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Buffalo Joe

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Posts posted by Buffalo Joe

  1. Gay/lesbian people are born that way. I truly believe this, and think that it will eventually be able to be scientifically proven.  I think there is a very small percentage of people who could go either way sexually, so may choose to a gay/lesbian lifestyle; but that doesn't mean they are truly homosexual, maybe they are truly bisexual.


    Bottom line - my belief - born that way



    As usual I am getting into a topic late in the discussion. And Die Hard Do you sit around thinking what can I start today? IF SO KEEP IT UP if not seek counseling.


    I have to dis agree with you SoapMom. Although I think it is somewhat true ... What this comes down to is Nature Vs. Nurture.


    I think it can be both. I belive that what Soap Mom says is true in one hand (they have already found genetic codeing that suggests this is true) I think when science gets around to proving it you will find that the highest % will be born that whether genetic's or to much of some type of hormone in the birth cannal.


    Is every Criminal born a criminal? (NOTE I AM NOT COMPARING SEXUAL ORIENTATION TO A CRIME) Some are scientists have made chromosonal discovories that suggest it. 47,XYY syndrome "superman syndrome" is a syndrome that has been found in 1 out of 1,000 men and that a high % of criminals in our prison system have a 47,XYY structure (the normal male chromosome make up is XY) So, I would think that a similar link will be found.


    However to say that there could be no influence form out side that could cause some one to be gay or lesbian is wrong. Some Crimianls are pushed there simply by life and its circumstances. So, I too think it can happen with sexual orientation.


    A horrible experiance at a young age during developemental years could influence that decision. Rape or molestation could greatly influence a childs choice later in life even if that person doesn't remember it or know that it influenced that choice.


    Although not the same, you have never had a bad experience that makes you say I am never doing that again? I think that could apply here, a sub consious choice is made.


    I don't think that The gay and lesbion Community is any more or less immoral. I think many of them are as moral as you and I. I think that when they are cought in the act of something immorral it is just brought to light more quickly becasue of their sexual orientation.

  2. HELP!!! :o


    My dad is coming into town for three days this weekend and he is bringing in family 8 mm has copied to DVD he wants my sister and I to get a copy but I don't know any one with a DVD burner...


    My call to you Pcommers HELP!!!

  3. The UK pop charts began in 1952 & the US charts in 1955. If you were born before these dates, try your life's theme song which is the No.1 on your 18th birthday


    Mine: Yakety Yak - The Coasters    :lol:


    I think this was an attempt to find out how old we all are!


    My Sweet Lord - George Harrison Birthaday


    My Prerogative - Bobby Brown Life theme song.... So Scary :blink:

  4. Buffalo Joe -- thanks for the reminder ... need to work on my other hobbies ... stuff to make for the furry ones !!! (and this hobby he really ignores me while I'm playing  :D  )


    My son has been trying to get me off the family computer for two hours now :lol: :lol: He is all :angry: Stupid Pcom :p :lol: :lol: :lol: I told him to get over he had it all day while I was sick last two days...


    Oh well I should get off I promised my 5 year old I would play strawberry short cake game with her :o :( Yes I am a good dad.




    Hijack Mz. Cue sorry to miss you yesterday at the shelter. I was ill. I still have stuff for the furry friends

  5. LOL!!! I'll have to let mine borrow that title!!!

    Exactly!!! This is mine... there are others like it but, this one is mine!!!  :lol:  :lol:


    My dh says... "So what's going on in the world today?"


    That would be fine every once in a while but not over and over and over again!!!

    I always try to redirect him to something he can do!!! Like a child!!  :o

    "Aren't there some tools that need to be cleaned, you haven't watched that show you recorded the other night..." and my personal favorite... "Don't you need to call your mother??"


    Shuts him up every time!!! :)



    HAHAHA Call your mother :lol:

  6. WOW... it took me a while to get caught up on this... I went to a concert on Friday, got sick that night spent 24 hours throwing up and I come back to this.. Whew.


    IMSTY no point in getting to angy, some people just don't have any darn sense. get over it and come on back I was just getting to know you.


    You make me laugh on a daily basis.


    Besides we need you to keep people in line who like to cross it.


    "Relishing in what you think is a victory? You are the one that needs to Grow Up, and all your little pictures from the 60's of a Monorail, aren't going to change a thing. Gee, if it was such a good idea, why haven't more cities built one in 46 years? Cause they don't work and are impractical.


    I can't wait till there is a news story about a child dying, or someones house burning down, and you go piping up about your dumbass cause, cause the paramedics could have used the monorail. Or better yet, pass flyers out at a funeral home, saying how the monorail can speed them to the grave site. "


    I agree Os.


    Ivey Love if you are serious you need to run for office... See how far it goes


    May be start a little smaller like I don't know say a bus route.

  7. Ever sense I applies for a home equity loan, I have been getting an outrageous amount of loan advertisements. From every state in the United States, and from abroad. too. Every county in the state of Georgia, it seems, are soliciting me, now.


    I'm going to have to change my, long standing, e-mail address, and it was fine until I applied for a loan.


    My bank as been sending me pamphlets, for years, about how dedicated they are in securing my financial privacy.




    That is very typical... Georgia Custom mortgages ... That my company gets offers alll the time to buy that kind of information... It is typical if the bank doesn't make money off of you they then sell the information or trade it for fresh leads with a lead vendor. :ninja:

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