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Everything posted by stardustn

  1. Water pipe busted in middle of yard, Skyline came out quickly, repaired it and only charged 150.00. Very reasonable for what all he did. Found out my coworker has also used them several times and never had any problems and they were very reasonable for him too. THANKS SKYLINE!!!!!!
  2. Came home yesterday to nasty water backed up in tubs, toilets not flushing etc etc. So many people talk about getting ripped off, so I was scared to let anyone come out. However I spoke to Skyline Plumbing and was reassured by what they told me. They quoted 279.00 for pumping out the tank and even though the water line pipe was over the top of tank they put forth the extra effort to ease the lid out from under so the pipe didn't have to be cut. Final cost?? 279.00! Awesome!! I appreciate them so much, HOORAY for HONEST companies!!!
  3. I think we made it more confusing because our emotions are raw. This makes sense though thanks
  4. About the same, I truly hope we can all just sit and talk all this over without us getting upset with each other. We just all have to realize we each have opinions and there is nothing wrong with sharing them. I think it will help if we just talk it out amongst all of us/ Thanks, have a great weekend!
  5. sent you a pm. i need some delivered
  6. Talked to someone today and I can go through the cobb county bar assc. and pay 35.00 and can get 30 min with an attorney that specializes in this stuff. Thats awesome! THANK YOU to everyone for your input. It really opens a persons eyes to see how someone else thinks.
  7. We took him back to the dr on thursday Jan 26 and the dr told him the cancer was worse(he was diagnosed last June 2011) but he was in no "imminent danger" of passing soon. He said he would start hospice though anyway. Well I guess dad gave up because the next thursday Feb 2 he passed at 9:45 am. I lost my mother to cancer Oct 2009. So it has just devastated me when dad was diagnosed. He was my daddy and my rock. I am divorced since 1997, and he has always been there for me. Now I just dont much know how to go on. I'm sorry you lost your dad. It is interesting how y
  8. Thank you and condolences to you too and I hope it works out ok for you!
  9. Some kids think they shouldnt have to wait on anything and so they did what they wanted and split the cash available. The kids that are better off financially because they are married and have multiple incomes seem to be the ones that want everything right away.
  10. the oldest was left as exectutor, who happens to not owe dad and walked away with15000.00
  11. 1 owes 45000.00 and 1 owes 18500.00 so we do expect to pay back and thats ok, like i said it just seems as more than 7500.00 should have been written off if 2 end up with 15000.00 each.
  12. It was a simple will, just divide it all by 4. I expected to pay what i owed my dad but it seems weird that just 7500.00 was marked off while the other2 have 15000.00 in hand.
  13. No, his , truck, house etc will have to be sold. Then the total will then again be divided by 4 and written off on the 2 still owing money, but i dont see how it works out right if the other 2 then split all that cash too. Yes that would be nice in my family but some of them wont do that. I would rather have my dad back!
  14. My dad passed away. Will says divide everything between all 4 kids. 2 kids still owe money to dad. The money in checking savings etc to begin with is 30000.00. 1 kid took 30000.00 and divided it 4 ways. The 2 kids still owing dad got 7500.00 written off the total they owe and then on paper so to speak, the 7500.00 from those 2 kids was put back in the acct which was then divided between the other 2 kids. 2 kids end up with 7500.00 written off but the other 2 walk away with 15000.00 cash each. This doesnt sound right to me. Wouldnt the 2 kids get more written off than 7500.00
  15. I'm so tired if someone yelled "Free Doughnuts" i couln't go after one.
  16. I'll take the one in the bottom pic or the big wheel either! FUN!!
  17. anyone come down from rockmart way on 278, is it clear towards hiram? thanks
  18. are gas fireplaces safe to let run all day, furnace went out does anyone know please? thanks!!!!!!!
  19. Thanks evryone, he is still out there but I would never let him off his leash. The owners have been talked to before because he didn't have a doghouse and was left out in the rain and cold. He does at least have a house to go in now. To be chained at all is awful I think but left all night is unexcusable.
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