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Posts posted by ITMFA

  1. However, if Man B didn't do anything, why is he in G-Bay????

    Because a villager, "man e", doesn't like his neighbor man B and coveits man B's home. Man E goes to the Americans to receive payment for claiming that man B is a terrorist. In actuality man B is a goat herder who has no idea how or why he is in Gitmo. Man E now inhabits the home of Man B which has been vacated by his all expenses paid trip to the "island paradise"

  2. She will play @ Mt Tabor and she is in the 8 and under. This is the 1st year that they will have tryouts. She is good but that is also what makes me nervous. I want her to be able to play for her coach from the last 2 years.


    There is a website with information about what they are trying to do http://www.pcprd.com. It's pretty good you can get a lot of information and download the registration forms to fill out and mail in if you can't make it to the park before 5.

  3. Sometimes I will read a thread for a couple of hours and it seems as if one person posts after another. I will reluctantly make a comment and it seems like it slips further and further back until it finally goes away...


    and then Hello Sarah? close it for being old?

    Hello Sarah? Go to Hello Sarah? Go to Hello Sarah? Go to Hello Sarah?


    Pardon my arrogance but I love killing political threads. Once you lay down the facts and they are undisputable, the thread is as good as dead. Yeah it may do some babbling and quivering before it goes but nothing else substantive. Yep...When a thread sees me coming it knows the end is near. :p

  4. In what way is medical science based largely on evolution?


    :o You are kidding aren't you? :blink: Not to belittle you but... How about medical advances in genetics and disease research for starters. All biological systems evolve whether they are disease causing organisms like viruses and bacteria or the hosts they prey on. How do you think resistent strains of bacteria occur? How do you think hiv and flu viruses mutate? How do you think new flu vaccines are created in anticpation of the next pandemic? Research of evolutionary origins provide clues for treatments and cures of diseases and their causes. Do you think forensic medicine references Adam and Eve? I'd go on and on but you probably quit reading this already...

  5. OK, sorry to call you out TBAR, just wanted to make sure you saw this post, I like to know your opinion on this.

    This topic is in reference to many others on here in the past and most recently the topic about the BBC article.


    If evolution were indeed fact, how then does the geneology of Adam come into play?


    I know those who don't see the Bible as an inspired, true book just dismiss this as Bible error. But I wonder how Christians who beleive the Bible is complete and inspired but also beleive in evolution view this.


    The Bible lays out the geneology starting with Adam. What do you beleive?


    Do you beleive Adam was the first man created?

    or...Do you beleive Adam was just a way of explaining that God created man?

    Do you beleive Adam lived 930 years?


    Just curious... So if medical science is based largely on evolution, why is it that Christian doctors go to medical school and not theology school? :glare: Why don't those who do not believe in evolution go to their pastor to be healed when they are sick or hurt? Why not have a 911 dispatcher send a pastor instead of an ambulance? :wacko: If circumstances were such, over time this debate would come to an ironic conclusion.

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