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Mason Rountree

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Posts posted by Mason Rountree

  1. Texan:


    I guess I'm one of those scum-sucking lawyers, since I believe that our judicial system allows compensation when someone is negligently or intentionally injured by another.


    As a conservative, I stongly support the concept that we should not take the law into our own hands, and that by placing our legitimate disputes in front of an impartial tribunal is preferable to anarchy.


    If you, your spouse or your child were intentionally injured by another person and knocked unconcsious, would you seek redress? If so, I wouldn't accuse those who help injured people of being scum-sucking. If not, then call me a scum-sucker and I'll call you foolish.

  2. jp184:


    I addressed the Commssion on behalf of my clients who are attempting to have a house constructed on easement access property. Currently, there are seven houses using the easement. According to certain County officials, only three houses are allowed per easement, so my clients' application for permission to build the house was previously denied. I am asking the Commission to reverse the decision.


    If you or your friend have a specific legal question, you can call me at my office (770/443-6060).


    - Mason Rountree

  3. Within the past six months or so, Consumer Reports did a report on the various lawn tractors. As I recall, the highest rated was the John Deere. If you go to their website, you can pull the article, I believe and pay a minimal fee for their recommendation.


    I have a Huskavarna (sp?) and do not recommend it. The motor's good but I can't keep it running otherwise. I plan on replacing the Husky with a John Deere next spring.

  4. Thanks, MrFiIt.


    DonnaRay: Our firm does do estate planning. Depending on the size of your estate, you may need more than just a simple will. We typically also provide additional documents, like living wills, medical directives and trusts. Give me a call at my office: 770/443-6060. To properly do estate planning can be costly (although I don't want your arm or leg), but the cost of estate planning is negligible compared to the amount of taxes you may otherwise be required to pay upon death or the hassle to your heirs if there is no Will/medical directives in effect.


    - Mason Rountree

    27 Courthouse Square

    Dallas, GA


  5. Eddie:


    Thanks for your note. I hope I'm an exception to your rule in the other thread running today. I can assure you that my motivation in running was genuine. Of course, all politicians are self-interested, as they think they can make better decisions in their capacity as a legislator than other folks; otherwise, why would they run? Unfortunately, some do it for self-aggrandizement and others for pecuniary gain, as you suggested. For me, though, I ultimately ran because public service is a noble cause, just as I believe my profession, which is often ridiculed for the same reasons you mentioned about politicians, is a noble one. There are good public servants, and we lost a good one last night.


    Back to chickens, though. I had an excellent chicken ceasar salad today at the new Main Street Grill in Dallas (across from the tatoo parlor). It opened a week ago and is owned by the same family as the Hiram Tavern Grill, which is my wife and my favorite restaurant in Paulding County. The new restaurant is open for lunch only and serves sandwiches, salads, etc. I've crossed the road from my office like a chicken for the past three days to eat lunch there.

  6. I did not know Ray until both of us decided to jump into the political arena. In the short time I got to know him, it became apparent that Ray possessed qualities our community benefited from and truly needs in public service. I will never forget talking to Ray and asking him what in the world he was thinking when he decided to run for office. Without a hesitation and with a sincerity that would elude a politician who runs for the wrong reasons, he responded that he "just wanted to help kids".



    Our community has lost a good person whose motivation in serving others was inspirational. I think the legacy that he left for our community is that every action we take as human beings should have the goal of helping kids. Remember, too, that he has young children. After the situation settles down, we need to live the example he set in private life by helping his kids.

  7. tiesinpaulding:


    I think you're referring to the Cobb County Superior Court Clerk's website, which maintains public records of criminal defendants who have been convicted in the Superior Court of Cobb County. Furcal's case would have been handled in State Court, not Superior Court, so the record is not on-line. There is, however, a criminal index in Cobb County maintained at the Courthouse where the information can be located. Cobb is the only County I know of which is on-line for this purpose. In terms of appeals, Furcal could have appealed his case to the Georgia Court of Appeals but not the Supreme Court of Georgia. Court of Appeals cases may also be on-line through the Secretary of State's website.


    - Mason

  8. If he's convicted of a second DUI in five years, he'll serve 72 hours in jail and 12 more months of probation. He'll also lose his license for 18 months, which can be reduced to 12 months if he installs an interlock ingnition device. He'll also have his picture posted in the paper and he will have to turn over his car tags for every car registered in his name. Finally, he'll have to do 240 hours of community service.


    As for the probation revocation, I don't really understand it. He must have entered a plea within the last 12 months, although I thought his 1st DUI was in 2000. Normally, a first DUI will be no more than 12 months probation.


    What was unusual is that he received a probation bond. Normally, no such bonds are given. You must stay in jail until a preliminary hearing can be scheduled, at which time you admit or deny the violation of your probation. For a case like his, if he admits to the violation, he would probably lose 30 days of his probation. (However, he gets 2-for-1 credit, so he would only serve 15 days. I also understand that there is a new rule that allows trustees, who are extra good inmates, to receive 4-for-1 credit, so if he's a trustee he would serve 7-8 days in jail). My guess is that he cut a deal with the prosecutor that he would agree to lost the balance of his probation (50 days) in exchange for getting a probation bond. Once the season is over, he'll go to jail, become a trustee and get out in 12-13 days. Not a bad deal for someone who placed the lives of many other people at risk twice within three years.

  9. Actually, Drudge Report was correct. I was wrong. I'm not in the mainstream media, though. Whether it was a shotgun or a rifle is not the point. I'm going to discharge either one if you come into my house at night without my permission.

  10. Surepip:


    It was refreshing to hear Gore's response (although I wonder how many other people would have walked away with a warning ticket driving as fast as he was...what would have been even more impressive is if he would have insisted on a ticket to ensure fairness in the distribution of justice).


    I'm not sure I understand your "Copperhead" comment except in the context of your other posts (some of which were much appreciated, thank you very much). However, I only wish Mr. Gore's former boss would have taken the same approach when his indescrepencies were illuminated, i.e. that he would have recognized that lying under oath while acting as President of the United States is not compatible with keeping his license to practice law. Just as Gore recognized the privlege to drive carries responsibilities, so too should Clinton have recognized that the privilege to practice law carries responsibilities which are fundamental to the viability of our legal system.

  11. According to my former opponent, not only am I a paid "carpet bagger" from Atlanta, I'm bringing sex shops with me. Why's that not in the moron's book? I'm terribly offended. BTW, whenever I detect a moron like the author of this book, my new lexicon warning others of my pejorative opinion will be "Heath alert, Heath alert".

  12. We're having a tractor pull at my place this weekend. Maybe you saw me competing on some of my campaign literature. I'm also considering a run on it at the Dragstrip. I also drive a GMC Sierra 2500, diesel no less (although my tires are a little small according to my embarassed 14-year old). When I was paid to move to Dallas from Atlanta to run for office, my financial supporters thought a tractor and truck would be good for the image. :D As for Family Fued, it's a little too techno these days for me. Did y'all see the one last week with the five blonds who looked like 5-tuplets, or whatever the term for that is?

  13. Your story reminds me of the children's book, "There's a Hair in My Dirt". It's about a family of worms with the youngest worm pondering the meaning and purpose of his life after discovering a worm in his dirt-dinner. It might be therapuetic for you, Iko.

  14. Pubby:


    I missed the audio the first time around, but my wife didn't. You made her day. That was hilarious. :lol: Just for the record, I'm not the one providing the audio, although I may have provided the script.


    BTW: still haven't heard from Romanclint or BKeahl. Also, I would note that from the same website Painterman quotes my friend, Dylan Glenn, Dylan Glenn also writes:


    "With only a few days left in this campaign for Congress, we know our opponent may do anything to ruin the reputation of Dylan Glenn in a desperate attempt to get elected. Be on alert for Mr. Westmoreland's campaign to come out with more lies, innuendos, half-truths, and desperate personal attacks before the election...after all, we now know that is the Westmoreland Way."


    Dylan's campaign also released the following statement: "Lynn Westmoreland will say anything to get elected... It seems Mr. Westmoreland has forgotten the 9th Commandment, 'thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.' Westmoreland has conducted a vicious campaign of lies and half-truths against Dylan Glenn, none of which has anything to do with the issues facing the 8th District."



    Although I did not take a position in this race, as I know both candidates, sounds like Dylan thought it was appropriate to defend himself too. Imagine that.

  15. Cherokeewoman:


    I went through the same thing. (In fact, they took some of MY trees with them.) If they are simply clearing the timber for the owner of the land, no buffer is required as far as I know. However, developers usually want to have happy neigbors (as much as possible) because, as a neigbor, you have the capacity to call the state, county or city regarding possible violations in the development/construction process, i.e. regarding erosion, pollution, etc. The last thing a developer wants is the EPA or some other governmental entity closely scrutinzing their work. Therefore, I would suggest finding out who the owner is ASAP and calling them to negotiate a buffer where one does not exist by ordinance or to extend a buffer that may already exist. Kill 'em with kindness, at least at first. In the alternative, I hear that Pubby has some great binders with which to strap yourself onto a tree until they accommodate you. :)

  16. judo:


    I think I have made it clear throughout my posts that I do not blame Heath's lies for the loss. It was my failure to crack the nut in Haralson and Polk Counties and inability to get out another 139 votes. And maybe you're right that I should simply ignore Heath's campaign. However, I think you're wrong on what many voters believed. I received multiple phone calls from people asking why I supported sex shops in our communities, and that they could not vote for me simply based on the false allegation. I also received several phone calls/contacts from people who were concerned by my "mailers" stating that I only cared about one county and the rest of the counties were not priorities to me. Those mailers were doctored by my opponent, which is a serious breach of the public trust. In Bartow County, I received 50% of the vote in a 3-way race on July 20th, but only 52% three weeks later in the runoff; and 57% in Paulding on July 20th which was the same as on August 10th. I appreciate your prior vote and input. However, if you believe that someone would do ANTHING to get elected, would you simply forget itand move on, or would you expose the truth? Maybe I've done enough at this point to do so. I know folks on this site were capable of seeing through Heath's tactics, but I think at this time it is my obligation to make sure the other folks do too. Until Brian Keahl made another post justifying Heath's tactics on the "you started it" theory, I had not intended to post again on the subject.

  17. Brian:


    What untrue thing did I say about Bill Heath? That he authored legislation to put adult women in prison for 20 years for piercing their genitalia? That he failed to keep the money for the reservoir in Haralson by establishing the necessary relationships with people from both sides of the aisle? What "whisper campaign" are you referring to? Did you receive Heath's mailers, or are you like other leaders of the local party suggesting that you did not receive them? How is this remotely comparable to falsely claiming I was paid by lawyers to move from Atlanta to Paulding in a secret effort to take on the Governor? Do you believe this garbage? If not, then why didn't you call Heath on it?


    BTW: I think it is hard for you to be considered unbiased in analyzing the race, considering that you put up hundreds of signs for Heath on election night, reportedly provided mailing data to his campaign, and were in telephone contact with his campaign on the night of the runoff. Did you provide mailing data to the campaign? If not, then I will amend this post. Did you provide any other services to the campaign, since you are also a consult on campaigns?


    - Mason Rountree

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