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Posts posted by dirttrackbabe

  1. I saw the thread you are talking about, but had nothing to offer so I didn't post.


    Yeah, there are a lot of people on p.com that are ready to help even if you just need a good shoulder to cry on.


    I hope your day gets better.



    I hope everything works out for you.



    I have no idea what is going on but if I can help in any way let me know :) I always try to help out anyone if there is a way I can. Hope things get better for you!! :)



    In this day and age, who hasn't??? (Rhetorical question)


    It'll all be okay. Keep your chin up!



    If it was something minor, he'll probably be out in a few days anyway. The best way for him to learn a lesson from this is to have to suffer the consequences of his actions.

    Hang in there.



    Hang in there things will get better!



    I bet you haven't been married very long, and I know how you feel. When I was 18, and my husband and I had been married only like 10 mos, it was Christmas Eve, and we were waiting at my grandmothers to have our Christmas with them. I get a phone call, and it's my husband, and he's been arrested (he had been to the Christmas Eve ride). Granted, it was something stupid...he wasn't driving drunk, but he was drunk, and he was letting his drunk uncle drive his truck. I was MORTIFIED...here was my whole family, and I'm having to explain that I have to leave to go get my drunk new husband out of jail. :rolleyes:


    Just keep your chin up, and maybe if this is something minor, your hubby will just have to pay a fine, and learn his lesson, and y'all will laugh about it 10 years later. ;)



    Sorry to hear this. Maybe if you go over and visit with his mom you might feel differently and you might feel a little bit better. She may have a real good reason for what she is doing and she may be able to comfort you during this hard time.

    Like you said earlier, I don't know you from Adam and I could be way off base here too, but coming from a mom with kids about your age it sounds like his mom has good reasons to be doing what she is doing.



    I hope things work out for you. Not sure what happened as I didnt' see the other thread but keep your chin up!!!!!!! :)

    see this is what i was talking about, everyone being supportive and all and not knowing whats going on...

    :wub: :wub: :wub:

  2. Sorry to hear this. Maybe if you go over and visit with his mom you might feel differently and you might feel a little bit better. She may have a real good reason for what she is doing and she may be able to comfort you during this hard time.

    Like you said earlier, I don't know you from Adam and I could be way off base here too, but coming from a mom with kids about your age it sounds like his mom has good reasons to be doing what she is doing.

    i hope she does...


    well they are going to get him out while im here going crazy he is supposed to call me when he gets out but so far no call.


    I bet you haven't been married very long, and I know how you feel. When I was 18, and my husband and I had been married only like 10 mos, it was Christmas Eve, and we were waiting at my grandmothers to have our Christmas with them. I get a phone call, and it's my husband, and he's been arrested (he had been to the Christmas Eve ride). Granted, it was something stupid...he wasn't driving drunk, but he was drunk, and he was letting his drunk uncle drive his truck. I was MORTIFIED...here was my whole family, and I'm having to explain that I have to leave to go get my drunk new husband out of jail. :rolleyes:


    Just keep your chin up, and maybe if this is something minor, your hubby will just have to pay a fine, and learn his lesson, and y'all will laugh about it 10 years later. ;)


    hes already got 2 fines from between 3-5 years ago ...yeah it will probasbly take taht long to pay off al the fines

  3. Well, if his mom says not to go get him, she's probably right.


    I don't know what he did, but some lessons are best learned the hard way.


    no she donent want me to go period ...she is mad at me like its my fault.


    That's just stupid you are an adult afterall...((HUGS))

    i know

  4. If it was something minor, he'll probably be out in a few days anyway. The best way for him to learn a lesson from this is to have to suffer the consequences of his actions.

    Hang in there.

    his bond was set 2 hours ago but i cant go get him...his mom told me not to go :blink: :angry:...but im trying to hang in there


    Age? I don't understand? Hope you figure something out soon. ((HUGS))


    im 18 and you have to be 25 to get a bonds man..he was arrested...thanks

  5. In this day and age, who hasn't??? (Rhetorical question)


    It'll all be okay. Keep your chin up!



    i hope...he already has his court date and its set for jan 31st ...i cant keep my chin up till i know whats to come of his court date

  6. I saw the thread you are talking about, but had nothing to offer so I didn't post.


    Yeah, there are a lot of people on p.com that are ready to help even if you just need a good shoulder to cry on.


    I hope your day gets better.



    yeah i know and i appreciate it all....well hes still not out and i cant get him out because of my age

  7. why i stay on pcom....the people...i have had so many people tell me if i need them to just ask, and what gets me is that no who knows the whole story, its like it dosent even matter what the situations is..i have done nothing but cry since i found out, and just being on pcom has kept me sane...i just wanted to let everyone know that i appreciate all the support..

    a BIG thanks to my pcom family



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