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Parents that smack their kids in public

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Are you one of those parents who feel the need to scream at the top of your lungs at your children whether you are out in public or not? Do you also feel it is okay to smack, pinch, hit or spank your child while at the grocery store?


Here is another solution to your issues. Turn them into a reader! Come buy lots and lots of books at the store, read to them all the time, get them to read to you and then you won't have to discipline them all the time when your out, just hand them a book instead and ask them to sit in the car, restaurant, or other places and let their minds wander to other lands instead of reeking havoc and getting your blood pressure up! This is a random act of kindness for others;o)


Children's books are buy one get one 50% off today in celebration of Children's kids day! Spend $20 in books and get your choice of a pack of Silly Bandz or a calendar/engagement planner free!

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Oh! I'm glad I saw this post. I don't need to smack my kid with a book (currently) but I do need to find a book......The Prince & The Pauper by Mark Twain......the cheaper the better. If you have it I'd be glad to make the looong trek out there to buy it from you :)


sometimes I hate living in the middle of no where :lol:

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I have more problems with adults than kids, at the grocery store. They stand in my way more than the kids do. I can role my buggy up to a kid, and he/she will move, but there are some adults that will keep standing there with a serious look on their face. I have to say, get the hell out of my way, please! :pardon:


Edited to say, that I am kidding for the most part, about adults. But there are some who thinks they own the isle's that I have to go down to get what I need. I mean I can understand they need things, too, but, they should be more considerate of other customers. :)

Edited by The Postman
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Oh! I'm glad I saw this post. I don't need to smack my kid with a book (currently) but I do need to find a book......The Prince & The Pauper by Mark Twain......the cheaper the better. If you have it I'd be glad to make the looong trek out there to buy it from you :)


sometimes I hate living in the middle of no where :lol:


We do! Although it is an abridged, children's version. If that'll do, just give Britaini a call at the store and she'll be happy to hold it for you. smile.gif

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Susan, would you consider trading gently used children books for different ones?

I've got a bunch that we have already read. We need some fresh ones!


Well, we don't trade books for books; we will give you store credit that you can use toward the purchase of new books, though. AND, we LOVE to barter... and we're looking for someone who'd be willing to barter cleaning services for books... ... ... *cough* just sayin'. pardon.gif

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