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  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/25/1962

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  • Place of Residence
    South Paulding

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  1. Hmm Must have been The Postman
  2. http://www.vintagewings.ca/VintageNews/Stories/tabid/116/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/357/language/en-CA/Original-Kittyhawk-HS-B-Discovered.aspx
  3. Why are we not hearing about this like we are the Trayvon case?????? Where is NBC and Al Sharpton on this one??? Wasn't her civil rights violated??? http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/04/nurse-who-snatched-baby-keegan-killed-mom-seeks-bail/
  4. The Paulding County Sheriff's Office wants to warn residents of a possible scam that is occuring in some parts of Paulding County. A company is posting a flyer on citizens mailboxes asking for a $10 check to paint their street address on the curb in front of the residence. The company does not leave any pertinent information on the flyer which leads authorities to believe that it may be a hoax. Please do not leave money in your mailbox for this service. If anyone has any information regarding this potential scam please contact the PCSO Criminial Investigations Division at (770) 443-3015.
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