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Posts posted by fire911

  1. I remenber a while back that Denise Welch passed away.I went to school with her.A friend of mine asked if I knew what she died from and I did not.Does anyone here know?

  2. Has anyone seen the dancing man in downtown Dallas?Does anyone know who he is or what his story is?I see him dancing through town quite often and he is the happiest person I have ever seen.I wonder if he has some happy pills.I wonder if he would share.Ha Ha.

  3. I dont understand why the theater people questioned you about your tickets and the let a woman with three small children in.I think I would have went back and questioned the theater people about this.Maybe they would have made her leave and save the kids a lot of trama

  4. I heard a song on the radio the other day that I had not heard before.Can anydody name it or tell me who sings it?It's about a guy that goes to prison and gets on the good side of the warden and starts taking care of his bloodhound,he gets the bloodhound interested in a female bluetick and the houndog is so interested in the female he forgets about tracking down prisioners and the guy escapes.Can anybody name that tune?

  5. Has anyone had trouble with gas from the BP station across from Hardy Chevrolet?I filled my van up on Wednesday night and started having trouble with it about lunchtime on Thursday.It just started running real sluggish.Any suggestions?

  6. Renee,So sorry to hear about Nicky.Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.Please give us a update as soon as possible we are patiently waiting.Please give Debra a hug and kiss and tell her how much we love her and Nickey and if their is anything we can do to please call.Here is a big huuuuuuuuuuuuug for you.


    Please call

    Janet and Eddie

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