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Posts posted by lessy2

  1. Choice Dental is absolutely great.....they are located right next to Philly Connection by offic max in Hiram and open late hours and Some saturdays..........I switched over to them a little over a year ago and love it..................check them out!!!





    I agree. This is where me and my kids go.

  2. I got this in an email and figured I would share it.





    One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he remembers that

    it's his daughter's birthday. He pulls over to a toy store and asks the

    salesperson, "How much is the Barbie on the display window?"The

    salesperson answers, "Which one? We have:


    Workout Barbie for $19.95

    Shopping Barbie for $19.95

    Beach Barbie for $19.95

    Disco Barbie for $19.95

    Divorced Barbie for $265.95


    The amazed father asks: "What? Why is the Divorced Barbie $265.95 and

    the others are only $19.95?" The salesperson annoyingly answers:


    "Sir... Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken's Car, Ken's House, Ken's Boat,

    Ken's Furniture, Ken's Computer and...One of Ken's Friends.

  3. I'm going to tell you, I cried like a baby. I really hope that they don't kill Meredith off. I hope they get rid of Burke(sp) After all he is the one that is causing all the trouble and drama behind the scenes. Oh well guess we will see next week.

  4. My hubby is the most unromantic guy ever. All I got was p-nut butter cups and a card. After I told him 3 things to choose from, 3 weeks ago!!! Oh well. He on the other hand got a new wedding band, which is exactly what he wanted :glare: and I even had it inscribed.

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