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Mason Rountree

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Posts posted by Mason Rountree

  1. Roman:


    You got to the party late. I made the offer to you already but you have not called me. I did not even realize it, but my wife made the same offer to you. Again, no response. I've already discussed Mr. Heath's dishonesty throughout this site. Do you have the mailers sent by Heath or not? If not, I'll supply them to you. Call me. 770/443-6060. The only apology due is not from me.


    Do you even live in the district?


    - Mason Rountree

  2. Communicating and sharing ideas/complaints is too much fun to simply skip out on. I think the Chairman will be back, although he may be in PA - P.com anonymous. I've come to respect many different viewpoints since joining the site. In addition, now that my race is over, I can go to a social with you guys and possibly drink a beer without offending anyone. :D

  3. Romanclint:


    I see you joined P.com two nights ago on election night. Welcome. I'll be happy to meet one-on-one with you to discsuss further. My office number is 770/443-6060. I know you live outside the County, so maybe we could meet somewhere. I will have Heath's mailers available for your review. Once you review them, I will discuss with you. Other posts of mine have addressed your inquiry. Given the timing of your joining P.com, I would suspect that you already have Heath's mailers and mine. I look forward to meeting with you.


    - Mason Rountree

  4. Things got out of hand a week ago when my opponent called me a "dangerous fraud" and that I had done nothing for this community. He also had the gall to state that I had been paid by lawyers to move from Atlanta to Paulding County in a "secret effort" to take on the Governor and the Republican leadership. He also suggested I was in a "conspiracy". Where were the leaders in the local party to stand up and publicly denounce these fabrications that they knew were morally wrong?


    This is not about politics, as one local party leader told me a few minutes ago. And, yes, maybe I'm not cut out at this time in my life for running for office, as also stated. What I do know is that this is about right and wrong, and whether our party, which often claims a monopoly of morality, will stand up to the intentional misrpresentations about me. I, for one, do not want somebody representing me who will say and do ANYTHING to get elected. Those values, or lack thereof, are not representative of this community. I would challenge anyone to point out one lie I have told about my opponent. I can point to at least 10-12 outright lies that my opponent alleged about me. I discussed two issues in this campaign, with which I disagreed with my opponent: his frivolous piercing bill and his inability to keep the reservoir alive in Haralson County. Maybe they were debatable, but I never called him a fraud, liberal, that he was a part of a conspiracy to take down the government, or that he has never done anything for this community.


    I stand behind my earlier post. Another week of not defending my family and me from the baseless and arguably libelous statements from my opponent is not what I need. The party leader referenced above told me she had never received any of Heath's literature. This is hard to believe, but before discussing the issue with me, you must review the literature mailed by my opponent to thousands of people. I have copies of everything and will furnish it upon request.


    I am content with the outcome but not with the methods by which my opponent conducted himself. Again, I don't blame the false allegations for my loss. I am responsible for that.


    - Mason

  5. Actually, the new district lines are more favorable to Democrats. Paulding has less of an influence than before. Nonetheless, all other things being equal, a Republican should beat a Democrat. The question for voters is whether all other things are equal.

  6. Thanks for all of the support. Right now, I am content but disappointed. Haralson and Polk were hard to crack. As for who I will support in the general, all I can say is that an honest Democrat will always be better than a dishonest Republican. I don't know much about Lester Tate. BTW: I don't blame the baseless accusations for my loss. Runoffs are about turning out your supporters. Remember that my opponent has run at least two previous times and had significant grassroots support at the outset in 3 of the 4 counties in the district. We came very close.


    - Mason

  7. Thanks to all of you. Your confidence means alot to me. I hope to see you tonight! There's only an hour or so left before the polls close, so if you can, call one friend/spouse/family member, etc. and ask them to go vote. I just finished a call from someone who did not know they could vote in the runoff because he did not vote on July 20th. ANY registered voter can vote in the runoff, although you cannot vote in the Republican runoff if you voted in the Democratic Primary.


    See y'aa at 7:00 pm or so. We should start getting results around 7:45 to 8:00 pm.


    - Mason

  8. Thank you, deerslayer. BTW: despite the newest fabrication from the opponent in the last 16-18 hours, I'm not going to take away your guns. I'm actually glad that some folks have not looked at the mailers in the last few days because they distract voters from the real issues facing our district, like water, education and growth.


    - Mason Rountree

  9. Thank you, Becky. The latest Heath fabrication is that I was drafted by liberals to move from Atlanta to Paulding County to run for the seat to defeat Governor Perdue and the Republican leadership. Heath has run 3 automated phone calls today alone from different people alleging this stuff. It's nonsense. I hate to say it, but I'm finally at a loss for words.


    - Mason

  10. Actually, the use of Painterhead was a typo. My fault. Maybe it was subliminal, but not intentional. Sorry.


    Joel did not personally write the slanderous letter to 150,000 people in the District stating that I am a "dangerous fraud". Joel did not write write that Bill was trying to stop sexual predators, implying now that somehow I support sexual predators. Bill Heath wrote those slanderous words. I have done nothing to justify these outrageous lies. Bill Heath approved a doctored mailer that suggested I only cared about Paulding County and not the other counties, and then mailed the doctored mailer to Bartow County. He did the same thing in Paulding by doctoring a mailer stating I would only care about Bartow. The doctored mailers were sent in the last days of the campaign, hoping I could not respond. He was wrong.


    This is not about Mark v. Joel. This is about right vs. wrong.


    I have pointed out two things in this race as to Heath's legistlative record: (1) that his piercing bill was frivolous and caused the defeat of the legitimate bill to protect young girls from genital mutilation. In fact, Tom Baxter covered the story in the AJC today. Bill Heath stands by his legislation and says he will reintroduce it. If that's the case, then why does he mind me pointed it out? (2) I have shown that Bill Heath failed to deliver on his promise to complete the West Georgia reservoir. Bill Heath's response? That the Water Authority got the money too early. This is absurd and he knows it. These are not personal attacks against Heath. They are legitimate opinions of the issues.


    When Bill Heath completely misrepresented himself and my position on multipe issues (from gay marriage, to the public display of the Ten Commandment, to a "conspiracy" to take down our governor, to supporting genital piercings of minor girls, to sex shops in our community and now sexual predators in our community, to an alleged endorsement of Bill Heath by President Bush, to destroying small businesses and health insurance, to doing "nothing to serve or help our community", to moving to Dallas from "Atlanta" to run for this seat), then I WILL DEFEND MYSELF AND RESPOND.


    Painterman, I appreciate the support you've given me in the past. I know you were not present at the meeting in Polk, but I have had multiple people contact me following the meeting who were Mr. Heath's supporters and are now supporting me. Since Saturday, we have received over 50 telephone calls from folks condemning Heath's tactics. I have yet to receive one phone call complaining about any of my mailers. Mr. Heath's reckless ambition must be stopped.


    - Mason

  11. Cherokeewoman:


    I was looking forward to meeting you yesterday. Congratulations. My wife is 5 months pregnant, this time a boy.


    Your post in another thread about your new grandchild and your feelings helped me with the developments in the last 24 hours. Thank you. Yesterday was one of the lower ones for me. I came home last night to my wife who was crying over the latest false mailer sent by Heath and referenced in this thread. I would ask folks on this site: Did you think that I sent the mailer cited in Heath's mailer?


    I NEVER CREATED OR SENT SUCH A MAILER TO BARTOW COUNTY, AS STATED BY HEATH. IT WAS COMPLETELY FALSE AND MANUFACTURED BY HEATH TO MAKE ME LOOK BAD. I am disgusted. Bill Heath created a mailer and attributed it to me, claiming that I would only look after Bartow County first. Just as you had a hard time explaining your feelings about your jubilation yesterday, I cannot begin to express my anger and disappointment. Bill Heath sent a similar mailer to Bartow County suggesting that I sent out a mailer claiming I would only look after Paulding County. Complete nonsense. The only truth in the mailer was that I go to a quaint Episcopal Church in Bartow County. There is not an Episcopal Church in Paulding. For Heath to bring my church into this fracas is astounding.


    I've been told to have a thick skin and that this is a blood sport. That may be true to some extent, but I'm sorry to say that it has created feelings of cynicism. The first thing that I was told when I started law school was to be cynical about your cynicism. I'll need a few days or weeks to once again take the advice I have lived by since Day One of law school.


    I've been called alot of things in this campaign, but I never thought something like this would happen. I got into this race for many reasons, the most important of which was because of my concern for the future of my family and children. I have never questioned my decision to enter this contest until yesterday. Your post, Cherokeewoman, reminded me again of the reason my name is on the ballot. I'm now re-focused to finish the job on Tuesday, and ask all P.commers to join me.


    - Mason

  12. Great response, Surepip. I wanted to further add to the discussion that Bill Heath's legislation had absolutely nothing to do with sex shops. Read the legislation yourself. If you need a copy, call my campaign at 770/445-8803.


    His bill would incarcerate adult women (not men) for 20 years in prison for piercing their own bodies. The desparate rationalization offered by Mr. Heath is contrary to the reason he offered when the amendment was first introduced this past legislative session. He told the media he just didn't think genital piercings were "appropriate" and that therefore adult women should be incarcerated for 20 years in prison if they did it. Almost every newspaper article covering the issue quoted Heath on that. He NEVER mentioned sex shops as a reason for the legislation.


    The legislation is also unconstitutional on its face because it violates the equal protection clause by treating women differently from men. Given Mr. Heath's tactics in the last week, I can't say that I am surprised by the spin offered by Painterhead. However, it's just not true. In the end, the only thing the amendment did was derail Republican Sen. Unterman's legitimate legislation to criminalize genital mutilation of young girls by their parents. Sen. Unterman called Heath's legislation "frivolous". Heath then attacked Sen. Unterman in a recent mailer calling her and every other Republican in the State Senate "liberals" for not passing his legislation. Sen. Unterman is part of the Republican leadership in the Senate and is probably the least liberal senator in the state senate. Heath knows that.


    Despite this, Mr. Heath sent another mailer saying he would introduce the same legislation again. He also proclaimed in our debate that he was "proud" of the frivolous legislation.


    Painterhead, I have tried to stick to the issues in the campaign. I've talked about water, education, traffic and growth, and continue to do so. Because he did not do well on July 20th, Bill Heath made up issues like the sex shop in an effort to discourage people from voting and drive up negative feelings about me. I will not be accused of things that are not true and not respond. I hope you received my responsive mailer today. I want people to vote. Heath does not, hence the negative campaign. Let's hope his tactics don't work.

  13. Painterman,


    The calculation is totally misleading, just as Heath's campaign has been. Endorsement by President Bush? False. Heath alleges I'm supporting sex shops in Paulding County. False. I support tax increases? False again.


    Mr. Heath cannot run on his own record and now must use a negative campaign since 70% of the voters rejected him on July 20th. Do you remember one accomplishment that Heath has run on?


    Your statistic regarding the percentage of money received from lawyers by my campaign is misleading because it includes the money that I have put in the campaign. Using Heath's logic, he has received 75% of his money from real estate investors/developers since he is a real estate developer/investor. When you take out the money I put in the campaign, the percentage is 18.7%. If I didn't have the confidence of my peers, how could I expect to gain the confidence of others? If you want tort reform, then I am your candidate. I support legislation that would require losers to pay for frivolous litigation. We must also incarcerate people who file fraudulent claims. Judges must also be given more discretion to penalize parties and their attorneys who file frivolous claims. I previously sent a mail piece directly addressing the issue. Mr. Heath has never even addressed it.

  14. Not exactly, Freebird. The law required that some of the money be spent within the next 12 months, or the money would have been lost. Talk to the folks on the Water Authority. There would have been sufficient time to spend some of the money. That is a red herring. Heath did not object to the location of the reservoir, although there was concern that the location was near some of Mr. Murphy's property. The Water Authority decided where the reservoir was to be located. Obviously, we need to make sure that any such public project is not funded to personally benefit a politician or special interest group. Heath supported the proposed location of the reservoir.


    As for where the money went, it was spent on other pork barrel projects in other parts of Georgia. There is still around $2M remaining for engineering studies, which has the project on life support. Given the severe water problems in our area, I would disagree with Surepip that the project is forever dead. It will take an effective legislator to form the necessary relationships with other to revitalize the project or something similar to it.


    The campaign mailer to which you refer was mailed last week, not this week. It falsely alleges that I am a liberal who supports frivolous litigation, and that I am destroying small business and health insurance. It is false and absurd. I have received contributions from my peers in the legal community, along with contributions from small businesses, the medical community, individuals and others. Unlike my opponent, I have not received contributions from tobacco and alcohol companies and then attempt to take the moral high ground in the campaign as if I had a monopoly on it.

  15. Freebird:


    The amount he lost was $46,000,000.00. The reservoir had been in the planning for around 15 years, and would have provided water to Haralson, Paulding and Polk. When Bill Heath ran against Tom Murphy, he stated that if Mr. Murphy were as powerful as he claimed, folks would be fishing in the lake by now. Bill Heath was unable to make the necessary relationships with other legislators to ensure the completion of the project, despite his promise to do so. As a result of (1) misplaced priorities (2) lack of influence, or (3) a combination of both, Mr. Heath lost the funding for the reservoir and our tax dollars were allocated to other parts of the state. Now, without new leadership, the reservoir is dead.


    Incredibly, Mr. Heath blames the Water Authority for getting the money too early. This is untrue and he knows it. Just as Mr. Heath has been lying about me (by suggestion I want sex shops in our community, higer taxes and to defeat President Bush). Heath even suggested today that he was endorsed by President Bush. Unbelievable. I am truly astounded by the degree to which Mr. Heath will go to get elected. He will say and do anything I have learned more about the weakness of human nature and the seductive nature of power in the last week than in my entire life. If I am ever as desperate as Mr. Heath to get elected, please send this post to me and remind me of right and wrong. I know this is not directly responsive to your inquiry about the water, but it is ultimately the same issue. With apologies to the Publisher, Bill Heath does not tell the truth.



    If anyone does not know what I am referring to, please call me at my office (770/443-6060) and I will send Heath's false mailers to you.


    - Mason Rountree

    Republican Candidate, Senate District 31

  16. Thank you, Becky. Quick reminder: early voting starts tomorrow. Our campaign has done phoning and voter identification. As you have probably heard, turnout is expected to be very low, so it is critical that our supporters remember to vote both this week and on August 10th.


    Thanks again, and I hope to see you Friday.


    - Mason Rountree

    Republican Candidate, State Senate District 31

  17. Thanks, Castaway. I definitely need your help and any other P.commers. Please call my office at 770/445-8803 or 770/443-6060.


    As for James Garner, I am pleased to announce that he has endorsed my campaign. James narrowly lost to Heath by 175 votes. Given that James received 30% of the vote, I am hopeful that James' support, coupled with my receipt of 40% of the vote, will susbstantially help in the runoff.


    We expect the turnout in the runoff to be very low, so please remember to vote on Tuesday, August 10th or vote early starting Monday, August 2nd. Also, please let voters know that any registered voter can vote in the runoff, whether or not they voted the first time.


    - Mason Rountree, Republican Candidate for State Senate Distritct 31

  18. I want to thank everyone for their support in my campaign and for your participation in the political process.


    As indicated in another thread, P.commers and their family/friends are invited to my office to watch returns come in. Food and drink will be available. We expect the first returns around 8:00 pm, but folks are welcome to come at 7:00 pm. We have two televisions set up in my office to watch the returns from the rest of the state.


    Our office is on the Square in Dallas directly next to the Annex where polling results will be posted.


    - Mason Rountree

  19. All Pcommers are invited to an election night party at 7:00 pm in my office - 27 Courthouse Square, which is located on the Square directly next to the Annex (where the results will be processed). There will be a large screen on the exterior of the Annex with the results in Paulding projected on it.


    We will also have drinks (non-alcoholic, of course) and food. Everyone is welcome to come and visit. You may bring children as well. We will also have cable television available so that folks can get the results from other races throughout the state and country.


    There is no cost to attend, other than to provide proof of your proper vote in the State Senate race. :D You must also pass through a piercing detector. :p


    - Mason Rountree

  20. georgiagammy:


    As I write this post, we have a phone bank going. If you send me your number, I'll call you. Of course, my apologies to everybody else who hates them. With 150,000 people in the district, there is no way I can shake everyones hand at their house, so making telephone calls is the only way to have personal contact.


    - Mason Rountree

    Republican Candidate, State Senate District 31

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