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Posts posted by boosmom13

  1. RESCUED!!! Rave has been saved, and she is on her way to receiving the treatment she deserves!!! YAY! Thanks to everyone who helped in finding her a home/rescue. Lesha was bombarded with emails and phone calls about this precious girl. Way to go everyone! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

    that is wonderful news!!

  2. We just had two dogs boarded for four nights. One of them was spayed while we were away, and given her rabies shot, plus pain meds. The *TOTAL* cost was only $307. That's it. For ALL of it..... two dogs, one spayed w/shots and pain-aftercare. And this was at a *huge* pet hospital here in town, where four vets teamed up together in one large practice. They can and do treat all sizes/kinds of animals. I've known two of them almost all my life.


    If these men can have as large a practice as they have, with all the best of the best equipment and know-how under one roof, with that many vets there, and the huge staff that they have ---- and we're only charged $307 for four nights boarding, plus surgery, plus after-care and a shot -- then ANY VET can charge in this same range.


    I think that veterinarian pricing in general has gotten way, way out of control. It use to not be this way. And even with inflation, I think it could still be brought under a little bit more control. I find that "old time" vets still charge for their time, and for their know-how, but they aren't out to gouge anyone's pocketbook...... unlike the newer ones.

    I agree that their pricing has definitely gotten out of control- we have used the same vet for over 15 years -- but her prices are outrageous! we have had cats with diabetes, tumors, and cancer and she has treated them all-our dog has had cancer- we have always kept all of our animals up to date on their shots etc...- then one day I go in there with a stray kitten whose eye is swollen shut-and she tells me, before she will touch the cat that i need to know that I will have to be responsible for the bill she doesn't do charity- i was dumbfounded- first, i didn't ask her to do anything for charity- second, she should know me- i have been up there forever- third, i always pay her-(lots and lots of money) and that was all she seemed to worry about was that i was going to pay her for this kitten- AGAIN- i didn't ask her to do it for charity- i guess she assumed that since it was a stray- that i was going to ask her for a favor??????? IDK-


    we go to her because she has always done fantastic work on our animals- but after that i felt as though she didn't even really care abou the animals- she was just worried about the money!

  3. I get so angry at the irresponsibility!! It sickens me. I brag to everyone about you guys and all that you do for our animals. I am trying to do my part which is not much, but the way I see it every little bit helps. Thanks for ALL you do, including the help you've given me with my rescues. :wub: Someday I hope to own a farm and be able to do more.

    me too! my daughter and i have started volunteering up there on sunday's and they are such sweet babies!! one dog in particular- they call her mandy- is just an absolute darling- i love this little thing- if my husband would let me take her i would taker her home- but hopefully someone will take her!! she is absolutely beautiful!

  4. No, he is not fixed....... my husband had a bad experience after having a dog fixed.... it attacked his brother right afterwards. He thinks that dogs attack after being fixed so he refuses to have it done. Yes, I know they don't, but he is against it. His brother was attacked pretty good and they put the dog down. It was not provoked either.


    Yes, an older person can take him to the vet..... I call my vet when I am coming and they make sure there are no other animals in the office and bring him straight in. My vet is very good with him and LOVES him.


    Yes, i have brought other pets in the house and he still attacks. Muzzles do not work for him he gets them off. He is hudeni.

    actually having them fixed is supposed to calm them- maybe his brother provoked him in some way or touched him in a sore spot or something- we have had all of our animals fixed and they have never attacked- it really is best for the animal! good luck on finding a home!

  5. Hehe!


    Here are a few that bug me:


    Principal (like the person) and principle ("but the principle of the matter...")


    Patients (as in hospital residents) and Patience (as in waiting calmly)


    Was/Were, (this one drives me insane.... I hear people say "We was going to the store" all the time) I=Was, We=Were

    the one that drives me the craziest- is the misuse of the word I-- like you shouldn't say- she went to get joe and i a glass of water- should be she went to get joe and me a glass of water- because you wouldn't say she went to get I a glass of water- you would say she went to get me a glass of water-sorry- i feel i have to explain- it just drives me bananas!!!!!

  6. i don't want to believe it to be true! i honestly believe that there are people out there that do good just to do good-

    and the definition of selfish:

    1: concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others

    2: arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others <a selfish act>

    3: being an actively replicating repetitive sequence of nucleic acid that serves no known function <selfish DNA>; also :

    being genetic material solely concerned with its own replication <selfish genes>



    even if they do it to make themselves feel good- it does not fit the definition of selfish- which says it would be without regard for others-so if one does good for another- then it's not selfish IMO.

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