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Posts posted by icare

  1. Please don't get me started on mental health issues.....my daughter works in that field and it is a mess!! If our government would stop arguing with each other and come together for the people they represent, maybe they could help the VA and the Department of Human Services reorganize and begin making a dent in the tremendous backlog of people that are in dire straits. Our systems....all of them are a mess!

    • Like 4
  2. I have not had time to read all of these posts but I will say hands down that ANYONE that makes decisions on behalf of public education needs to have had some type of experience in the classroom. Everyone of our legislators needs to travel around and spend time observing what goes on in our classrooms day in and day out. The Georgia School Board Superintendent most definitely needs to have had classroom experience! The problem with public education now is that we have people that don't know one thing about education making the decisions.....UGH!!!

    • Like 2
  3. The Oxy/MAPP (two P's) torches don't put out a whole lot of heat and they will suck the bottles dry quickly. They are only good for light welding. MAPP burns hotter than propane but not as hot as acetylene.


    Cast iron is not easy to weld. Probably the best way is with a TIG welder, but those babies are expensive.


    My hubby agrees with the fact that it may suck the bottle dry quickly but what do you expect for $50? He does not agree with the fact that MAPP does not burn as hot as acytelene. He uses it day in and day out on heavy equipment and says it absolutely burns hotter than acytelene. That's his two cents worth....take it or leave it. Good luck!

  4. !Hola mi amigos! I have been using an arc welder (you sometime call it a stick welder) for some time, but I like the versatility of maybe using an oxy/fuel torch for different projects...since they can cut and braze and solder. I had been looking at oxy/acetylene torch sets but I do not have that kind of money. I came across an oxy/Map-pro set that uses disposable tanks for fifty dollars (much less than oxy/ace set) and since I am not doing anything heavy duty, or very often I thought this may be a good way to go. I have some cast iron patio chairs I need to fix and I wonder if the oxy/MAP-pro set would be good for this and other around the house light work projects?


    My husband is a welder and says that a lot of old timers will not use anything but oxy/acytelene. However, my husband and his co-worker will only use the MAP gas. He says the only difference is it burns much cleaner and hotter. He loves it. He says you will come out good using that set and you can weld anything with it that you would use the acytelene for. Hope this helps!

  5. I want Bill Caruth to win more than anything. But this seems to be a set up and would probably be political suicide for him. Time will tell.


    I don't care for Bill Heath but have you ever met Bill Carruth? Were you around when he was commissioner? I encourage folks to talk to him about the issues. It doesn't take long to see his arrogance and he is definitely a Paulding County good ole boy. The question is who is the lesser of two evils?....


    So do ya think Paulette will be up at the Chamber bashing her home boy?


    She does belong to Heath and the PACS, right?


    She'll probably lay low for a while.....after all, the IRS is on her trail...

    • Like 1
  6. I don't care for Bill Heath either but let us not forget Bill Carruth as our Paulding County commissioner. He is a crooked, arrogant, pompous, #$%! He is the ringleader of the "Paulding County good ole boys" network. I'm not sure who was worse....Bill Carruth or Jerry Shearin. I will have to think long and hard on this one. I just don't see myself voting for Bill Carruth after some of the conversations I had with him. JMHO :pardon:

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  7. Just wanted to say congrats to Chas and his family. All of us former raiders are very proud that there is a East Paulding raider in the NFL. I said it 6 YEARS ago when I first saw him kick, that kid is going to make it! Again congrats and Paulding County is proud of you.. even if you are an Eagle.. ;) see ya at the dome soon, its gonna be a busy day for you..



    Wow! Both of our Paulding County boys on the same NFL team! He joins Trevard Lindley from HHS. Awesome!

  8. I had a child in private church based school for 10 years.

    I also had 3 that were in public school and graduated.


    What surprises me is that Paulette was on the school board, she knows what a struggle it is budget wise to serve the many children attending our public schools.


    A bill taking away money from public schools just seems not quite in line with her past.


    I foresee an expensive bureaucratic nightmare in the future not only will you be taking funds from public school you will be adding bureaucrats to over see it.


    My impression of Paulette was she supported less Gov. and less Gov control.



    I am assuming that the gov. will be controlling this in the way of multiple hoops to be jumped through and more Gov employees to oversee the jumping.


    I have talked personally with Paulette about the issues with the school voucher plan which is what this is.


    Paying home makers to stay home and educate their children, church schools taking any money for anything from the Gov is a no no in my book.


    My fear is that every little church on every little corner will start a school to receive some Gov. funding.


    The certification and over seeing of church and home education is going to pull even more money from the public school system, leaving those without the resources to stay at home of drive children to private schools dealing with substandard educational opportunities for their children due to underfunding of public education.


    Private education has almost alwys required sacrifice from families, asking millions of kids to sacrifice their education for the minority that want private education is so unfair.


    So I have to ask, does Paulette represent the majority of her constituents? or does she allow a minority of people that have the means to send their kids to private school and would like to be first in line for a tax break.



    Many of the children in out public schools have parents that aren't qualified for tax breaks, because they don't even make enough to tax to begin with.


    I always believed that education was about breaking the cycle of poverty, this is not how this plays out in my opinion.


    I just don't understand how you can be responsible for the education of thousands in the public school system, spend years doing your best for public education, then take funding away from it.


    I know that she knows from first hand experience that unfunded mandates from the state are one of the biggest challenge for local school boards, I really expected that having served on the school boar that she would have been passionate on those issues, rather than seeking a way to underfund public education even more.


    Having had a child in private school I know first hand that tuition does not give you one bit more power over the school administration.


    Ultimately in the end it was more about me and my child working towards their education.


    Good post! Braddock is a puppet for certain members of the Americans for Prosperity group that are influencing her votes. I am a conservative through and through but do not agree with Braddock on a lot of issues! She and her good friend Mrs. Galloway are simply furthering their agenda. They are only listening to a handful of voters, it will bite her in the end....

  9. I just don't get spewing more ugliness.(She is not nice, her communications skills, etc.) It is not doing anyone any good. She won let's see what she does. If she does not do as we want then we vote her out in two years. I would have no problem with that.


    I agree that it does no good, however, knowing that many voters voted for her because of the R by her name truly is hard to get past. The voters need to educate themselves and investigate candidates thoroughly. I know firsthand of her inabilities, however, I will pray that she steps up in her new role.

  10. Intellect is often a matter of opinion. Someone with a degree in archaeology like Will, does not rate higher on the food chain than one with a degree in communications like Paulette, to me. Nor does someone who has worked briefly for for a survey company or as a volunteer "historian", like Will,rank higher on the genius scale to me than an entreprenuer who has employed people, since she was 21, as Paulette has done. At least her education and experience is focused on the future and not on the past. As far as her grasp of the issues, you folks forget the 3 debates she engaged in previously, when Will and the other 2 also participated. They are posted online and as I recall, any clock cleaning done, was by her. Thankfully, she is also efficient with a mop to clean up any messes liberals leave behind on the House floor!


    She spews rhetoric from her buddies in the Paulding Co. GOP........

    Have you heard her communication skills in a board meeting????

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