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Posts posted by fire911

  1. Does anyone know why Dallas P.D. cannot enforce the no smoking ban?There are a couple of convience store in the City of Dallas that are allowing their customers to smoke inside their stores while they are playing on the gambling machines.They can sit and play for hours at a time and really smoke up the place.The owners have no smoking signs up,but these people smoke anyway.The owners say they have told these people they cannot smoke ,but they dont listen to them.I spoke to a dispatcher at Dallas P.D. and she said she did not know what the police could do.Duh!Try enforceing the law.Citations to the store owner and the smoker...She said she talked to her supervisor and he said their was nothing the police could do.They said to call the Health Dept.The Health Dept. said their was nothing they could do, that I should call the EPA.Sound like a lot of passing the buck and no one wanting to do their job.Did I miss something?Did they pass a no smoking ban or not?By the way the two stores are Save-a-lot across from Ingles and Grands across from the Dallas Motel.

  2. I think I have found the trick to getting rid of those darn pesky little things.I had a fireant hill in the front yard and just out of curosity,I poked a hole in the middle of the nest and poured a little PINESOL into it and they not only left the hill,they left the yard.I haven't seen any in over a month.Yeeeeeaaaa.Hope this helps someboby.

  3. Is anyone having problems with ants this year?It seems like my whole house is full of them.It's a new house and we dont leave food laying around to attract them,so I dont know whats up.Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of them?They are just little black ants.

  4. I really need some good advice guys!My son is 19,not working at this time and has no insurance.The problem is he is having a real anger issue and he doesnt know how to deal with it.Does anyone know anywhere in the county that deals with mental health issues that can help someone with no income,maybe some local church's or somethging of that nature.I'am not sure how to deal with his anger and depression and I feel that he really needs help.

  5. Is anyone on here partipicating in the MDA Event o Tuesday?I'am supposed to be picked up in handcuffs and escorted by the sheriffs office at 9:00 Tuesday A.m.I just moved into this neighborhood in March,what will the neighbors think?Ha Ha.I have to raise 2500.00 to get out.Anyone want to donate.Any amount is better than no amount.If so just e-mail me.By the way my husband is going to work late just so he can stay and watch.

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