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Everything posted by ScarletIndulgence

  1. I'll make sure Bruce knows...he takes that road every day to work. Thanks for the info! Scarlet
  2. There was another accident around 6pm this afternoon with multiple cars involved at the light on 92/Bill Caruth...at least 5 car pile up. Twice as many policeman there...Didn't look like anyone was hurt...
  3. Worked in a bike shop and had a girl come in with a bent rim and the driver that hit her. We fixed the bike and the driver paid. I took the lic plate # and gave the girl my card as she was not acting right. later that day she came back in with a parent, had no clue what happened. She felt like she woke up, noticed new parts on her bike and my card in her pocket. I never heard anymore so I assume they did not press charges.
  4. I wonder if it is a Caddy, one passed me on 278 yesterday with a drive out tag and almost took me out. I was on my scooter and now i am glad I got it over a bike as it is more agile.
  5. Glad to hear it, Two weeks after I bought my 250cc scooter I had to lay it down on BankHead. Other then a scratched knee and a few scooter scratches all was well. Bruce
  6. Next time, smile and waive to her and she will smile and waive back...not a cuss word at all!
  7. No kidding, it seems like so many young deaths in the news this past week.
  8. That is the one thing my ex and I commented on about he and his wife, They were always smiling. We were a young couple that moved here with no family, about the same age as their son Lee who lived by me and they were very welcoming. Harry thought it was funny I came to the closing in the Uhaul all loaded up.
  9. Paulding county lost a good man, Harry sold me my first house. I lived next to his son and had the pleasure of meeting his wife.
  10. We are both so sorry to hear this. Our prayers are with the family.
  11. funny story about that. A friend in her younger years was hiking in a popular spot near a mediacl school. They came across a body and thought it was fake and a hoax by some students. They took pics with it and so on, later that day they found out it was the real deal.
  12. My son Evan was a friend of Thomas and he will be missed, they are in our prayers.
  13. Note to self, when Scarlet locks herself in the bedroom don't kick the door down again! LOL In NY on a domestic everyone goes to jail and the judge weeds it out in the morning.
  14. PS, nothing against those who rent as I know a great family who rents there. We all do know the reality of what starts happening and what it does to property values. You end up with houses in poor shape as most think they will get rich renting but when you have to paint and replace siding that chews in to profit. I know the one rental owner, he lives close by and I am confident he will keep it up. They lived there for a while and are really good people.
  15. Hopefully she gets it together, it took me until I was 22 to do so. She will be in my prayers as they all have been.
  16. Not sure on the situation, just wish people would sell and not rent. Either a ton of people live there or many visit. The kids all seem to be 18-20 and fly through our nieghborhood. They also seem to come and go a lot and a lot of cars seem to go there and leave after short periods if you get my drift. One did not see me and when my wife yelled for him to slow down he flipped her off. Once he saw me he tried to play like he was scratching his fall, in other words no stones in his shorts. I can flip off a lady barley walking with crutches oooooo so tough. The same idiot has done this to others
  17. Why is it I hear banjos when reading this thread. I live at that corner and it does fit the bill of some folks who are renting there.
  18. I wish there was something I could say, we thought we were on the edge of losing my son when he was an infant. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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