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Everything posted by yardmower

  1. Those booms are from somt #@%$% kids playing with home made fireworks in the Lake Swan subdivision off Nebo road. They did it last year also. We called the Police on them last year and they came around a few nights but never caught them. I'm hoping they will blow their finger off or something before they kill themselves.
  2. That sounds like fun. I'm all for it.
  3. Another reason to abolish public schools. Why do we tolerate this craap? I am so glad my son is an adult, otherwise I would be in school everyday over stuff like this.
  4. I'm looking for a couple of old barn boards to make a weather vane project. Need to be over and inch thick and about 14 to 16 inches wide and a couple of feet long. Dose anyone know where i could purchase this or do you have a couple of boards you can part with? thanks...greg
  5. Supposedly the dam is doing whats its suppose to do. One end of the dam is slightly lower so that if it ever getes this bad the water will flor in that direction and over onto the creek.
  6. The water is flowing over top of the dam at Lake Swan subdivision. Been that way all night. Several homes along the shore are flooding in basements and crawl spaces. so far my basement is mostly dry, just some seepage.
  7. use the borax in the house, for outdoors i use one of the garden hose attachement products available at home depot or lowes or other such places. i've tried frontline but this year the fleas are stronger than frontline...go figure
  8. If you have fleas in your carpet, and furniture etc, i've always used regular 20 mule team borax powder. Just sprinkle it on carpet and furniture (it won't stain) and let set for a day and then vacum. It is suppose to dehydrate the flees and their eggs. A lot cheaper than the actual flea powders that they sell at the vet office.
  9. I belive LAKE ROMONA is still open to the public. I saw a flyer for it in the gas station on ridge road and dallas nebo road the other day.
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