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Proposed 2012 County Budget is out

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It's on a semi-official Paulding county site.


I have to wonder if Paulding really needs two different sites for info about the county.


Proposed 2012 Budget


Happy Reading!!


PS. What the heck happened to the Silver Comet Trail that they need this:



Discuss action to award the repair to the Silver Comet Trail at Weddington Road Project to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, Plateau Excavation Inc. in the amount of $1,531,655.80.


That's 3/4 ths of the budget shortage there...

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Why do I feel another tax increase coming? Tax and spend politicians :angry2:


:angry2: :angry2: :angry2:


See, I haven't even read the stupid thing and I'm already mad. Seriously?!?!? $1.5 MILLION for the SCT??? GAH!!! I can tell I shall need to take some extry BP meds before I read this thing. :angry2:

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In the 3rd paragraph it says that the millage rate will have to go up.


edit to add: "Although the budge has been cut from previous year, as it has the previous two years, the budget can not be balanced with either and increase to millage rate, a substantial transfer from the Fund Balance account, or a combination of the two."

Edited by GeorgiaTornado
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I am not positive, but I believe the repairs to the Silver Comet caused by the floods almost 2 years ago, will be coming out of SPLOST.


And, I believe the trail foundation will re-imburse some of it.

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Cut out events such as Fireworks-- $25-50K

Cut down on payments to entities such as IBA ($200+ a year)

More furlough days for employees, no employee raises (when was the last time you had one)

Explain to me some of the departments have 30-40K vehicles like Explorers that I see employees driving around in?


Require every dept to cut off whatever % to make the shortfall!!!

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1.5 Million for the SCT at weddington road HOPEFULLY is for a grade separation project...aka a ped bridge



I think the SCT needs more of those things. There are some spots where it is dangerous not just for the people on the SCT but also for drivers when idiots on bicycles jet out without looking.

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