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Buffalo Joe

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Posts posted by Buffalo Joe

  1. We didn't know... but we  :wub:  Charlie and was curious and protective... sorry... but hey now he has something interesting to read in the morning!!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    it's turned into a good thread!!! Good job!!  B)



    Don't we all love Charlie... But know I know Charlie.


    Good threads are all what it is about I have such little time to come play I have to make it count right.

  2. :o  So do we need to watch this thread for the drama factor? Should we start the rita's and popcorn now?


    I'm ready whenever you are..... :D



    :lol: :lol: You all are silly people I was not calling CB out... I just found out who he was and his wife is good friends with one of my best firends Joy to the World... And Though that grapevine my friend Joy said she heard about our evening at Atlantdaves this weekend... from CB's wife. He was sneekyy and never let on that we have met for two months I did not know that CB was a :ninja: ... In fact I have met CB a few times and never put it togehter... I thought it was funny... and you all think I was calling him out... :lol: :lol:


    Can I have some Popcorn and a drink? I would like the Apple Martini Please...

  3. I see both point here sarcasim or not... but being from buffalo where there used to be strip malls and all the stuff you all seeem to loathe... try this.... the economy went so bad since the fall of the steel industry in the late 70's as a result of cheap french steel and the politicians can't stop fighting long enough to get a clear vision on where to take the city(they were 2 days away from declaring bankruptcey last year... until the state stepped in and appointed a board to take control) The city that is becomes a vast waste land of strip malls, abandond biuldings, and manufacturing as more and more of the manufacturing sector moves to mexico and over seas. Then all that is left is miles of empty manufacturing plants that rot and crumble. Here is a quote from an artical run in 1984 about the section of Western new York in a city that was the heart of the buffalo steel industry


    "Three generations of Lackawanna families had poured steel here for a great cross-section of American industry since 1900. Bethlehem Steel acquired Lackawanna Iron and Steel Co., the parent company, in 1922 and by the 1960s it expanded the annual steelmaking capacity there to more than 5,720,000 net tons. Lackawanna became the third largest steel producer in the world with a work force of 21,000. Company brochures say the annual payroll during the peak years reached $120,000,000.


    Today, the plant lies ghost-like on the shore of Lake Erie. It is an industrial corpse, a cannibalized complex of lifeless smokestacks, black buildings, motionless and empty rails. The only sign of life is at the far end, where plumes of steam rise from the coke works. Only a bar mill and the galvanizing and cold strip mills across Highway 5 still turn out steel products, from semi-finished steel shipped in from Johnstown, Pa., and Burns Harbor, Ind. The plant’s total work force is down to 1,300 and rumors abound that it may soon shrink some more."


    And it has to nothing... they have been dismanteling the plant for the last 15 years and are still doing it... I go home to see my mom and dad and wow do I get sad to see all the unemployeed and the vast nothingness that used to be busy and expanding.... falling apart for the last 30 years.



    So to some the view of a bustling economy may seem harsh, too fast and ugly. I see jobs healthy economy and jobs for my kids when they get older so they do not have to move out of state to find a way to make a living. I guess it is amatter of perspective. It would be nice if there was more green space but it is nice to know that people with green paper are coming to our little town and providing jobs. Buffalo is a great town with great pople and a wonderful history.... there is just nothing left.


    Sorry I will get off my soap box.... but think about what we have if you have never been to part of the country like that feel blessed you live where you live.






  4. Not much to my youngest two YET, but one just turned 13 and the other is almost 12.  Now my stepdaughter lived with us from 11 until 17 and we went through it all.  Most of it was no phone, that bugged her, but take her music away and she went nuts.  Hubby even had to take the door off of her room one time and everything out of it because her attitude got so bad.


    Depending ont he problem we start samll and escilate as the bad attitude escilates. I agree.

  5. Just give the Seahawks the touchdown on the "push that wasn't."


    Score Steelers 21-17 - do you feel better now?



    The momentum woul dhave been so much different If some of these calls hadn't happend.. take a way theBS touchdown for BIGBEN. They were given the game the stats say it all.


    I am not a fan of either team... but he hawks were robbed

  6. WOW this is one out of kilter thread...   :lol: but it really is this is what the person who started this post meant.  heyward did not point out any single person but personal attacks flew back .  I guess they are opinions but I think Pubby is right on. 


    Mrs. H I have to agree... that is why God gave us free will!  The ability to make mistakes so his children can grow.  You can ask him for help but chances are you are on your own.  You put it better than I would have "If God answers the prayer, is it because this was already his will / plan ?

    Or because you prayed."


    Very on point!


    I should stop hitting buttons now.... I just quoted my self? :lol: :lol:

  7. Okay I am coming in late but I have a valid question related to the OP...

    When someone prays for something/someone...


    If God answers the prayer, is it because this was already his will / plan ?

    Or because you prayed.


    I believe in prayers as sending good thoughts, healing energy/vibrations,

    but do not believe they change the outcome of a situation...



    WOW this is one out of kilter thread... :lol: but it really is this is what the person who started this post meant. heywood did not point out any single person but personal attacks flew back . I guess they are opinions but I think Pubby is right on.


    Mrs. H I have to agree that is why God gave us free will! The ability to make mistakes so his children can grow. You can ask him for help but chances are you are on your own. You put it better than I would have "If God answers the prayer, is it because this was already his will / plan ?

    Or because you prayed."


    Very on point!

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