledge about that, I am sure he will tell you that in a down economy petty crime goes up.

    Fewer Jobs Again he is responsible for the national economy, or the fact the county put all it' eggs in the home construction business for 12 years

    A sidewalk to nowhere side walk to nowhere is in the Dallas city limits, you have the wrong brother

    A pretty water fountain that is not needed see answer number 2

    A New Courthouse that is not even halfway used, courthouse was built by previous administration, not too many companies looking to lease a courthouse to pay a bond

    Dirtier Streets You should have called him and let him know you wanted your taxes raised to purchase the equipment and take on a lifetime employee from the day they are hired till the day they die and the county can stop paying their retirement


    NO New Businesses,You are absolutely wrong, all you have to do is drive down hwy 278 and watch the p.com news there have been 3 companies above the retail that pay living wages

    I am not saying this is Mr.Austins fault, BUT since you state that YOU have made positive change in OUR County...please tell me what the change has been.


    On top of that when he took office 3 projects were on the books, a fire station and library along with a park were in progress, over a million dollars had been spent on plans before the foundations were poured.

    He took these back to the drawing board, had them rebuilt and saved the county tax payers millions while continuing meet the obligations.

    He blew the dust off of the reservoir project had the studies completed and is actively trying to fund it.


    He has actively researched the infrastructure needs of manufacturing companies, light industrial, and warehouse, to bring companies here that pay good wages to offset the housing failure and put people back to work.


    Contrary to popular belief there is a profitable company at the airport helping to pay back that debt, with another company on the way.


    We took out a bond for the movie studio because the state was offering incredible incentives to production companies here in the state, we knew that companies were very interested in this area, they were already making movies here, we could immediately take advantage of the opportunity with almost zero infrastructure investment. The studio is currently under contract.


    We have covered every one of these things in the news. We already have businesses that are here for the movie studio, we already have businesses that are here for the airport.


    Looks like a lot of hard work to make lemonade to me.


    On top of everything he could have taken the easy way out of many problems by raising our taxes and blaming the previous administration and the economy. He made some very tough decisions and if you think for one minute he enjoyed letting people go and giving furloughs your just wrong.


    I am all for someone else doing it better, but I have yet to meet them.

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