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Posts posted by lessy2

  1. oh, wait --- I've got mine!!!


    My sacrifice ---- losing DECENT HEALTH INSURANCE!!!!!


    TRICARE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ok, rant over - sorry about that - I just had to let it out ~ whewwwww!




    AMEN to that!!!

  2. Certainly our forefathers came up with the Constitution,however it remains and will always remain our Soldiers who go out there and stand on a post and say to every american I am here to protect you and your family nothings gonna happen tonight not on my watch remember "A Few Good Men" a great movie by the way.And why we can never know truly why we have these wars and what they mean to our future we should certainly respect the fact that these young men and women are willing to risk their lives for the simple ability for you or anyone else to be able to say what you want, come and go when you want, work where you wanna work, and live where you wanna live.I never discount what police,firefighters,teachers and the such do I know it's a great sacrifice for many of them to do what they do for many times less pay than the average joe makes and they risk their lives as well,I think to have an appreciation for what they do is a lost art people send their kids to school,ask their police officers and firefighters to protect them and maybe every once in a while say thank you.My point is kinda simple if we can get back to basics (if that's possible) like back in the "Andy Griffith Show" (great show) maybe we wouldn't be in the mess were in.We all have a common thread among us we all have families,we all want a better life,and most of us work hard for what we have.If you can't get passed all the bs and simply tell a fellow human thank you then what does that say?As I said it costs you nothing,but could mean everything to them.Think about it..



    Well said :)

  3. So you're saying that we would not have the right of free speech if our country were not occupying Iraq? There's just no logic there. It is counterproductive to fight political battles militarily.


    The same thing was said about Vietnam - that we're "fighting for our freedoms over there" and that Vietnamese (called "viet cong") soldiers would follow us over here if we left. The truth is that we're sharpening our national sword on the stone of Iraq. But we're occupying the country in defense of our interests in the region, namely oil and Israel.


    Insurgency - where did it come from? If the shoe were on the other foot and if it were Iraq invading Paulding County, attempting to install THEIR way of life and disrupting YOUR lives and trying to invalidate YOUR religious practices and beliefs and searching YOUR homes -- would you be an insurgent? There it is.


    Every war that this country has fought in since the civil war was due to the instability of those regions. If we had not gotten invloved during the Germans invasions, who is to say that they would not have come here next. If we had not gotten involved in the Vietnam war to keep South Korea in their way of life, whose to say we wouldn't have problems now with communism. Pretty much everything that we have done is to keep our "freedoms" here. I understand that some may not agree with this war, and that is your right. However, to think that our armed forces do not deserve many and great thanks is absolutely obsurd. They don't choose the battles, they just fight them :D

  4. What freedoms would we have lost if our troops were not occupying Iraq? You do know that Iraq had no connection to the Twin Towers attack, right? The attack was an airport security matter that was quickly dealt with, by training TSA personnel to examine each airline customer for potential weapons. That is why we've had no further incidents (except for the "shoebomber", who tried to light his shoes with a match).


    Next time you see a soldier ..... thank him? In the last four years I don't remember seeing a soldier. He'd have to be dressed in his camo gear and the only folks wearing camo gear around here are the ones going out to bag a buck or a gobbler. I could thank them for their sacrifice, I suppose....


    Here's an idea - how about thanking the real heroes?
    That would be the law enforcement officers who patrol our streets, keeping us safe from our own. How about teachers, who give up their lives to instruct the upcoming generation and keep us safe by educating our youth? How about firefighters, whose lives are dedicated to saving life and property from the destruction of fires?


    Don't get me wrong - I think that the American soldier is brave and dedicated to his country. The same can be said for opposition forces.



    I am sorry but I totally disagree with you. The troops ARE the real heros. After all they are the ones risking and loosing their lives so that you can have the right to say stuff like that :p I thank each and every troop I can for their sacrifice, including my husband.

  5. My husband has been deployed twice since 9/11. The first time he was gone for 8 months and the second time he was gone for almost 10 months. He is now facing yet another deployment. I guess that would be my sacrifice. Not as bad as some yet not as good as others. Truly I think he is the one who is making the sacrifice though. They all are :)

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