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Last night me and my husband were outside, it was some time before 9 p.m. I believe, and we heard what sounded like some type of explosion. At first it sounded like thunder but it wasn't a rumble sound, it was more of a solid sound and lasted longer than thunder usually does. I live off of buchanan hwy in temple. Anyone else hear this or know what it was??

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i remember a couple yrs back i was standing in the kitchen, and it felt like a jet made a sonic boom. the windows rattled, and there was a dull rumbling noise like thunder. i found out later that day that we actually had a little earthquake here in paulding and villa rica area. i was quite surprised by that. i didn't know that we were succeptible to them in this part of the u.s.

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maybe they were doing late blasting at the rock quarry??

That's what I was thinking at first but they are only supposed to do the blasting from like 11 until 4. I've never heard this sound before. It definately was not fireworks....who knows.

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