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Posts posted by fire911

  1. There is a restaurant in Hiram that I used to go to a lot.I notice on a couple of my bank statements that the price of the meal on my receipt was different than what was on my bank statement.I think the waiter or waitress went back and added a tip without my knowledge.I always leave a cash tip and write -0- on the tip line.I let it go the first couple of times and quit going there.Well I went there one day last month and it happened again.What would you guy's do?Aside from not going there anymore.I know I can start paying with cash,but I dont think this should go by without being addressed with the management or something.Just wanted your opinion.

  2. With all the new show's with Psyics such as Slyvia Brown, Lisa Williams,etc.What are your thoughts?


    1. Can we communicate with the dead?


    2.Do we really have guardian angles watching over us?


    3.Are there really ghost or spirits out there?


    4.Have you every had any experiences with anything of this nature?



    Feel free to add anymore simular questions to this topic.

  3. Does anyone remember Rosie Meek from "New Hope Elementary"?She was the Lunchroom Lady.She passed away and is at Benson Funeral Home.Boy that was such a long time ago!She was such a nice Lady.Even after I was grown up and would see her out and about she always rememberd me and said hello.She will be missed.Prayers to the family.

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