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Posts posted by frontporchmom

  1. It reminds me of the Susan Smith incident when she drove her 2 children in the lake and stood there and watched them drown.

    And the mother of 5, can't remember her name, her husband was a scientist or something, she killed all 5 of her kids before he got home and they blamed it on post partum. The husband and her mother both knew she was having a very difficult time dealing with reality much less the kids and they still left her alone with them.

    Very, very sad for everyone involved :(

  2. we watched it ^_^ we had a puppy pile on my bed in the dark and watched it.. my four year old cried like a baby when he left that tree... she's definitely my child :lol:

    Awwwe, I loved when me and my kids would wait for the Christmas shows to come on and sit and watch them, all bundled up, and enjoy them together.


    And such a tender heart at four years old to cry over the little tree :blush: I loved Chritmas with the little ones.

  3. It starts with cold weather.

    I just can't fathom how people in Hawaii get in the Christmas spirit.

    I love, love, love cold weather for the holidays. And Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without watching "It's a wonderful Life" :wub:

  4. Yes, Eric survived, and he's doing much better. Thanks for asking.


    The accident was with a logging truck. From what I am hearing today, the logs went through the cab of the car (thus the destruction to the cab), and the car was drug about 100 feet down the road. But here's the real kicker--I didn't know this until my daughter's email this morning--the truck DROVE OFF!!

    Oh no!!!! Did anyone happen to witness the accident? Did they get to see a name on the truck or a tag #? I hope someone saw something to make this person be held responsible for this.


    Glad Eric is doing better.

  5. :( hey everyone i just have to vent...I moved here to Dallas a month ago and went to get out my christmas thing's and no christmas tree... I CAN'T FIND MY CHRISTMAS TREE I think i left it at the apartment..i'm goin to miss my tree now i'll have to get another one...anyway thanks for letting me vent

    Sorry about your christmas tree, but WELCOME to pcom :) :D

  6. This may be a stupid question and I probably should know this but where exactly are you located? IN the next chapter? And exactly where is that?

    The next chapter was a book store in Dallas that closed in October :(

  7. i work in a office group of girls i need idea for a inexpensive gift tired of coffee cups and

    candy help!!!

    Scarlet Indulgence bath soaps, scrubs, candles etc.... are great :)

  8. Crocs.jpg

    These are the new winter crocs :) for men, women and children. All colors.


    Up until this past summer I couldn't have agreed more!

    But after a day a the mall and my feet were killing me, I crossed to the dark side and bought a pair.

    Best shoes I own!


    And I agree, they are really NOT a winter shoes. Specially for kids.

  9. two things you could do...


    1) send them a letter stating that if they do not stop calling you that you will file harssment charges.


    2) start talking dirty to them and think of the weirdest stuff you copuld possibly do to say while doing it like rubbing limbergercheese all over yourself while wearing a puprle burlap gurtle.


    if for some reason they like that sort of thing run with it.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  10. There is a place in downtown Douglasville. I can't remember the name of it but it was really big and very nice it is two levels. Check with the chamber of commerce

    Don't know if this is the one you are talking about, but "Le Jardin Blanc" Is across the tracks from Hudson's B-BQ in D-ville. Very pretty english garden in the back and also a huge tent that stays up year round. Not much room on the inside for anything.

    You can google the name to see if you like it. I don't know how to post a link ;)

  11. Guilty here too, I love my flip flops :)

    Not flip flops, but you can catch me in my crocs( w/ :blush: socks on underneath)

    I don't wear crocs, but some of my family does, and my nephew wants the new winter crocs.


    Has anyone seen the winter style crocs? The ones with the lambs wool inside? :wacko: They think of every thing don't they? :D :D

  12. I would suggest looking on foodnetwork.com or another web site, for some tips on cooking a turkey for the first time. Everyone has a different recipe, some very simple and some more difficult with lots of seasonings and cooking times.....cooking bags, wrapped in tinfoil or just in a big broil pan that has to be basted every so often, so check under several......Paula usually has a few good recipes.


    Oh, and remember to have fun while cooking for the holiday :D :D

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