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New CD....."finally" getting started!

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I have purchased some heavy duty recording software, and OMG!!!! This stuff does everything, but it's taking me all morning to figure it all out. However, in spite of some HEAVY coffee drinking all morning, I managed to lay down two samples and placed them on MySpace.....I will no doubt redo them for the actual CD, but it'll give you a little more idea of what to expect. Now that I know how to work the program, I need to have some lunch and SETTLE down, then I can put some heart into it. It's hard to do that early in the morning with a half gallon of coffee buzzin your head off!!! :lol:


Hear them here:


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I am SO screwed!!!! I just received a PM that only friends could view my space....then I see where they changed something in there to switch it back, and I have NO IDEA what the hell it means....Does anyone know how to fix this? It's apparently for musician sites. Dammit, Tom!!!! If it aint broke, don't go tryin to fix it!! <_>

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Forget the whole myspace thing and put your material on SoundClick.com. You get unlimited space for songs encoded up to 128 kbps and it is free. We've been using them for years. I can help you set up a site there in no time; however, it's pretty easy to do yourself. Jedi I've put my soundclick link below so you can see how it looks.


Jedi's SoundClick page

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Forget the whole myspace thing and put your material on SoundClick.com. You get unlimited space for songs encoded up to 128 kbps and it is free. We've been using them for years. I can help you set up a site there in no time; however, it's pretty easy to do yourself. Jedi I've put my soundclick link below so you can see how it looks.


Jedi's SoundClick page


Hey thanks!!!! I have been wondering if there was a music upload site, just for the purpose of music only. I will certainly check it out.

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WOW!! Those sound great. And, I LOVED listening to "Last Date". That is one of the few songs I ever learned to play on the piano and did so for my HS boyfriend. LOL. Congratulations on your new software.


BTW, I have lots of friends who use both myspace and soundclick. They have made a lot of contacts on both in the biz, but they have gotten more gigs off of myspace.

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thats you; Glenn playin the piano?



Yessir, Mr. Willie.....it is, I. :lol: ;)

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Subby, I could listen to that all day!!!!!



As far as I'm concerned, you're hired, but you better impress the future in-laws tomorrow night! :lol:


I'll do the best I can......I guess this is gonna my "audition" huh?

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I like it, I let all four songs play, good music to work to!


Well, thank you....I hope to have 2 more on there before the day is up. Got an errand or two to run, then I'm back on it. ;) Maybe I oughta put me a Willy song in there just fer you.

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Well, thank you....I hope to have 2 more on there before the day is up. Got an errand or two to run, then I'm back on it. ;) Maybe I oughta put me a Willy song in there just fer you.

you da man :lol: Well if your takin request, do Georgia on my mind, Ray Charles style!! or you own :lol:

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you da man :lol: Well if your takin request, do Georgia on my mind, Ray Charles style!! or you own :lol:


Consider it done....it'll be a little of both, how's that?

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Consider it done....it'll be a little of both, how's that?



Okay willy.....I threw a quicky one on there for ya. It's been a long day, so bear with it. :wacko: :blink:

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Is this the new romantic CD I have been waiting on?


It would be great for Valentine's Day!


Eventually, yes. I'm gonna be spending quite a bit of time on it today again.


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do you have a CD out? an all piano CD fer here at work. I need songs without words, cause I cant help but sing!


I'm working on it....it's gonna be a while longer though. I have much to do.


Can't wait to get mine!


Hey girl.....where tha heck have you been???

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Okay....I've been trying this Soundclick site. I'm a little slow at navigating it, but managed to get at least 2 of my originals on there. You've probably already heard one of them (I changed the name to Spring Morning), but I just got through recording another one if you wanna check it out, called Mystical Array......it's pretty cool....so I think. Hopefully this link will take you there.


My New Music Site



Okay...I think this one works now.

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OK...it shows your profile, but how do you play music? I don't see anything to click or anything that even lists your stuff. :huh:



Try it again.....I had the link wrong. I'm still new at this.

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That's awesome, Subby! I wish I was that talented! I would LOVE to be able to play piano!


Thank you....Man, I swear, just as soon as I hit the RECORD button, the phone rings or someone comes stomping up my stairs. This is driving me nuts, I tell ya! I just made another one, but may need to redo it since the phone rang and skeered the crap outa me! :wacko:


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Thank you....Man, I swear, just as soon as I hit the RECORD button, the phone rings or someone comes stomping up my stairs. This is driving me nuts, I tell ya! I just made another one, but may need to redo it since the phone rang and skeered the crap outa me! :wacko:



Okay...I scoped it out, and I think it's okay. I loaded it....called "Love Regained".


Isn't that blaspheous or however it's spelled, for you to request that?


Not at all....I checked with Ray on this...he said it was cool. :p

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Subby, I love listening to you play! You rock! B)


Thanks~ :blush:


I am experimenting with some effects now. This software is so cool!!!

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I just added 2 more ORIGINALS to Myspace....I think the first link in this thread takes you there.

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