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Does anyone know who Gov. Perdue is backing?

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I can't find any news on who our current Governor is supporting. Is anyone aware?

If possible please list link to information.



Sonny will have stolen all he can by January and he doesn't care who is governor after that. He has two concerns right now. One is steal all he can with both hands and two is pray he doesn't get caught. I hope he never leaves Bonaire again.

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2 Backed by Palin, Gingrich in Ga. Governor Runoff

Two Georgia Republicans who wielded dueling endorsements from Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich will face a showdown in a GOP runoff for governor, while a Democrat who served a single term as governor won his party's nomination for a comeback bid.Former Secretary of State Karen Handel will face former U.S. Rep. Nathan Deal in an Aug. 10 runoff for the Republican nomination. With 83 percent of precincts reporting from Tuesday's primary, unofficial returns showed Handel had 33 percent of the vote to Deal's 24 percent.


Palin's nod helped Handel surge to the top of the polls in recent days, while Deal had an endorsement from Gingrich.


In Georgia, a runoff is required if none of the candidates wins more than 50 percent of the vote.


On the Democratic side, former Gov. Roy Barnes won his party's nomination for governor, avoiding a runoff by trouncing six opponents in the first electoral test of his comeback bid. With 83 percent of precincts reporting, unofficial returns showed him with 65 percent of the vote. Attorney General Thurbert Baker, who was seeking to become Georgia's first black governor, was a distant second with 22 percent. The other five Democrats in the race were far behind in the single digits.


Barnes was ousted in 2002 by Republican Sonny Perdue, his defeat fueled by teachers angry with his education reforms and others upset over his successful push to remove the Confederate battle symbol from the state's flag. He ran a folksy but focused primary campaign attacking ruling Republicans in the state for neglecting big problems, like education and transportation, amid the crippling recession.


Full article here


Between Palin and Gingrich, I'm going to have to go with Gingrich's call. Palin is too much of a lightning rod and while she has a few years as Governor under her belt she left without completing the job when the heat was on. Just bad character in my opinion. And a Palin endorsement does nothing for me.

I guess I'm not Republican enough to follow in lock-step.



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2 Backed by Palin, Gingrich in Ga. Governor Runoff

Two Georgia Republicans who wielded dueling endorsements from Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich will face a showdown in a GOP runoff for governor, while a Democrat who served a single term as governor won his party's nomination for a comeback bid.Former Secretary of State Karen Handel will face former U.S. Rep. Nathan Deal in an Aug. 10 runoff for the Republican nomination. With 83 percent of precincts reporting from Tuesday's primary, unofficial returns showed Handel had 33 percent of the vote to Deal's 24 percent.


Palin's nod helped Handel surge to the top of the polls in recent days, while Deal had an endorsement from Gingrich.


In Georgia, a runoff is required if none of the candidates wins more than 50 percent of the vote.


On the Democratic side, former Gov. Roy Barnes won his party's nomination for governor, avoiding a runoff by trouncing six opponents in the first electoral test of his comeback bid. With 83 percent of precincts reporting, unofficial returns showed him with 65 percent of the vote. Attorney General Thurbert Baker, who was seeking to become Georgia's first black governor, was a distant second with 22 percent. The other five Democrats in the race were far behind in the single digits.


Barnes was ousted in 2002 by Republican Sonny Perdue, his defeat fueled by teachers angry with his education reforms and others upset over his successful push to remove the Confederate battle symbol from the state's flag. He ran a folksy but focused primary campaign attacking ruling Republicans in the state for neglecting big problems, like education and transportation, amid the crippling recession.


Full article here


Between Palin and Gingrich, I'm going to have to go with Gingrich's call. Palin is too much of a lightning rod and while she has a few years as Governor under her belt she left without completing the job when the heat was on. Just bad character in my opinion. And a Palin endorsement does nothing for me.

I guess I'm not Republican enough to follow in lock-step.




I have decided to go with Deal too.

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Are you satisfied that there is nothing to his use of his office for personal gain vis a vis his auto inspection business / exclusive government franchise? I'm not.


Yes. I saw him explain that in the last debate I watched. I will see both him and Karen tomorrow and I will ask him again. Will see Sam Olens and Preston Smith too.

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Yes. I saw him explain that in the last debate I watched. I will see both him and Karen tomorrow and I will ask him again. Will see Sam Olens and Preston Smith too.


Let me know what he says. This is really the biggest thing I find wrong with him. I would feel much better about his candidacy if he either sold his partnership or at least put his holdings in a blind trust. Sonny very apparently manipulated the system to his personal benefit, and I can just see Nathan following in those same footsteps. I am just so tired of politicians treating their office as a personal cash cow instead of a position of public service. I don't see Karen as that sort of person.


I'm also curious about Sam and Preston. I voted for Sam, more as the evil know. His deal with the stinking white elephant on Government Services Parkway smells for more than one reason. Even if he didn't get a "commission", he certainly didn't show very good judgment on that deal.

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Let me know what he says. This is really the biggest thing I find wrong with him. I would feel much better about his candidacy if he either sold his partnership or at least put his holdings in a blind trust. Sonny very apparently manipulated the system to his personal benefit, and I can just see Nathan following in those same footsteps. I am just so tired of politicians treating their office as a personal cash cow instead of a position of public service. I don't see Karen as that sort of person.


I'm also curious about Sam and Preston. I voted for Sam, more as the evil know. His deal with the stinking white elephant on Government Services Parkway smells for more than one reason. Even if he didn't get a "commission", he certainly didn't show very good judgment on that deal.


The last article I read said that the company has decided not to go for any government contracts. Not sure it even exists any more. I thought he said that the cars that are totaled and put back on the road no longer have to meet the requirements that they used to. He said he tried to protect the people of Georgia who buy them. I will have to get a better explanation tomorrow.

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Let me know what he says. This is really the biggest thing I find wrong with him. I would feel much better about his candidacy if he either sold his partnership or at least put his holdings in a blind trust. Sonny very apparently manipulated the system to his personal benefit, and I can just see Nathan following in those same footsteps. I am just so tired of politicians treating their office as a personal cash cow instead of a position of public service. I don't see Karen as that sort of person.


I'm also curious about Sam and Preston. I voted for Sam, more as the evil know. His deal with the stinking white elephant on Government Services Parkway smells for more than one reason. Even if he didn't get a "commission", he certainly didn't show very good judgment on that deal.


I always thought it odd that Preston chose to jump into the AG race so late instead of taking on Casey Cagle. Cagle was the one who really caused him grief about his vote on the Hospital tax and caused him to lose his chairmanship. A big part of the job as AG has to do with management and Sam has a great track record there Preston does not. Sam also practices law. I just think his qualifications for the job are better.

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I always thought it odd that Preston chose to jump into the AG race so late instead of taking on Casey Cagle. Cagle was the one who really caused him grief about his vote on the Hospital tax and caused him to lose his chairmanship. A big part of the job as AG has to do with management and Sam has a great track record there Preston does not. Sam also practices law. I just think his qualifications for the job are better.


Preston also practices law, but can't speak to any management abilities/experience.


I'm voting for Handel, but not because of Palin. (I don't dislike her; I just make my own decisions.) I just can't bear the thought of voting for Deal - the ultimate career politician. Also, IMHO, the Gingrich endorsement is a negative. Gingrich also endorsed that nutcase liberal in NY-23 who dropped out and endorsed the even nuttier liberal Democrat (after the RNC had spent nearly $1M on her campaign).


I gotta say - I'm finding myself more and more displeased with the candidates from which we have to choose in so many of these races!!! From DA to governor to President...DANG!!! I am sick and tired of voting for the lesser of however many evils. I want somebody with some genuineness and backbone to run and do well!

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Preston also practices law, but can't speak to any management abilities/experience.


I'm voting for Handel, but not because of Palin. (I don't dislike her; I just make my own decisions.) I just can't bear the thought of voting for Deal - the ultimate career politician. Also, IMHO, the Gingrich endorsement is a negative. Gingrich also endorsed that nutcase liberal in NY-23 who dropped out and endorsed the even nuttier liberal Democrat (after the RNC had spent nearly $1M on her campaign).


I gotta say - I'm finding myself more and more displeased with the candidates from which we have to choose in so many of these races!!! From DA to governor to President...DANG!!! I am sick and tired of voting for the lesser of however many evils. I want somebody with some genuineness and backbone to run and do well!

I know how you feel! Hubby won't even let me say the name Deal in the house. LOL He says if I end up supporting him he is donating money to Karen.laugh.gif

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Preston also practices law, but can't speak to any management abilities/experience.


I'm voting for Handel, but not because of Palin. (I don't dislike her; I just make my own decisions.) I just can't bear the thought of voting for Deal - the ultimate career politician. Also, IMHO, the Gingrich endorsement is a negative. Gingrich also endorsed that nutcase liberal in NY-23 who dropped out and endorsed the even nuttier liberal Democrat (after the RNC had spent nearly $1M on her campaign).


I gotta say - I'm finding myself more and more displeased with the candidates from which we have to choose in so many of these races!!! From DA to governor to President...DANG!!! I am sick and tired of voting for the lesser of however many evils. I want somebody with some genuineness and backbone to run and do well!

You know that there have to be some intelligent people with good ideas and common sense in this state somewhere that could be running for office. They need to come out of hiding.


I was just wondering about the comment about Roy Barnes losing to Sonny Perdue because of his education reform ideas. Does anyone remember what those ideas were? Maybe we wouldn't be in the situation we are with education if he had been allowed to put his ideas in place.

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You know that there have to be some intelligent people with good ideas and common sense in this state somewhere that could be running for office. They need to come out of hiding.


I was just wondering about the comment about Roy Barnes losing to Sonny Perdue because of his education reform ideas. Does anyone remember what those ideas were? Maybe we wouldn't be in the situation we are with education if he had been allowed to put his ideas in place.


He wanted to test all of the teachers instead of the kids. No I don't think we would be any better off. NCLB, IDEA. and unfunded mandates would have had the same results I fear. Now the State has voted to accept National Standards for all schools (I think I read that). I believe the Federal Government will just make it worse. smile.gif

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You know that there have to be some intelligent people with good ideas and common sense in this state somewhere that could be running for office. They need to come out of hiding.


I was just wondering about the comment about Roy Barnes losing to Sonny Perdue because of his education reform ideas. Does anyone remember what those ideas were? Maybe we wouldn't be in the situation we are with education if he had been allowed to put his ideas in place.


The thing is, politics is frickin' dirty (see: commissioners' race, post 2 and post 4). It takes a strong person to put up with that sort of crap.


I don't think Barnes lost to Perdue because of an education thing, although he did have his plans. He lost because he hacked off every freakin' body in the state - the teachers (and he said he could get re-elected without them), the southern culture crowd (over the flag), and just about everybody else (by behaving like a monarch, which got him named King Roy). I don't think his plans would have made one bit of difference in education, primarily because of that travesty NCLB. IMHO, unless and until the money and decisions start getting pushed back down to the local level, we won't see much improvement in education. That, and parents being involved in kids' lives.

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You know that there have to be some intelligent people with good ideas and common sense in this state somewhere that could be running for office. They need to come out of hiding.

I don't think the intelligent people want to get involved in politics and put themselves and their families through all of the negative attacks and lies that politicians are famous for.

I agree that we need someone with fresh ideas, someone who can motivate a country and reunite our country behind common causes. Many people held out great hope that Obama would be such a person but he had his own agenda, was ranked as the most liberal senator ever, and everyone just looked the other way. If we only knew then what we know now.


I hate to see the Republicans wasting their energies on Sarah Palin. I don't she'll ever be presidential material, although she might do well in a cabinet position.

Other Republicans want to get behind Jindal as a candidate. Again, another light-weight.


Perhaps we need someone like Tony Robbins to get involved in Presidential politics. But he's probably too smart to get involved in that.

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