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Everything posted by Melody

  1. I haven't called the ENT yet. I don't want the expense of custom plugs from the ENT, but that may be the road I have to go down. Just an FYI for silly putty users-I know silly putty is not an option based on my own personal experience and pain as a kid from the putty getting too hot, getting stuck down in my ear canal, infected, and the nurses having to get it out of there. OUCH. Ya'll be careful with that. Just because the big chunk comes out, little strings of it can get caught down in the ear.
  2. My 2 year old has tubes in his ears and I have tried 2 different types of ear plugs for swimming and they fall out when they get wet. Any suggestions on a good ear plug for him?
  3. Brighton sounds like a really good and affordable option for Summer. You should definetly take him there once a week. The teachers are really sweet and the kids love it. My son will start the school in the 2 year old class in August.
  4. I think she is greedy. He doesn't want to stay at home with all of the kids all of the time. I don't blame him at all for that. She should allow him his chance to be happy. Compromise. She has no clue about that word. It is always about her. And the kids call her the babysitters name. Guess she isn't home often! When you put everything into your kids and there isn't enough left for a marriage divorce is expected.
  5. Yeah you are very right. I find myselft acting bossy to my husband when I watch too much Jon and Kate It doesn't make for a happy household.
  6. I did and I feel sick. I have never liked Kate and she is out of touch with reality. If she was, she'd get her butt at home, turn off the cameras and get her family back in order. Jon needs to do the same. Even if they get divorced, they don't need to share that stuff with the world. Seems that would damage their kids beyond repair. They are never together with their kids. So sad. TV got to them. She is gone often working and Jon is gone playing. I wonder what those kids will grow up to be like. I am sure the kids will one day resent their parents for chosing TV and $$$ over their family. I th
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