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Mason Rountree

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Posts posted by Mason Rountree

  1. computersys:


    That was rather bold for a first post. Welcome. Your supposition is wrong, though. Other than my wife, my campaign manager, my father-in-law and myself voting one time each, I have no idea who has voted for me. I have made myself available on the site for several months, though. I don't think either of my opponents have ever participated.


    - Mason Rountree

  2. Dramaqueen:


    Thank you for your confidence. I just got back from the fireworks show in Cartersville. As my family and I watched the show, I felt the pride of being an American and what our country stands for. We celebrated our Independence Day together, safe and free, as I tried to explain to my 5-year old what the 4th of July is all about. Too often we hear about what's wrong with America. I had no such thoughts tonight, and give thanks for the men and women who serve our country and sacrifice their liberty and sometimes their lives for my family and me. I hope they are reunited with their families soon, and know that they are deeply appreciated.


    - Mason

  3. wbp:


    You're in the 30th District and have a very good state senator (Bill Hamrick). He is running unopposed in the primary. BTW: he is also one of my supporters.


    Even though you don't live in the 31st District, I will represent all of Paulding County. Give me a call if you ever have questions/concerns.


    Freebird is correct. The deadline to register (or change your registration) to vote for the July 20th primary was June 20th.



  4. wbp:


    July 20th is also the Republican primary for the 31st State Senate District, which includes parts of Paulding and Bartow Counties and all of Haralson and Polk Counties. I don't know whether you live in the District but I would certainly appreciate your vote as well. In Paulding County, the 31st District is basically everything north of Highway 120 a/k/a Dallas Highway a/k/a Buchanan Highway, plus the City of Dallas. You could also call my campaign at 770/445-8803, and we can let you know whether you are in the District. You could also check at the campaign website at www.friendsofmason.org


    Hopefully, my election will be over on July 20th. With two other folks from Haralson County in the race, though, there is a possibility of a run off. If there is a run off, the run off election will be held on August 10th. If elected as the Republican nominee, I will also have a general election against Democrat Lester Tate in November. Like the Sheriff, state senators assume office in January 2005.


    I hope this is helpful for state senate races. Please telephone me if you have any questions.


    - Mason Rountree

    Republican candidate, State Senate District 31

  5. Southfire and Popsi:


    Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard to earn the confidence of voters. With three weeks until the Primary, I would also appreciate your calling family members, friends and neigbors about our campaign. If you eve have questions or would like to volunteer/post a sign, please call me at our campaign: 770/445-8803 or my office: 770/443-6060.


    - Mason Rountree

  6. Mr. Fixit:


    Nice try on adding two posts. You forgot to change your password and name. While I am sorry I lost your vote, I received very positive feedback from many folks at the debate, including some former supporters of my opponent. While I am sure some people perceive questioning Mr. Heath's priorities as an attack, I believe it is our responsibility to discuss serious issues, like water, infrastructure and education. The fact of the matter is the Republican Sponsor of the legitimate female genital mutilation bill in the State Senate (Rene Unternman) called Mr. Heath's amendment "frivolous". It is no secret at the Capitol that the reason the legitimate bill to protect young girls from genital mutilation did not pass is because of the "frivolous" amendment by Mr. Heath. BTW: it is the only piece of legislation that Mr. Heath has authored since he was elected to the House.


    This race is not about who you beat in a past election. It is about the future of the District and which candidate has the ability to effectively advocate on behalf of the District. For those who could not attend the debate, the debate will be re-run of Channel 16 until the election.

  7. Asa:


    Thanks for your inquiry. I believe I addressed the issue already in this thread. To reiterate, given the situation in our County (lack of industry, bedroom community, revenue challenges, etc.) Paulding County does not need to be in the business of public transportation, particularly considering the substantial financial losses such sytems are notorious for incurring (ie MARTA). If there is enough demand for transportation, the private market should provide the service, not the government. As I indicated in this thread, I would rather see taxpayer funds spent on improving/expanding the existing infrastructure, protecting our water resources and improving education, and I will work at a state level to ensure that Paulding and the rest of the 31st District is well-represented in securing funds for those purposes.


    - Mason

  8. Dag:


    Thank you for your support. I hope my prior post clarified for you where I stand on the issue. It is unfortunate that others would misrepresent my campaign priorities to you. If you recall who made the statement to you, I would appreciate your contacting him/her to clarify my position in the event that person also received the same false information.


    - Mason

  9. Thank you, Satellite. I hope to represent all of the 31st District, whether you're a Republican, Democrat or independent. (I assume your support for Kerry means your not a Republican, although given the political climate today, that may be a bad assumption). I sincerely appreciate your offer to post a sign, provided it's not illegally in the right of way. You can contact our campaign office at 770/445-8803. Craig Foster is the campaign manager, although I will be happy to speak with you too. We don't have a message machine for that number, so you could try my office at 770/443-6060. Thanks again.

  10. At the debate last evening, Bill Heath stated that one of the reasons he authored the amendment was because people who are pierced are less likely to be able to afford the cost of medical treatment if they become infected. According to him, therefore, taxpayers will be forced to pay the cost of the medical care for infections. I didn't have the opportunity to ask him what the cost would be to the State of Georgia to incarcerate adult women for 2-20 years in prison if convicted (as his amendment proposed). As indicated in another thread, the Republican sponsor of the bill in the State Senate even called Mr. Heath's amendment "frivolous". Despite the above, Mr. Heath said he was proud of the legislation and implied that he would reintroduce his legislation again if elected. My priorities will be far different if elected as your state senator.

  11. Thanks for the clarification, Mr. Publisher. My business has sponsored a mile on the Silver Comet Trail since 2001. Maybe when the campaign is over, I'll have time to actually use the trail again. I do support the trail and the County's commitment to set aside green space and additional trails for walking, running, biking, etc. where possible.

  12. Coferederaterose:


    I do support Planning for Paulding. It is a road map for a vision of the future of Paulding County. As you probably know, many folks from Paulding County participated in the process, so there are differing views of the vision. However, the idea was to receive as much input from Paulding Countians as possible. The issue of public transportation was one of the ideas proposed. It does not mean that Planning for Paulding advocates public transportation; rahter, it facilitated a discussion of the future of our County.


    While public transportation may be a worthy goal, it is very expensive. Our County is not in a position to offer public transportation at any time in the near future. When 75% of the people in Paulding leave our County to go to work, the usefulness of public transportation seems questionable. I would rather see our County invest in improving our existing infrastructure rather than getting into the business of public transportation. Promoting economic development in Paulding County needs to be a top priority of all elected officials. If, one day, the County has sufficient funds to build a transportation system which can sustaing itself (such as offering buses), then it should be explored. If such a demand for transportation can be handled by the private market, though, I do not believe the government should be in that business.

  13. K-9 Cop:


    Thanks for your support. To provide a background to your post for those who could not attend the debate last night, in the 2004 legislative session, a bill was introduced to protect minor girls from genital mutilation, usually performed by their parents. After the bill was introduced in the House, my opponent, Bill Heath, authored an amendment to the bill to make it a felony for an adult women to voluntarily pierce her own body. If convicted, the woman would be sentenced to 2-20 years in prison. (BTW: I'm still trying to figure out how the law would be enforced). Because House members did not want to be on record opposing the legitimate mutilation bill, Mr. Heath's amendment actually passed the House. The Republican sponsor of the mutilation bill in the Senate called Mr. Heath's amendment "frivolous". Unfortunately, because of the amendment, the legitimate mutilation bill did not pass this year. As a result of Mr. Heath's amendment, Georgians have to wait another year before we can pass legislation to protect minor girls from genital mutilation. Surprisingly, Mr. Heath passionately defended the amendment at the debate and said he was proud of it. It is my belief that we need a State Senator who is preoccupied with less government, improving education and ensuring an adequate water supply, not body piercing.

  14. Animal:


    Given my positive relationship with the Republican caucus in the State Senate (several of whom have endorsed my campaign, including Sen. Bill Hamrick (part of Paulidng), Sen. Chuck Clay (part of Paulding), Sen. David Shafer (Governor's floor leader) and Sen. Casey Cagle), I believe I can quickly and effectively assume the role of state senator to promote the interests of West Georgia. Unless a state senator is capable of working with other folks in your own party, you will accomplish little or nothing. The ability to work with others is one area that I believe distinguishes my campaign from my opponents.


    As for the issue of gun control, I strongly support the Second Amendment and hunters' rights.


    - Mason

  15. Cherokeewoman:


    Good to hear from you again. I have several ideas in response to your inquiry. First, I support controlled residential growth. As it currently stands, our commission is not permitted under the law to consider what effect a proposed residential development will have on the school system. For instance, at Shelton Elementary, I counted 19 trailers in the front yard, even though the school was recently renovated. I would therefore support a change in the law to allow the commission to consider the effect of residential development on our schools.


    I also want to emphasize economic development in Paulding County (and the other counties in the district). With commercial development and industry, Paulding Countians would have a better opportunity to work where they live. The latest statistic I saw (at Planning for Paulding) was that at least 75% of Paulding Countians leave to County to go to work. There are many concerns with such an exodus, including the environmental impact on our community.


    I would also support the use of faith-based organizations to assist with mentoring children, possibly through Juvenile Court, and provide other services to our community. With active involvement of folks to tackle our community problems, we will promote the sense of community that has been eroded. There is no better example of our sense of community in Paulding than Relay for Life.


    Finally, but certainly not least, we must ensure an adequate water supply to our County, which affects current residents and our ability to attract economic development. My opponent, Bill Heath, was unable to protect the water reservoir in Haralson County (from which Paulding would have received a significant amount of water) which had been in the works for 10-15 years. If he couldn't save the water in Haralson County where he lives, I am very concerned that he wouldn't be able to do it in Paulding County.

  16. Thank you for your support, Animal. As a resident of Paulding, I know it has many needs, from the lack of infrastructure to overcrowding in schools to preserving and expanding our water resources. I pledge to effectively serve my fellow Paulding residents (and the residents of Bartow, Haralson and Polk) and will need your and others' input to solve our many challenges.


    - Mason Rountree

  17. Cherokeewoman:


    Actually, my response to your inquiry was that I was unfamiliar with SB 460 and that I would look into its effect. I am sorry for the delay in responding but, at the time, the bill had not been considered by the House. I have had an opportunity to look into the bill and learned that it was not enacted as drafted. Contrary to your assertion, current law already allows a developer to pipe over creeks and streams, provided a variance is obtained. I undestand that the proposed bill would have codified additional reasons to approve a variance. I would support a bill that provides an additional reason to approve a variance if the developer can show that the water quality down stream was improved by the development. Such a change does not guarantee the issuance of a variance; rather, it simply authorizes the entity to consider the enhanced water quality, along with many other reasons, in deciding whether to approve the variance or not. The discretion in granting the variance remains with the approving entity. This is a common sense approach to ensuring that a development does not negatively impact our water supply. Given this clarification, I would appreciate your reconsideration of our campaign and ask for your vote in the Republican primary on July 20th.


    -Mason Rountree

  18. Registering or being registered to vote no longer has an effect on whether you are called as a potential juror. My understanding is that if you have a driver's license with a Paulding County address, you are placed on a list in the Superior Court Clerk's Office, from which you are randomly selected as a potential juror by a computer. We have an excellent Clerk, Treva Shelton, who would be happy to discuss the system with you. It is frustrating for some to serve, especially to small business owners, because of the opportunity cost in serving. However, serving on a jury or making yourself available to serve is essential to our system of justice, as a citizen's right to a jury trial is as sacred as the right to vote. Sometimes it is tempting to think that our government works on autopilot, but without the active participation of citizens, government will not operate as intended.

  19. Georgia State Student:


    Give my office a call and ask for my paralegal, Pam (770/443-6060). Basically, you have to pay a filing fee with the Superior Court, advertise the name change in the Dallas New Era, and go to Court. You will then be issued a new birth certificate. Some folks try to represent themselves, but if you would prefer for an attorney to help, I'd be to do so. Because of the required court appearance, the cost is typically $500.00 in fees. However,Georgia State grads may get a discount (I received my law degree there). :lol:


    -Mason Rountree


    PS This assumes, of course, that Georgia State will not add your middle name without a court order.

  20. Surepip:


    Thank you for the invitation. I will come by to see you tonight. As for the other "finest" Republican, I assume you are referring to my friend running in a different race in the district next door. :lol: Thank you for your support, and I look forward to serving you and all people in Paulding, Polk, Haralson and Bartow Counties.


    - Mason Rountree

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