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Last 10 minutes, SUV with siren flew past, then police car flew past, then an ambulance flew past, hearing sirens coming now.


They are all a few minutes apart. Still waiting on what the next one is. It is a Firetruck.


I should not be sitting on my front porch! But it is calming down some.

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Last 10 minutes, SUV with siren flew past, then police car flew past, then an ambulance flew past, hearing sirens coming now.


They are all a few minutes apart. Still waiting on what the next one is. It is a Firetruck.


I should not be sitting on my front porch! But it is calming down some.


Run take pictures

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I should, but I am not wanting to get out and open the gate and then close it just to drive down the road and be told to move along. And then do it all in reverse (not literally, but you know what I mean!).

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