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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. Why is it that everywhere King went, fights and protests broke out? He preached Non-violence, etc, but riots broke out and towns & cities were nearly destroyed because of this guy....


    Rather than celebrate the failures of Dr. King, America should celebrate the bravery of James Earl Ray. That's the guy that deserves a National Holiday!

    God loves you. Me? not so much . . .

  2. Tonight at a restraunt on 61 and Scoggins.My 14 year old swung into action.The cashier was not feeling well and laid her head on the counter.The manager told her to take a break.Everyone started staring outside.A man came in and told them they had an employee passed out on the sidewalk.My son jumped up from the table and RAN outside yelling "I am CPR and First Aid trained".The girl was unresponsive but had a pulse.An employee was standing behind my son and asked "Well what do we do?" My son just looked at her and said "Call 911"In the meantime he sent my other son to the car to get his Boy Scout shirt so she could "have cushion and comfort or her head.He continued to assess the person on the ground who would not talk.He stayed with her until the ambulance arrived.She finally began talking and it was discovered that she was anemic and had not eaten all day.Then the manager came up to is and said "Your boys are REAL Scouts."I am sooooooooooooooo proud that my sons are Scouts and has the training needed to help other people.

    What a kid. You raised some winners spaz . . . ♥

  3. There will be an adjective and then a noun in each 2 word pun.


    1. A weak man ----- ----

    2. An escaped animal ----- -----

    3. A nasty, green vegetable mean green

    4. An offlimits seashore------ ----

    5. A sun bathing male tan man

    6. A lady goose's dandruff------ ------

    7. A resentful baby tender------ ------

    8. A healthy intelligent person------ ------

    9. A chicken enclosure hen pen

    10. An unusual couple---- ----

    11. A fortunate baby fowl lucky duck

    12. An unambitious flower---- -----

    13. A very tiny hot dog Teenie weenie


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