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Air Conditioning Tip. (yep another one)

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Reminder: Outdoor coil needs to be cleaned on an annual basis. Due to the extreme temperatures we've been having lately we have been seeing a/c units running at extremely high head pressures which basically means over all capacity is decreased and internal damage can occur to the compressor. Dirty coils will also increase your energy usage by as much as 10%.



We are running a special on A/C tune ups right now which includes this service. $69!!!:yahoo:

Call to schedule.


Oops I'm in trouble....forgot to say $69 special is for single system home. $49 for each additional system. For everyone that already booked for the $69 special today and you actually have two systems don't worry, we'll still do yours for the $69.

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Thank you for this tip and reminder!!


I didn't even realize the outside unit needed yearly maintenance/cleaning until my sister's AC guy came out to do a maintenance check in the new house she just bought.


So, I'm a complete DIYer... so I immediately went home and researched how to clean our outdoor unit's coils as I had never done this in the three years we have had our house (oops!).


The directions seemed easy enough. :lol:


But after FOUR HOURS (!!!) of cleaning...

being soaked from head to toe...

and having to flee from the family of angry wasps...


I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting a professional to do this for you!

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Reminder: Outdoor coil needs to be cleaned on an annual basis. Due to the extreme temperatures we've been having lately we have been seeing a/c units running at extremely high head pressures which basically means over all capacity is decreased and internal damage can occur to the compressor. Dirty coils will also increase your energy usage by as much as 10%.



We are running a special on A/C tune ups right now which includes this service. $69!!!:yahoo:

Call to schedule.

Calling now!!!

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Good Tip.


Our first home, nobody told me this, after 6 years, I happened to be near the unit in the middle of a summer day and grabbed the return line from the compressor and it about burned my hand! (it should be about outside air temp).


I SHUT OFF THE POWER TO THE OUTSIDE UNIT as well as turning off the thermostat and cleaned for over an hour. I couldn't believe the carp that came out!!


Afterwards the return line temp was much cooler.


FYI: The unit had been running 22 a day before the cleaning, it ran less that 20 a day afterwards (it was very undersized for the home), so I was saving 2+ hours of power consumption a day!!

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Thank you for this tip and reminder!!


I didn't even realize the outside unit needed yearly maintenance/cleaning until my sister's AC guy came out to do a maintenance check in the new house she just bought.


So, I'm a complete DIYer... so I immediately went home and researched how to clean our outdoor unit's coils as I had never done this in the three years we have had our house (oops!).


The directions seemed easy enough. :lol:


But after FOUR HOURS (!!!) of cleaning...

being soaked from head to toe...

and having to flee from the family of angry wasps...


I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting a professional to do this for you!


LOL! That is hilarious. Thanks I needed a good laugh after the crazy busy day I've been having. :)

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Good Tip.


Our first home, nobody told me this, after 6 years, I happened to be near the unit in the middle of a summer day and grabbed the return line from the compressor and it about burned my hand! (it should be about outside air temp).


I SHUT OFF THE POWER TO THE OUTSIDE UNIT as well as turning off the thermostat and cleaned for over an hour. I couldn't believe the carp that came out!!


Afterwards the return line temp was much cooler.


FYI: The unit had been running 22 a day before the cleaning, it ran less that 20 a day afterwards (it was very undersized for the home), so I was saving 2+ hours of power consumption a day!!


WOW! That is a great savings.

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