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Everything posted by ButterflyLion

  1. Here's a link with photos that describes the differences between wild onions and wild garlic: http://www.ppws.vt.edu/scott/weed_id/allvi.htm
  2. Here's a link to see where Windstream is available. I see Douglasville listed but not Hiram or Dallas. I wonder why? http://www.windstream.com/default.aspx?segment=residential Edited to add: I don't see the popup when I click on the link now so look to the upper right hand corner where it says "My location." On mine it said Atlanta so I clicked edit, then the popup came up to check other locations.
  3. Do you have a subscription to the online copy of the AJC? Aren't some AJC articles posted on their website---where everyone can read them?
  4. You're welcome. I've found that it's hard sometimes to decide what to choose to post from some articles ...
  5. This is from the p.com website. I edited it rather than cut and pasted the whole thing: PAULDING.COM RULES HELP topics PRIVACY POLICY PCOM RULES We may add, change, or delete rules as time goes by. If you think these rules are unfair or think we've left something out, please let us know. They are negotiable (to a certain extent), but they will be the standards by which we judge whether a post needs to be audited or a member needs to be disciplined. 1. Discussions and comments should ... 3. If you want to share a news article with everyone, please be sure to p
  6. This was held locally at Sweetwater Creek State Park in May of last year. Maybe they will hold something this year, too: Saturday, May 21, 2011 11 AM to 3 PM This event has already occurred. Learn the basics of identifying, collecting and preparing edible wild plants. Learn about poisonous plants to avoid. This class will cover medicinal uses as well. There will be a light hike involved, so wear ... http://gastateparks.org/event/182310?c=4084145
  7. This was the first website that came up when I googled wild onions. He starts out saying some not so positive things about other wild edibles but then goes on to say that he likes wild onions: .... That being said; one of my favorite wild foods is the wild onion, it is easy to find having that familiar onion smell. They can be used in the same ways as onions from the store or those from the garden and taste nearly identical, yet most people regard them as weeds. Early spring is the best time to gather because later in the summer the green bits get stringer becoming more difficult t
  8. I think the article is interesting. I do have a question though. It looks like you copied and pasted the whole article into your post---is that correct? It looks like you've done that with other articles, too, recently so I was wondering if the copyright laws and p.com policies posting articles have changed? I ask because there are times that I would rather post the full article, too---rather than edit it down. I know in the past that the mods viewed posting full articles as a serious violation of p.com rules---even if you posted the source in a link.
  9. Look at the cover of this book at all of the wild edibles. I wonder where they were found? Nature's Garden: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants by Samuel Thayer http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0976626616/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER (Note can the image of this book cover be put into this thread? If so, can someone tell me step by step how to do it? I tried to post a flower pic once from the Burpee website and asked this question but a couple of members posted that it couldn't be posted because it was masked or something.)
  10. I know it's supposed to be funny. I stated that it's too close to abuse to be funny. That's the way I feel about it. I've noticed it in her signature lots of times and only decided to say something about it after her last comment about violence.
  11. I liked the statement he makes about not using force. The world would benefit greatly if more people valued children and people that way.
  12. We have different ideas about what is acceptable. Too many people use violence and say they are using it to "teach" their children, their wives, etc. To me the above quote from your signature is too close to abuse to be funny.
  13. Here's an article that describes the 5 best and the 5 worst sweeteners: http://www.rodale.com/best-sweeteners?page=0
  14. Look at Balki now: http://video.foxnews.com/v/1447209582001/balkis-secret-life
  15. No rose colored glasses. Go visit any shelter for abused women and children. You'll find lots of shades of black and blue. Violence begets violence.
  16. The violent energy is there. How many men do things like smash in the windshield of their wife's car with a baseball bat (to "teach" her something)---and then go on to do bodily harm to her or their children?
  17. At what cost? He taught her to use a violent way (gun) to make a point. I'm not buying the idea that there was no other way to teach her what he wanted.
  18. I like seeing the different choices. I noticed that she had Aldi listed. I've only been in one about 3 times (Douglasville) and I noticed their produce prices can vary a lot. The first time I went they had 10lb. bags of white potatoes for only .99. I thought that was great. Just a few weeks later the price was higher than Kroger.
  19. She was in an abusive marriage for 25 years before she got a divorce.
  20. Shooting a laptop full of holes doesn't set a very mature example.
  21. If the family dog hadn't had its own facebook page he wouldn't have ever seen his daughter's letter. I would have liked to have seen him take a more positive approach---without using a gun.
  22. I recently bought a fresh coconut. I hadn't bought one in a long time and the flavor was almost soapy. Do you think something was wrong? What did the ones taste like back in SC?
  23. For each fan No nonsense will donate a pair of socks to someone in need for up to 500,000 pairs: http://www.facebook.com/nononsense?sk=app_204605899634668
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