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Posts posted by lessy2

  1. I think that at times I over do it, but for the most part I think I'm right on track. My daughter is 4 and I NEVER let her leave my sight. No matter where we are or what we are doing. She is not even aloowed to play in the backyard without me being out there. I don't drop her off at friends houses for parties unless I'm staying either. My hubby thinks I am crazy and that I should let her be a kid. I would rather her be around to be a kid then for some idiot to take it upon themselves to do something to her or take her. So to me if I can see her at all atimes then she is as safe as she can be :)

  2. About a year ago, a black van came down into our s/d, 3 people got out, went in different directions, each had a bottle of dish detergent or some type of cleaner, and asked if they could clean 1 rooom of carpet FREE, just to demonstrate their product. The young lady was not proffesionally dressed, actually, no where near it! But, she handed me the bottle and said her little speech. I handed her the bottle back and said NO THANKS. They all looked a little fishy, someone I would NOT want in my home! NEVER LET THESE PEOPLE IN YOUR HOME!!


    Ours were in a white van and they gave us dish soap too. I let the girl shampoo my stairs only so I wouldn't have to.

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