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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. Pastor Matt, are you sure? I ask because I didn't recognize the song at first (not being a big fan of contemporary Christian music), but heard the name 'Jesus,' which made me look up and pay more attention. That's when I remembered hearing the song before.


    As for the rest of your comment, I agree wholeheartedly. I'm not terribly convinced by big shows of piety, and my reasons for being surprised at the song choice are concern for the "cheapening" of the emotion generated by it, and uneasiness about AI's motivations.


    He is right...at the very beginning in stead of saying "My Jesus" they said "My shepard". I'm glad he brought this up...it was really frustrating for me...guess they didn't want to offend anyone! <_<

  2. No, that's not the kind of fear I was thinking of at all.


    People don't worship her. There is no "Church of Oprah."


    The fear comes into play because she's not Christian. People fear what they do not understand.


    I dismissed no one's views Mustang Sally. Show me where I did, I challenge you. :) I told no one in this thread that they weren't entitled to what they wished to believe, on Oprah, or otherwise. I believe firmly in our individual rights to believe the way we each individually see fit.


    And I reserve the equal right to have the opinion that the issues here boils down to, once again, fear - of that which is different, of that which we do not understand; and ignorance - because people are willing to take propaganda as truth, and run with it, among other things. IMO, there is no reason to fear, or to not like someone, because they have a different religion than you.


    To each their own!


    I never said that I dislike Oprah. I choose not to watch her show and help her ratings because I don't like what she stands for or promotes. I am also fully aware, not ignorant of what she stands for, and the only fear I have of her is what I mentioned earlier, her misleading millions of people with her proclamations of self-love and her views of God. I do not have to fear her because I know that I believe in the truth and not her lies. In my book, calling someone scared and ingnorant because of their religious views is belittling them.

  3. I'm saying that it's propaganda at it's best. :) Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher. His book "A New Earth" is not a religion. It's a book of philosophy, it's a book that is another way of looking at the world, and at our own personal spiritual beliefs. This is not a "Church of Oprah" -- that is just absolute ignorance. Really, nothing that is covered in this book is "new". NONE OF IT. There have been heretics forever of "organized religions", people on the fringe of other's religions... in fact, I'm one of those people.


    There is nothing to fear of other's believing there is more than one way to the Truth, or to Enlightenment, than Christianity. That's all this smells of -- fear and ignorance.


    I wasn't going to watch it until you asked me what I thought. ;)


    If by fear you mean fear for all of the people she is misleading with her preaching of self-love and other humanistic views, then sure I'll admit I'm afraid of her!! She is creating for herself a very dangerous position right now...she does wonderful, awesome things for others, and I feel that she truly cares for people who are less fortunate, but because of her power and notoriety for these things, people are putting her on a pedastal and "worshipping" her every move. This is why it is being labeled a "church" or a cult. And I think that she does take advantage of this.


    And the fear and ignorance part could just as easily be turned around on you. Are you not being just as close-minded by dismissing peoples' veiws that there is only one way??

  4. Yep-sure did! Went to church and got soaked..........baptized that is! I :wub: CATR!


    Congrats! This morning was truly amazing...only God could have had a hand in it! The grand total was 55 people who were spontaneously baptized, along with you!! I feel very blessed to be a part of the work that God is doing through CATR in our community!!

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