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Posts posted by lessy2

  1. Now y'all can sleep at night....my washer is working again.....I guess maybe that load of clothes was too heavy or something? I dunno but for the heck of it I tossed in a load of clothes but not with so many towels etc and set it and it worked without a problem. Pffffhhttt stupid washer!!!! Good new though and I'm excited because it means I don't have to get it fixed right now and all sooooo.......>WOOOOOHOOO!!! :)



    Glad to hear you won't have to pay for it to be fixed, at least not right now. :)

  2. The answer is no. . .


    Really since you moved into a neighborhood with no HOA or Covenants then you don't have the right to tell someone else how to keep their yard. Now you may be able to complain to the the Marshal's office but I don't think they are in violation of anything.




    There is a list of rules that we all had to sign before moving in here. I have read over my packet and as far as I understand they are in violation of several of them. Do I just need to call the builder?

  3. There is a house in our subdivision that is very junky and trashy. We live in a fairly new and nice neighborhood and this house sticks out bad. These people have trash all over their yard including their roof! They have workbenches and tools all over the yard as well. They usually have a car or two parked iin the yard also. It is truely an eye sore and they obviously don't care.


    I saw a thread on here a couple of weeks ago about the naked neighbors and the note idea. So I went to put the note in their mailbox and my hubby yelled at me. So I guess my question is, is there someone I can call about this? We do not have a HOA. I am just so sick of driving by and seeing this. They have kids as well so it makes me wonder what the inside looks like. If anyone knows something that I can do please let me know.....Thanks

  4. i used it, but can't remember the age they were when i started. but my pediatrician warned me one time that too much can be bad. he used the term OD :o . you might want to ask your dr. after that, i started using teeting tablets. they were AWESOME! :D


    I agree...I used teething tablets with both mine. I still give them to my son and he is 1. I also gave them grip water. It works wonders for all kinds of stuff!


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